M: Oh ho you started it [our document] this time.
M: So yes. It’s time once again, for Max and Jen’s our slightly delayed but always reflective Doctor Who episode review, recap, revelry, and other “r” words. This week we’re looking at Neil Cross’s second episode for Doctor Who “Hide”.
J: Yes. Also my nails look fresh to death in Versailles colors. But this week’s episode of Doctor Who was NOT Fresh to Death, because it SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH.

Aw yes, terrifying. Look it’s me Jen whenever your back is turned.
M: But it was a really, really, good episode. Definitely better than Neil’s other offering with Rings. Perhaps the best episode from this half of the series so far. I’m tough, I was really spoiled by Series 5, care for the awful Silurian two-parter, those episodes just feel so long but in a good way. The episodes are starting to get a bit meatier and more cinematic again. I’m glad they returned loosely to the Clara plot-line with the Doctor wanting to speak to the empathic psychic Emma Grayling to “check” if she was normal.
J: Yeah the Doctor is definitely manipulating the places they land. Sort of like when he checked in with the flesh when he was suspicious of Amy… something big is going on here and I like that we’re just getting tiny tidbits of information.
M: It’s a lot more subtle than some of other Moffat’s plotlines. Themes aren’t subtle though.
J: NEXT week we’ll get tons of TARDIS action. And if this week’s little tiff between Clara and the TARDIS was any indicator of what we’re going to see next Saturday…I can’t wait!

Clara: Let me in.
TARDIS: Naw. No. Nope. Sheesh. No. Well may- No.
M: I think we should talk a little bit more about some of the themes we’re picking up in these episodes. Tumblr in particular is going rabid over Clara’s rose motifs; posters, boxes and floral patterns and thus literal the character Rose allusions. Like “ ROES OMG ROSE ROAAAAAAASEEEE ROSE”, I’m not really sure what to think, I feel like we’re getting a lot of intentional red herrings a la Flesh Doctor. Moffat didn’t (used to not) like Rose. (Btw Susan’s real Gallifreyan name, Arkytior meant ‘rose’ as revealed in a short story!.)
J: I don’t know how much of the rose stuff is intentional and how much is coincidence. Like the rose in her hair in Asylum was definitely a reference to Carmen, but if it turns out to be a connection to Rose and ten two… PLUS ALSO TEN AND TWO IS TWELVE AND WHEN TWELVE SHOWS UP SILENCE WILL FALL OMG BS;DLFJK;LKJCAWLRKNSZDCL;JSWAEOFIJS’LCJS
M: Yes. Again there is a lot to speculate about. But I think there are a few theories that I think we both side with a bit more. Once again FAMILY is put front and center. Mothers. Grandfathers and Granddaughters. Mentioning Susan. The reveal that the time traveler stuck in the pocket universe was the empath and the scientist’s great x granddaughter, immediately, immediately sent off bells to me. The scientist aboard the submarine talking about his daughter, the alien talking about his daughter. It’s just everywhere.
J: Yeah but I’m glad next week is a TARDIS episode, because it’s becoming almost a tedious theme at this point to have everyone related every week.
M: Well I was more thinking in regards to Clara and the Doctor shippers. MARK MY WORDS SHIPPERS YOUR SHIP WILL SINK. IT WILL SINK SO FAST. IT WON’T EVEN FLOAT.
J: Like a sinking submarine?
M: Yes. Like a sinking Soviet submarine with atomic warheads and an irritated alien on board.

“Hiya babe lemme hold that fer just a second”
Clara are Whouffles, I am Skaldak.
J: I knew what you meant about the Doctor and Clara–their relationship is definitely that of a grumpy old man and his young whatever following him around. Like Inspector Gadget and Penny or something. But still, I’m glad next week is about the TARDIS. I can’t stress that enough. Even though we should talk about the scary stuff from this week. Hold on one second I have to build a blanket fort……
M: Ah yeah the “ghosts” and monsters in this one were fantastic. Things got a little Scooby-Doo when Clara thought the Doctor was holding her hand, but in general them NOT showing the monster thumping around the house much, or in the forest and focusing more on the character’s paranoia and sounds I think is so much more scary than throwing monsters at you that you can see.
J: I feel like that’s the kind of scary Doctor Who does best–like the Silence and the Angels are scariest when you can’t see them.
M: I wish more horror films did this more, they do, but only so they can have the pop-out scare. Also nice inversion at the end there with these so called monsters are actually pretty goofy.

