As constant t-shirt wearers, nay, t-shirt enthusiasts, we have two qualifications for clothing that adorns our upper torso: geeky and comfortable. Thankfully there is a myriad of sites dedicated to clothing such as this and ThinkGeek is definitely the forerunner. ThinkGeek entered my personal radar several years ago when I had googled “geek maternity” for a gift. It’s been a nonstop relationship since, full of angst and joy, and we here at IHOG decided to formulate this mini series of Geek Swag and where to go to find that perfectly geeky attire.
For those that don’t know, ThinkGeek is a website that caters almost exclusively to the nerdy, geeky, and tech savvy of all shapes and sizes. From trinkets like an SS Enterprise pizza cutter to the April Fools joke gone real Tauntaun sleeping bag, ThinkGeek has an impressive array of shirts. What are some of IHOG’s personal faves? These!

Even the Sith can't afford the rent. Help a dark sider out by sporting this "For Sale By Owner" Death Star tee.
ThinkGeek has a humble beginning. The founders wanted a site that would appeal to everyone normal sites wouldn’t. Their target audience/market included programmers, engineers, lovers of open source, linux coders, and anyone else passionate about technology and the internet. Hey, I think we can all envision the founders huddling together in their Virginian lair and downloading their ISP to floppies! They admit being unable to afford Solaris and using a free UNIX type OS but luckily were able to launch in 1999. Obviously, they have blown up across the interwebs and their staff has grown to accommodate the increased demand for their progress.
Add them to your Facebook, your Twitter, they even have work cams you can check out on their website. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of one of the 31 employees or 2 canines they keep around the office.
If you’re ever looking for geeky maternity clothes, or hell, want a Domobacca shirt like I have or a Death Star: Home for Sale shirt like Max and Kimme, check them out via their official page with office webcams, their twitter, facebook, and youtube! Your money will be spent wisely!
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