I’m going to up these installments to 3 villains a piece. Whilst I will NOT be covering every villain ever in the Marvel Universes, I will try to cover quite a few of them before turning my attentions to DC! I hope all of you out there have an excellent Fourth of July and pop some firecrackers, eat some grilled yummies, get excited for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part two AND Captain America! This month’s installment of CCIV, will feature Deacon Frost, the planet gulping Galactus, and Wendigo! Let us begin!
Primarily brought to widespread fame due to the Blade movies, Frost was introduced in 1973 in the Tomb of Dracula series. Depending on what you read, Frost a scientist or physician seeking immortal life through science and got injected with his prototype serum, resulting in him becoming a vampire. Sucks to be that guy, right? Due to this odd way of becoming a beast of the night, he has the interesting ability to create a copy of the people he’s infected. Deacon Frost is also the vampire who infected Blade’s mother while she was carrying him, therefore the reason Blade is a dhampir. He has currently been “killed” several times by Blade and was currently staked by him at the summoning of Dracula.
Deacon Frost’s powers include creating doppelgangers of those he’s infected and the general powers of a vampire (i.e. superhuman strength and agility, aversion to the sun, blood drinking, almost immortal)
If you’d like to read some great story featuring Deacon Frost, read Blade: Sins of the Father!
Best Deacon Frost quote in my opinion: “Tell me, where would you be if I hadn’t slaked my thirst at your mother’s throat?”
With two siblings named Eternity and Death, you know Galactus is gonna be badass. He eats a steady stream of planets and solar systems so he’s quite large as well as intimidating. Hell, the guy has a herald who tells of the doom he’s about to spread! Galactus was previously named Galan in the existence before ours and is the sole remaining survivor of that race. For over forty years, he has been an icon in the Marvel Universe, if only for the mass destruction and threat he continually brings to the planet Earth and involved planets/galaxies. Originally planning on eating and destroying Earth, he is surprised at confrontation from the Fantastic Four and his own herald, the Silver Surfer. Galactus does succeed in destroying several planets, including the Skrull home world. He first appeared in Fantastic Four in 1966 and has been wreaking havoc every since (no, not that Havok). Galactus is currently antagonizing Skaar, son of Hulk, and is involved with the recently finished Chaos War mini series.
Galactus’ powers include appearing humanoid in appearance but adapting to each race (i.e. Skrulls see him as Skrullian, humans see him human, etc), vast cosmic knowledge, teleportation across space and time, creation of all measures, pyrokinesis, telekinesis and telepathy among many others; he is in essence, a god.
Hmmm, I’d say that if you want a good Galactus arc, try out the Annihilation story from 2006.
My favorite Galactus quote is: “What Galactus knows – he can destroy! Only in the vast unknown does danger dwell.”

a rendering of wendigo by printmonkey on DeviantArt. check out his other art at http://johnpriskart.blogspot.com/
Ya know what happens when you go Hannibal Lector on people? You get cursed and turn into a Wendigo. There have been several incarnations of Wendigo in the Marvel Universes, most of which have been killed. A Wendigo is asuperhumanly strong, nearly indestructible, fur-covered monster who the X-Men, Avengers, Alpha Flight and many others have come across in their travels. First seen in the Incredible Hulk in 1973, the Wendigo draws on a Native American legend meant to deter cannibalism. Wendigos have recently shown up in the current Avengers Academy series.
Wendigo powers include sufficient strength to go toe-to-toe with the Incredible Hulk, very tough tissues, making it almost indestructible, razor sharp talons (almost as tough as adamantine) and is impervious to extreme cold.
The only quote worth hearing from a Wendigo: “WENDIGO!”
Check out Sabertooth: Open Seasons for a decent spattering of Wendigo sightings OR play X-Men Arcade on your XBOX360 :)
best arc
Love the”favorite quote” idea
why, thank you :)
Very cool blog. Very.