M: The reveal? They were ugly but in a really “Ohhhhh bless” kind of way, my reaction was the same as the Doctor’s. Pinhead stick monster. Hurr.
J: I was under my blanket. What was the significance of the “Hide” title this week? I don’t get it. Actually, as far as the sci-fi goes…I was kind of in Akhtan again and didn’t understand what the hell was going on through most of the episode. Obviously I understood that the woman was in the pocket universe and ——–oh crap. Tennant’s suit. We have to talk about Tennant’s suit.
M: Oh yes. These are great little throw-backs going on like this. It’s subtle but not? If that makes sense.
J: Yeah, it does make sense. I think it’s like nods to the fans that have stuck around for a really long time–but you have to have a sharp eye to catch the references.

Also dashing. No. That’s a lie.
J: Additionally, I just got a chill thinking about the day when David returns.
M: And then leave again.
J: I should probably just start crying now, save future me the trouble.
M: No, don’t. Moffat wants your tears. He feeds off of them. Never let the writers have your tears! WE SHOULD KNOW THIS JEN WE ARE WRITERS WE SHOULD KNOW THIS!
J: But…the emotional whiplash is coming. I can feel it. I can feel it right down in these stubby bow legs of mine.
M: Meanwhile OH we should probably gush about River. River’s back. In the finale. My dreams have come true. She’ll be like “Hi love, this is our granddaughter, she got caught in a machine and spread throughout the time xo”
J: **mouth gaping**
M: Well, she might know something. We’ll find Clara’s purpose/secret then too. Coincidence River showing up? Well it is the Fields. I think? NOT SURE. I think the love triangle they’re talking about for the finale will be the TARDIS, River and Clara, not the Doctor. Never the Doctor.
J: That is one ghey triangle. I have been avoiding almost all the news on this season because I don’t want it spoiled. All I can do is speculate on what I hope things will be. And all I want for the finale is like thirteen days worth of Rose and Ten Two kissing.
M: I’m wondering if it is Ten Two or not, they were filming Ten and Queen Elizabeth scenes. That might be a bummer. But Tentwoo was supposedly given a Tardis chunk too. So. I DUNNO. I hope it’s them.
J: Dun no dun care. I stand by my desires from last week for a ton of domestic Doctor Who. I feel like we’re leaving something out this week though…
M: I dunno. A good episode overall?
J: There was a lot of high fiving this week.
M: Yes. Lots. I really don’t understand how anyone can ship them. It’s too…naw.
J: Uh, I think that ends our recap of the week. Weird, since we learned some stuff about Clara. Like how she’s human and normal.
M: She hates whiskey. Eleventh most disgusting thing ever.
J: Fifth. but nice try. The Doctor did however take a selfie.
M: Pretty sure she said eleventh. He did take a selfie.
J: I’m sorry I just saw this on my sister’s tumblr and I can’t stop laughing
) )z
you are the dancing queen
) )z
young and sweet
) )z
only seventeen
dancing queen
<) )
feel the beat
~) )~
of the tambourine
) )-@*jingle*
(Source: http://megahomo.tumblr.com/post/48484341933/o-o-z-you-are-the-dancing)
M: That’s the Doctor. Or Clara on tambourine for Karen & The Babes.
J: My cheeks hurt I can’t
I can’t stop laughing I’m—I legit just choked.
M: That’s it folks, we’ve lost Jen.
J: Its the jingle at the end that does it. But yes this week’s episode of Doctor Who was terrifying and if we never have an episode that scary again it will be okay.
M: For clarification I made her watch it at like 1:30 am.
J: In my room. My ATTIC. ROOM. ALONE. Anywho, I don’t think I have anything more to add except I really liked the aesthetic this week; it was a genuinely scary ghost tale, and next week looks awesome.
M: Agreed. Center of The Tardis. Bring it on BBC. Bring. It.
) )-@*jingle*
Max Eber and Jen Schiller
Staff Writers/The Doctor and Amy Pond
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