EDIT – Now there are gameplay trailers for the new characters, more screenshots, info on story mode, and you can sacrifice your partner to turn into an evil version of yourself. I repeat, you can sacrifice your partner to turn evil.

Must... Give... Capcom... My... Money...
More news for anyone following SF X Tekken with the announcement of Heihachi, Lili, ROLENTO, and motherrussian Zangief!
But first… a funny new video for Tekken Prime 3d with a guest appearance from SFIV’s Ono as a boss fight.
AT THE MOMENT there isn’t a YouTube version of the commercial available to embed here, so here is a direct link to the website you can view it on. I will update this with a embed when one becomes available.
Also in this trailer it is confirmed that Tekken Blood Vengeance will be coming to 3DS along with Tekken 3D Prime in one package.
Hit the jump to see new gameplay of Rolento and Heihachi, screenshots, and the appearance of mysterious shadow version of the characters. Also there are some dots? Yeah, I don’t know what they are yet. EDIT – All sorts of bonkers new info after the jump
EDIT – Here is gameplay of Heihachi and Lili and a first look at characters turning evil
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.
Apparently evil means you cover yourself in glow sticks. Before anyone panics that “Pandora mode” looks broken, know that you have to kill off your partner in exchange for extra power, but if you don’t KO your opponent before Pandora Mode runs out your character will die automatically. Risky.
This next one is the same thing but with Rolento and Zangief.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.Here is a first look at the new Pandora Story mode, and confirmation of 2 v 2 tag battles happens half way through the trailer. Looks like it will work online too. Want to do co-op training? Ain’t no thang, Capcom has you covered.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.UPDATE – IN ANOTHER STRANGE TWIST OF FATE, Toro and Kuro have been confirmed for the PS Vita version of SF X Tekken. Felyne from Monster Hunter has also been confirmed but there is no footage of Felyne yet.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.Next up is Heihachi’s super art against Ryu, followed by the damn bear farting again…. *sigh*
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.And now we have Rolento, who I am glad to finally see back, blowing Kazuya sky high.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.If you want to see all of the released characters super arts visit EventHubs YouTube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/EventHubs
The next thing that several people have noticed is that all of the character art for SF X Tekken has been updated with shadow or “evil” versions of each character. What does this mean?
Do these “evil” shadows have something to do with the small black dots people have noticed at the bottom near the super meter?
Take a look yourself. What do you think?

As noticed by Alex V from Shoryuken
Lastly, check out the gallery below to see screenshots of the new characters.