With some of the country’s Meccas of higher education offering courses in fantastical geeky disciplines like Elvish, Skryim, and Zombie media, it’s no surprise that fanfiction has become an interest to the tweeds in academia. Annie Jamison, a professor at the University of Utah with a PhD from Princeton, has recently published a fic: Why Fanfiction is Taking Over the World, which explores the role and importance of fanfiction in modern literature and culture.
My name is Ashly and I have shipped non-canon pairings.
I’ve probably been doing it since before you were in fandom. I know I’ve been doing it since before talking about fandom was a thing you did without the safety of hiding behind a fake username. I’ve discussed “wouldn’t it be great/hot if…” scenarios and, yeah, let’s just go all out here, I’ve written fanfic involving couples who were never, ever, ever getting together. Ever.
I am here to prove to you that I have survived. And that, somehow, you will as well.
Shipping non-canon couples is fine. I wanna make sure you know that. If you wanted to see Kirk and Spock all over each other, that’s your call and I’m not gonna judge you. Though, to be fair, I did at one point pretty heavily judge anyone in the Final Fantasy X fandom who shipped Auron/Rikku because he is a) too old for her and b) DEAD, OKAY? SPOILER ALERT.
It’s not like something not actually coming true in the source media somehow invalidates what you’d like to see. When a creator puts something out there, they are at the whims of their audience, and a large portion of the fun of fanworks is exploring “what if” scenarios, so if you wondered what it would be like if Barbara Gordon and Dinah Lance were more than just friends, then FANWORKS ARE YOUR FRIEND. And there is likely someone out there who has had the same thought and will want to talk about it with you and compare notes and it can be so. damn. much. fun.
But for some reason that I will never quite understand, some people seem to feel that if their pairing isn’t approved in the source material, you have somehow managed to time travel into the future and take a huge shit on their grave.
The most infamous incident I can think of was while the Harry Potter series was still being released. Notably, it was when Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out.
So much happens in Half-Blood Prince. There was a lot to get emotional over and things that were sure to cause a ton of fan outrage. And do you know what I saw the most outrageous anger over?
Dumbledor’s death? Psh, no, old dude gets killed whatever.
Snape turning traitor? WHO CARES?
No. No, the most terrible thing JK Rowling did in Half-Blood Prince, according to a very vocal section of the internet, was this:
See, there was this expectation that Harry was going to end up with HERMIONE and Ginny…let’s just not go there regarding their opinions of Ginny.
So, why do I bring this up now? Because, I have to confess, I’ve been sucked into the whirlpool that is Teen Wolf. Why, you ask? Well…
…for the plot. Totally for the plot.
Anyway, the most popular pairing in Teen Wolf is that of Stiles Stilinski (human best friend of the lead character) and Derek Hale (mysterious failure of a werewolf). The pairing is commonly known as “Sterek.” For the record, in a world where Final Fantasy 8 fandom gave us the namesmush “Squinoa,” I cannot laugh at “Sterek” as much as I want to.
Anyway, as for the pairing, I don’t get it, but I’ve gotta give them this: it is very pretty.
Please remember, I told you: I watch it for the plot.
Anyway, recently there was word that, sadly, Sterek will NOT become canon on the show. And from the internet there was a moment of silence.
And then? FIRE.
Okay, okay, exaggerating, but seriously. I can see why there was a certain amount of hope that it COULD happen: Teen Wolf has been pretty cool about normalizing homosexuality on the show, in fact we’ve been promised that the openly gay character of Danny will be getting a werewolf boyfriend and some on-screen loving in Season 3. Besides that, the show has done things such as holding a slash-friendly fanfiction contest where the winner got to meet members of the cast and the creator and, well, stuff like this.
Right, anyway. Sterek no happen.
Disappointment I can get. Especially in a case where you saw hope for it.
But the battle cry of STEREK EXISTS? Oh, folks.
Look, yes. Sterek exists and can continue to exist in fanart and fanfic and whatever else you wanna make. Obviously the cast and creator are COOL with it, in fact cast members may ship it (or they may be trolling, I don’t know, either way it is awesome). But it’s just NOT the direction the show is going.
That doesn’t mean you can’t still ship Sterek. You are TOTALLY allowed to. I’m sure most of the fandom would prefer you did (though there may be some people who would like to see a little more Stiles/Scott/Allison stuff. I mean, I assume so). But really, let’s all remember that it’s all in good fun, that life goes on, and we should pay attention to the important things.
Like the plot.
- Ashly was a Sub Cultured contributing writer and, apparently, a creeper who is hoping you don’t kill her for saying any of this. She is glad to discuss the plot of Teen Wolf on her Twitter @newageamazon.
Many superheroes have been around for decades upon decades, so it’s no surprise that some have racked up quite an impressive hook-up list. While some couples have failed to stand the test of time (or some Crisis or another), we can still root for our favorite pairings all we want. After all, it’s comics; no one stays dead forever. Which leads me to this week’s ship: B-man and Kitty Cat. Selina and Bruce. Catwoman and Batman.
