J: Hello. I shouldn’t be typing, so I apologize in advance readers.
M: You really shouldn’t be typing. An alien bit her wrist.
J: With his space teeth. But that’s neither here nor there, we’re here to discuss “Nightmare in Silver” which apparently Neil Gaiman had to rewrite when Moffat changed his mind about Clara.
M: She was going to be the Governess the whole time! UGH. Victorian companion. I cry.
J: Yisss.
M: Sad it didn’t happen. Like the bajillion Clara’s though there were TWO Doctors again in this episode!
J: I think this week’s highlight is unarguably Matt’s acting. I mean…he was really phenomenal as the double doctor.
M: It was perhaps the truly good thing about the episode unfortunately, Neil sort of wrote a less than stellar episode for his second try. He really excels at emotional things, so the personification of the TARDIS in The Doctor’s Wife was more or less one of the best things he could ever do.
M: This time it was only so-so, lacking none of the magic from before which again may relate to the reduction of Fairy-tale mysticism that was sort of all over that episode with Idris. I felt nothing for the soldiers and crew in this episode, they felt like watered down versions of the miners in “The Almost People”/” The Rebel Flesh” but not nearly as round, interesting, or sympathetic. I really feel this half of the series and series 7 as a whole has suffered narrative-wise since there haven’t been any two-parters and only one-shot adventures.That effect has left me lukewarm.
J: This would have made a really interesting two-parter, with the first half being exploring the planet and the second being getting the monster out of the doctor’s head…ala “The Amost People” as you compared.Also if the Who episode was a chess game, then Clara’s “kids” were just pawns to get the Doctor emotionally invested without tying Clara up.
J: We’ve had a lot of red herrings in 7.2. But now were one episode away from the finale and it seems like…crap. Like how are all these loose ends getting tied up next week?

Clara. Clara. Stop falling through time miasma Clara. Stop. It.
M: They’ve said MANY loose ends get tied up at least the actors have said so but looking at the trailer, the new Whispermen, RIVER SONG, graveyards, the flashbacks to Galifrey. I really don’t know how Clara’s mom, her book, and Summer Falls and all the other very obvious “clues” will truly fit as they all formerly seemed to have. They were much better at offering breadcrumbs of info and repetitive motifs in 5 and 6 even if the episodes were not two-parters and were for all purposes a solo-story.
J: Yeah well those were the good ol’ days of dark fairytales and a beautiful TARDIS console. Not even the TARDIS herself is very pleased with this season…
M: I mean I like it, but Clara is becoming a hard sell, we just have to accept she’s there and yet we really haven’t seen the in-between the action like we did with Amy and Donna, Rose etc that helps round the character out. The Doctor ponders her in the preview as being “too perfect” so maybe she is actually meant to be like that. That even the Doctor is a bit sketched out that she just plopped into the companion role and is THE PERFECT “classic” Who type companion archetype as if they’ve been pals forever, and it’s intentional because at the root she was as she said “ born to save The Doctor” so she literally DOES shoehorn her way in despite him being the instigator in getting her to come with him. So, I’m actively looking forward to seeing if that’s the case to explain WHY we know so little about her or why she is so not, terribly compelling other than being a companion. I mean I really want to like her, but there haven’t been any consistent reasons to. Her possibly being fragmented all across time? THAT’S INTERESTING.
J: I think what you’re trying to say overall is BOO CLARA WE WANT RIVER.
M: River looks different. I’m wondering what they’re aiming for maybe the color of her hair in ‘Silence In The Library”.

Aw yeah River in Jedi duds. A+ costume department.
J: All I know is her costume design is simply sublime. Really just beautiful.
M: Really a lot of people don’t like it, says she looks pregnant. I don’t see it, and she drinks what looks to be champagne in a clip that was either released or leaked so…probably not.
J: Whatever. That costume is beautiful. But yeah “Nightmare in Silver” was ironically one of the first episodes this season that wasn’t that scary…
M: Yeah this season has a very, very scary tone and content but the format and pacing is again back to a more children/family show feel in execution and sort of simplicity so its a really weird mix. Not to say 5 and 6’s were that much better, it was just different.
J: Each episode used to feel like its own movie.
M: Some episodes used to be about five minutes longer too I think. Plus you do have to consider 5 and 6 were heavy on two-parters so you essentially did get an 80ish plus minute movie out of them on one narrative, that’s double the time and plot for each thing. “The Angels Take Manhattan” needed to be a two-parter for sure. Are most of the directors are new this season aren’t they?
J: If I’m not mistaken yes, but that’s pretty standard.
M: Hmm. Either way, something is off. The finale really needs to blow me away.

If this teaser is the entire finale then I’d be satisfied.
J: I agree. If the Doctor’s name isn’t Keith I’m rage quitting.
M: I really don’t think we’ll be hearing it. We might but it will be said in Galifreyian so we won’t understand. Something of that ilk. Just like how ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ wasn’t really about his wife. I mean it was since the TARDIS is the love of his life, but not really. So FAKEOUT.
J: RTD went on the record several times saying they’re never going to reveal his name, so I’m pretty interested to see what Moffat does with it. AND TRENZALORE! I am so excited to see Trenzalore. It actualy wouldn’t surprise me if Clara turns out to be a trap planted by the Great Intelligence… I need to slow down my wrist is biting me.
M: I don’t think she’s a trap, I think she’s more a literal failsafe. The fact we see her in the 80s, 70s and 60s all seems to show that she has popped up all throughout the Doctor’s life, and perhaps have saved him more than once, but dies each time perhaps without him knowing at times.
J: Then why does the TARDIS hate her so much?
M: I have a hunch she is fragmented all throughout time. Thus she is a walking paradox even if she, THIS Clara is the true blue original one who decides to throw herself into whatever because of hearing about the other Claras. So its your own unknown past/future affecting your current choice after discovering it. The TARDIS would sense that and not like it since you’re forming a really convoluted web.
J: Shes a smart one, that old girl. So whats your greatest (reasonable) hope for the finale?
M: A nice resolution with River Song and perhaps a firm sad bookend for the Pond era. To bring them up would be nice. I’d like to know why the Doctor has forgotten some of his own past including his previous encounters with the Great Intelligence. I’d like Clara to be explained throughly, including her mom who seemed so important. And yourself?
J: I want something that firmly leads in to the fiftieth anniversary special–some major clue as to how Ten and Rose are going to be back…in addition to the things you said, of course. I’m kind of over Clara.
M: Like I said I hope the finale gives her a “reason” to be and suddenly everything makes sense.

J: Yes. We’re going to have to wait and see.
M: Yes indeed.
J: So now, dear friends, how have you liked this season so far? What are you hoping for in the finale? Thanks for putting up with our ridiculousness in 7.2.
M: Meet you at Trenzalore.
Jen Schiller and Max Eber
Staff Writers and Amy/The Doctor