Well, I have been waiting for this movie for a long time. Ridley Scott is an original gangster to me. From Alien to Matchstick Men to Gladiator to American Gangster, I love almost everything he does, but his sci-fi films have always been the bees knees. By now I’m sure you have all seen the Prometheus trailers and been impressed by how epic it looks.
Featuring a star-studded cast, a large budget, and an impressive marketing campaign there was no way Prometheus could go wrong. ….. Or did it?
Just kidding, it is incredible. But it is more than just incredible. In my eyes, this might be Ridley Scott’s masterpiece. Even above Alien.
Blasphemy? Nope.
Hit the jump to find out why.
My first impression of Prometheus was, “Holllllly hell, this is the most gorgeous film I have ever seen and I am only five minutes into it“. This initial observation stayed true until the end of the film. See it in 3-D! It is incredible. No matter which way you cut it, Prometheus is slick, beautiful, and its visuals will leave a lasting impression on you. Once I got home and looked up at the clouds I couldn’t help but think of Prometheus and how I crave more.
Ridley Scott wastes no time taking his original mythos and expanding it ten fold. So much would have been impossible back when Alien was first made, but when you watch Prometheus you can’t help but feel that this is how he always intended it to be. New technology, new creatures, new planets, and a new narrative. It rules. The best part of it all is that it answers many questions the original Alien left unanswered… and here’s the kicker. The answers are actually good and actually make sense. Prometheus is riddled with new questions though, to leave room for the mythos to be expanded upon even more.
Just so you know. Prometheus is obviously meant to be at least two movies (which I already knew from an interview with Ridley Scott I read), but for those of you who are concerned that it will leave you hanging…. Just don’t worry. You’ll get more than your moneys worth. The second the movie ended I was squirming in my seat with delight and excited what Ridley Scott will do with the sequel to Prometheus.
So what about the actors? Well Noomi Rapace is wonderful. She embodies an intelligent, but weak woman in the beginning of the film and transforms into a strong character with top-notch survival instincts. It is similar to Sigourney Weaver in the first Alien, but the difference being Weaver started off as a fierce character and Rapace really has to work for it. There is a calm and intelligent determination to her character, where Sigourney was a loud and natural warrior.

This scene was mind-blowing
Michael Fassbender knocks it out of the park, playing an android that can not die but also “has no soul“. Using this character to its fullest, Fassbender walks the line between being calm and caring, mischievous, and down right nefarious at times. I saw Fassbender in X-Men First Class and I thought the final movie was hit and miss, but Fassbender’s take on Magneto was top-notch. I heard he was great in Shame also, so hopefully Prometheus will propel Fassbender to more triple A titles where he belongs.

This guy can act
Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, and Idris Elba all play notable roles, with Theron being the most interesting of the three. She plays a cold-hearted company tool living in the shadow of her father. She also plays her cards close to the chest and doesn’t bat an eyelash about destroying anything or anyone who attempts to get in her way. Guy Pearce is fitting, although his old age make up seemed a bit overdone at times (Although the movie is set in the future and I guess people can live much longer potentially). And Idris plays a somewhat typical genre role, although it is necessary and helpful to the story.

When Charlize Theron and Idris are your SUPPORTING cast, you know there are a lot of big hitters on board
Well what about the creatures?
I’d give Ridley Scott a big hug and a high-five if I could. He explains just enough for the creatures to be interesting, but not enough to give up the ghost. And with thousands of “containers” the potential for new future creatures are endless. I really can’t go into any more details, because you have to see it yourself.
Ridley Scott has never made a movie that has ever satisfied me as much as Prometheus. From a technical stand point Prometheus is his crowning achievement. From a narrative, he managed to spark my imagination and open the flood gates for so many possibilities. And from an artistic viewpoint, the visuals are so striking and will stick with you so long after you have left the theatre that Ridley deserves a round of applause. All I can think of now is, “How long do I have to wait until Prometheus 2” and “I hope those rumors of a new Blade Runner being directed by Ridley Scott are true“.