The new season of everybody’s friendly neighborhood ginger Serial Killer starts soon, and I’m anxious to see where they are taking this little teensy weensy family conflict. One thing that has been growing as much as the body count Dex piles up is the number the fan art sites and submissions from professional and amateur artists (and apparently some who aren’t really artists per se as much as “tribute payers” (like the guy shown in the bottom right who took a photo of his wife’s had on his face….oookkkkayyy). On this, site I found not only some fantastic pieces worthy of framing, but also some things that looked like a digital version of a preteen’s school locker “I (heart) Edward” collage. I applaud that, though, because the Dexter fan art sites I’ve perused encompass the “everyman” charm of Dexter. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to be artistically talented, just share that enthusiasm for a common character and it’s all good. I’m sure if Dexter had a heart it would be bursting with pride; even for that creepy bowling painting.
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