Community is finally back on television Thursday nights after a four month hiatus. The show was supposed to return to NBC in October, but was pushed back until an unspecified date in the spring, but returned two weeks ago to great celebration; especially since the late schedule didn’t deter the show from running another of their much-loved Halloween specials.
In season three’s finale, the crew dove deep into a video game created by Pierce’s Dad, designed both to tease Pierce for his love of video games, and to keep him from collecting his inheritance. The game is called “Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne”; and as the study group plays their way through it, they find copious evidence of Mr. Hawthorne’s racism and homophobia in the level and villain designs. The episode also makes tons of references to classic video games, which are detailed in the “Inspiration” section of the game’s Community Wikia page.
It wasn’t long before some gamers decided that dreaming about the game wasn’t quite enough, and started developing a functional version of the game online. The downloadable, playable version of “Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne” is still under development at, but you can see that even months ago the game was pretty faithful to the way that “Journey” was depicted on the show. Please enter the url to a YouTube video.
There are versions of “Journey” for Windows, Mac and Linux users, so no matter what machine you’re running, you can play “Journey” all day long!
Source: Project Hawkthorne
Jen Schiller
Staff Writer