I don’t know what to say about Boy Loves Girl. I think I liked it, but I’m not really sure because that game and I are not talking right now. I downloaded the newest game from indie developer Grubby Hands two days ago. I’ve clocked a handful of hours on the game since then and I’m still struggling to come up with a strong opinion about it.
If you are like anybody on planet earth, then you wish you knew another language. If you have a fancy phone, specifically an iPhone (or an iPad) then you can learn another language and it won’t feel like pulling teeth. In fact, it’s really fuckin’ fun.
Having looked up apps for learning another language in the past I have been fairly underwhelmed. Most of them look cheap and the ones that are simply decent cost eight to twenty dollars. That sucks. And then one day, the clouds parted and the mighty interwebs bestowed upon me an app called MindSnacks. With a variety of different languages to learn and developed by a team of people who truly look like they are having fun, I highly recommend MindSnacks for anyone.
Hit the jump and I’ll give you some more details!
Microsoft finally has an official Xbox Live App, entitled “My XBox Live”. Some of you may be over the idea of this, having used third party apps to access your Xbox dashboard. I never did this however and I find it extremely cool to finally be able to. The app is available on the App Store today and you can use it on iPods, iPads, and of course iPhones that sport the IOS 4.3 update. (more…)