It’s wrong to steal and lie, so I’m going to be completely honest about cheating my Marvel quest in this post about the comics that I purchased over the last two weeks:
In which Kaitlyn learns that the 5th Wednesday of the month means a pretty Marvel-less week
Last week was a pretty light-week comic wise. I’m not sure why it is that publishers can’t get their collective acts together to put out some quality titles for the handful of months when Wednesday gets some extra airtime. Could it be that the best minds in comics are taken by surprise every time a 5th Wednesday comes around? I’m pretty sure it’s not that amazing a phenomena, especially to the people in charge of dreaming up adventures for time-traveling mutants teenagers and faceless clowns with murderous circus plots. Get it together, comic-book folks.
In which Kaitlyn manages to flat-leave all her Marvel favorites for the first lady of DC
As Death of the Family concludes this month(SQUEE), I will certainly be reevaluating my pull-list. Certainly the titles that I had only been picking up for the tie-in like Nightwing and Teen Titans will not be given a figurative rose from February onward. Also parting ways from my cash will most likely be Detective Comics and certainly Red Hood and the Outlaws. I’m pretty sure that would leave me with just Snyder’s Batman and Batman and Robin. My former DC loyalty would have been all but ground into the dirt with Thor’s big old god-boot as the former fan girl within withered and died BUT THEN THIS HAPPENED

Suck it, Thor.
I have discovered the silver lining to the dreaded 5th Wednesday: free time to read some banging trades of titles you’ve been missing out on. If you’ve been slacking on your Wonder Woman, run, don’t walk to your nearest comic cave or Amazon account and pick these volumes up. If you were up in the wee hours with me on Facebook yesterday, you were actually with me on my journey through the glossy baby of beloved scribe Brian Azzarello and balls out talented artist Cliff Chiang as I posted some Diana-love. In case you missed the live stream, here’s the skinny: The New 52 has produced some ups and downs, but Wonder Woman marks a damn high peak and keeps climbing. Over-extended metaphor? You betcha. My twisted tongue just doesn’t have the know-how to properly praise this epic saga that spans from hell to the heavens, yet still manages to be intimate and close to the heart of this battle-hardened warrior Amazon. Shit, the book could be utter nonsense and I might still pick it up just to be delighted by the character designs of the wickedly fun gods and goddesses in the Greek pantheon. Child-Hades with a candle for a head versus giant-fish-blob Poseidon?
Since new love can be fickle love, I supplemented this Amazonian addiction like a crazy person at four in the morning yesterday in the form of the first volume of the Justice League penned by Geoff Johns with art by Jim Lee. While I don’t have any idea what DC is doing with it’s continuity now a days, I do know that reading about the mature and seasoned Diana from her own title while delving in to the adventures of a young Wonder Woman has been a blast. This Diana of five years past is fresh off of Themyscira and adorably clueless. Of course if by adorable you mean full of battle-lust and problems with authority. Of course, while gratingly immature, she is still the loving Diana we know with the seeds of true hero firmly planted in another title I have been wasting my time not reading.
In which Kaitlyn bids you ado to go read All-New X-Men since she failed to find the Batman and Robin Annual
Seriously, this selling-out-of-things-I-want-business needs to stort itself right the fuck out. Any way, until next time friends!
Kaitlyn D