The current incarnation of the duo meets up to bang on the occasional rooftop (with the costumes on;), but the Bat/Cat ship has been going strong for almost as long as the big man has worn the cowl and cape. While Bruce’s origins have stayed relatively stable throughout the years (rich, dead parents, an Alfred, etc), Selina’s past has been altered so many times that it’s no wonder she’s not running around Gotham as Pandawoman or something. However, whether former prostitute, flight attendant, or street urchin, Catwoman has always maintained everything from a purrrfectly flirtatious and antagonistic relationship with Bruce to becoming his confidant, ally, and friend. Lets not forget that Selina is often keeper of Batman’s most guarded secret: his identity. It’s love, folks.
Costumes changed, Gotham changed, but the fact remains that there will always be a third party to the Cat/Bat ship: He is the Dark Knight of Gotham, its guardian and best detective, and she is a thief and a whip-wielding rogue. Perhaps this little problem can best be seen during the Hush storyline when, just as those crazy masks seem to work their shit out, the Bruce’s distrust of Selina ultimately ends the affair.
Even when Catwoman is at her least villainous, splitting her time between stealing only the most necessary feline related artifacts and working as the vigilante of the East End, they just can’t seem to make it work. The fact is, Bruce doesn’t belong to himself so long as Batman belongs to Gotham. The tragedy of their relationship is that Selina would have to give up Catwoman to be with Bruce, but Bruce can never give up being Batman. Since she’s a sassy kitty, I’m sure Selina could handle no part of that unbalanced relationship and would bristle at the very thought.
But no worries, some of the best Bruce/Selina moments have occurred amidst all this angst and during periods of not hooking up. A personal favorite occurs in Catwoman volume 3 when Batman brings baby Helena(poor little Helena, I can never remember if you still exist at any given moment) a big stuffed teddy bear. Not only was this very sweet, but we got to see big bad Batman holding a toy bear. I died from the cuteness.

The point is, no matter what the current status of their relationship is (like when Bruce occasionally impregnates the daughter of his greatest enemy), something’s going on between these two and we love to see it. Here’s to hoping Nolan’s version (and more nail-chewing worthy Hathaway’s Catwoman ) gives us a good Cat/Bat depiction that pays tribute to their long history with each other.
Finally I picked a ship that wasn’t a COMPLETE pain in the ass to find swag and other goodness. enjoy!
In fanart!
On Etsy:
Btas Neckclass can be found here for $10.00
Batman and Catwoman Cake Toppers can be found here for $65.00
Catwoman wedding garter can be found here for $15.00
Ginormous Poster Print can be found here for$ 18.45
Catwoman and Batman Tote can be found here for $30.00
In fanfiction!
Cat-Tales by Chris Dee the best catwoman fiction….yes.
The Bleak of Winter by Linkz1 “It’s only been a few months since Jason Todd’s death, and Bruce is incredibly shaken. He questions his own worth and what it means for him to be Batman”
Gucci and Versace by DC Luder (author has written LOTS of really well reviewed Cat and Bat stories!)”Bruce and Selina face each other for the first time since they went their separate ways after the events in Hush.”
Closure by Whitewolf (short and sweet and sad) “Catwoman says goodbye.”
Partners in Crime by Lydia Hunter “A romance novel from the original B:TAS. Bruce and Selina try to form a relationship without the masks”
Kaitlyn D’Agostino
Staff Writer
Let’s cut the bullshit, you guys.
I know we’ve touched on fanfiction and porn here before, but we’ve ignored the elephant in the room for long enough! You know what I’m talking about, that luscious secret same sex pairing you love to read about in the darkest time of night. Those two ladies who just can’t seem to get enough of each other. Those episodes of Torchwood where the pansexual immortal oozes sex appeal and you just know he’s ohsoclose to making your dreams come true. No? How about timeless 80’s couple Clair and Bender from the Breakfast Club? Ever wonder what happened with them the Monday after their Saturday in the supply closet? Sex is nothing scary or taboo and reading, watching, learning about such is nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, I want to let you know you’re not alone. There are thousands upon thousands of us geeky gals and gents who enjoy a good dose of sexual content. Not convinced? Let’s dive into the mass pool of evidence just waiting to be fondled in exploration of what is such a mainstay in media today. (more…)
So there are certain behaviors that will solidify you as a geek without any chance of deniability. Cosplay in any sort of non-Halloween or non-spice-up-the-sex-life situation, for one. Or how about proclaiming, “There can be only one!” each and every time you’re faced with a multiple-choice question? I, and many others, flaunt our geek-flag in the form of fanfiction—quite possibly the geekiest geek pastime out there.
Quick definition: fanfiction is…well, fiction… written by fans…of a particular fandom. I really did try to come up with a more English-teacher appropriate definition, yet the only other way I can describe it is, if you ever had a hankering to have seen Indiana Jones have his way with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I have your outlet (this really exists by the way and will be linked below). (more…)