So, fellow Who watchers, the mysterious Clara/Oswin/Oswald (like a sandwich in any particular order) is going to have her first actual episode in exactly two weeks launching the bombastic second half to Doctor Who’s Series 7. She’s yet another “impossible” Moffat girl who notably has somehow hacked into hive mind entities twice for the Doctor before dying. And yet she keeps coming back like a snarky Lazarus, perfect for Lent! Intriguing? Yes. Many people are excited. Others intrigued. There have been noticeable parallels to River Song some think are intentional. Rabid fan theories are abound that she’s their daughter (squickyyy you don’t kiss dad, though you shouldn’t kiss your mother-in-law either). Others like myself theorize she is related to the Great Intelligence and the “lost” memories of the in real life destroyed Second series footage, all adventures the Doctor seems to have forgotten himself (perhaps a side effect of literally erasing himself from the Universe as well). Whatever the case; she is Clara. She seems cute and intriguing, she’s gonna either help the Doctor get over his loss of the Ponds or her true nature is revealed to lead him to the fields of Trenzalore and kills him horribly and he regenerates into Twelve and silence falls (because let’s face it the Silence are not scared of Eleven, they are scared of the Fall of The Eleventh and thus the coming of Twelve, Twelve is going to be a doozy) and whatever let’s see what happens right? Everything peachy?
At least for my regular partner in crime at Team Rocket, Jen (your fellow ihogeek scribe Jenisaur), Clara has a terrible, horrible, awful fault that makes everything well, awful: She is not Amy Pond. She is not Amy. Thus she must die.
Now, this averse reaction; hackles raised, new companions condemned to expletives and eye rolling, calling out for former companions. Possible death threats (okay literal death threats) are all symptoms of a horrible condition; new companion traumaitis and our dear friend Jen is prone to this condition.

Insert naughty ” I got yo man River what you gonna do tell ur mum hehehe” type joke here. Whoops.
Jen in particular theorizes that had it not been for a huge outbreak of new companion traumaitis among fans after the loss of Rose and the appointment of Martha, Martha herself would probably be much more popular had she arrived following different circumstances. This terrible condition is contagious, and at times extremely chronic. I say chronic because in the case study of Jen, I can firsthand attest that Jen after the loss of Donna, Rose AND David did the same thing to Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond and Matt Smith that she is now doing to Clara. I recall specifically showing her the first published image of Matt and Karen on set for The Time of Angels, before the costume department stuck Amy in a Little Red Riding Hood red sweatshirt and instead had her decked in very Wendy Darling robin-egg blue.
The expletives, the condemnation. I remember it well. She called Matt a hipster baby and as Amy Pond herself would demand, said his bowtie was ridiculous and must go. I defended his bowtie since I dressed and still sort of dress like that myself. I thought Karen was pretty. Jen, Jen wouldn’t have it. It was basically “WHO ARE THESE GIRAFFE HIPSTER BITCHES AND WHY ISN’T SHE ROSE OH GOD DONNA OH NO TEN NO NO NO WHY IS HE NINE YEARS OLD GET OUT MOON FACED GINGER BITCH AND BOWTIE BOY BYE ” except in much less nicer terms as I am no doubt paraphrasing and being much more kind. Safe to say she didn’t watch Series 5 for a whole year.
But then well, she watched it. And it wasn’t until Amy’s Choice that Amy won her over when it became clear she wasn’t another Rose and new companion traumaitis dissipated. And now she is clawing for Amy to come back. Quote:
I hate Clara probably more than I hated Amy when she first showed up in her stupid fucking blue sweatshirt and tights like she was god’s gift to hipsters.which she is but that’s not the goddamn point. I hate clara so much I wish she would choke on her souffle.
Does your loved one suffer from new companion traumaitis? Please readers, share either your or loved ones nct stories of struggle and survival with us if you or a loved one has been affected by nct in the past or are struggling through it now.
May you all have a wonderful week, and above all, stay strong.
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
I’m dying right now. Like holding back my laughter so hard that tears have sprung to my eyes, because I am at work and can’t laugh an appropriate amount for this article. You’re ridiculous.
this was so hilarious. i know those feels, jen.
Very true. Except the bit about Martha and Rose. Everyone knows Martha was a terrible companion and she was a poor follow up to Rose.
Weirdly, the people I’ve come across feel just the opposite >_< I did hate Martha (and Donna for that matter) for showing up the second 10 didn't get to finish his sentence. I was still hurting, man!
My favorite companion was Amy Pond but before that it was Rose Tyler. I like how Amy, Rory and River all tied into together in the story.
I didn’t really like Donna and Martha. They were kinda annoying. I do like the story of how Donna and the Doctor met.
I am very curious about Clara because I don’t know much about her yet but like the fact that she shows up in different times which means she could be a Time Lord.
Loved the article!
I guess I’m weird. I liked Martha and Donna. In the beginning I had a crush on Rose and then really with Amy. But in both cases the longer they were on the more I grew to dislike them as companions. Way too much drama! Everyone should feel sorry for poor Rose (whiny spoiled brat) Then the Doctor is all bent up because his one true love is stuck in a alternative universe. It was even worse with Amy Pond. She started off as the perfect companion. But by the time they got to “The Girl Who Waited” it was all drama. The perfect story about time from different view points and instead it turned into who loves who more? Who is a great guy? They turned Doctor Who into a soap opera. If I wanted to watch interpersonal relationships in front of a thin veil of science fiction I’d watch Torchwood. (Most of Torchwood’s adult content seems more like adolescent content to me.) But with the romance the doctor had with River was totally different. It seemed to make the science fiction work instead of detracting from it. (little or no drama) I can see Clara and her “snog box” will be more of the same. If Peter Davidson had a love triangle with Tegan and Nyssa I might not be watching the show now. Of coarse this is all my opinion. Some people like soap operas.
My husband suffers from New Doctor Traumaitis and has never accepted Matt. He still wants Tennant back. Fanboy.
Please tell him I have him in our thoughts and hope he finds ways to alleviate his pain.
Aha! I’ve never accepte the 11th Doctor.
I’ve hated every companion since Rose Tyler.
I love Dr Who buts its becoming painful to watch, I hate the new writer and I’m sorry but I really really really really hate Clara so much! What does she think shes doing? Ugh!! I don’t think I’ll get over it…ever.
I would love if that is the case for me. I have tried DESPERATELY to like Clara, and I didn’t really like Amy that much until the 6th season when she matured a bit, so I can’t say nct was the reason. I don’t like Clara because of her confidence Matt is going to fall for her. I can totally deal with her being the clever one, the one that can show up Matt in witt and charm, but well… I mean… WHAT HAPPENED TO RIVER? I loved her flirty ways and her dedication to the doctor. I would hate for him to give up HER for someone who thinks she can whistle and make the doctor come running. I feel like she should be more grateful too….
I laughed at this cause it’s so great!! I LOVED Martha and Rose!! They were my favorite companions. Donna, I didn’t really like her and Amy was annoying. I really liked Rory though. Clara I dislike her and she’s the worst companion!! She’s always asking to be told things at the most inappropriate timing. I just cannot stand her!!
she is a fucking mary sue I hate her and her stupid suffle
Clara should definetly choke on her souffle.
At first I was like Ok this is going to be different but I won’t hate her off the bat cause that wouldn’t be fair. Then third episode in and I just want to smack her….repeatedly.
I have a hunch everything about Clara isn’t all told. I think Series 8 will be about her mother quite frankly. Still need to explain why her 23rd birthday was crossed out. The dates of her Mom’s death. It’s all very suspect.