Doctor Who is back and a handful of us at Sub-Cultured are fans so with two episodes under our belts, we wanted to do a short general consensus. Is this better than Series 7? Are we on board for Capaldi? Where’s River (“dead” yes, but….)? Jen, Tushar, Sam and myself got together to discuss Series 8 thus far. The consensus? Cautiously if not generally optimistic.
General reactions to the past two episodes have been relatively positive, we already think it’s better than Series 7 thus far with, surprisingly enough only Jen (and not myself) being more of the outlier with a more frustrated and neither here nor there opinion on some things, most of her complaints having to do with Moffat as head writer and a desire to have a new person in charge for a fresher feel.
I agree with the sentiment to a degree, many of the “Moffat” problems are noticeable (and eye rolling) and the last two episodes had some pacing issues. I myself am not liking the new “control freak” characterization of Clara and being chastised by the Doctor and other characters for it which seemed to come out of nowhere. Unless I’ve been missing something.
To answer one of our initial questions, between all of us we’re completely on board with Capaldi as the Doctor and enjoy the new “non-flirty” dynamic established between The Doctor and Clara with his return to a more mature personality and appearance. Tushar in particular noted he’s glad there’s no romance there. The Doctor’s dislike of soldiers seems to be a plot theme for this series, particularly with Danny Pink eventually joining the cast. Clara’s sympathy for soldiers, particularly Journey Blue (who I’m not quite sure we’ve seen the last of considering Jenna may be leaving and that look Jenna gave her) and her obvious attraction to Danny may mean some interesting developments to come regarding this thematic thread.
We discussed that the young, virile and “flirty” Casanova swashbuckler and Peter Pan Doctors of 10 and 11, The Man Who Regrets and the Man Who Forgets, were overall needed after the War Doctor and 9. They were reactionary coping mechanisms after 9 who was still war grizzled. The Doctor’s current dislike of soldiers in this body could be seen as stemming from his dislike of himself as The War Doctor, who was indeed a soldier. Does the Doctor actually remember that he didn’t actually destroy Galifrey?
Sam additionally discussed that Capaldi was supposedly the originally the first choice for 11 and asserted they changed direction and went with Matt Smith instead and thus the script apparently changed, so we wonder if all the narrative elements tying to the series 2 episode “The Girl In The Fireplace” that are suddenly cropping up are them trying to backpedal to a narrative they wanted to tell long ago.
“I think the better question maybe why does Moffat use “The Girl in the Fireplace” to establish the doctor’s humanity and then wait for a Doctor and half to use another story of the Clockwork people to call into question the Doctor’s Humanity. Moffat rarely lets plot points go to waste.”
Jen voiced her need for more consistent narrative threading, had some of this appeared in smaller doses earlier it wouldn’t have seen so strange to come back to it after all this time. We’re cautiously optimistic about Missy.

Clara’s increased dialogue and firmer conviction have been much needed. Jen still wants a more consistent psychological arc for her.
Clara was a subject of conversation; most of us agree they’re finally treating and writing her a bit better, now that her mystery is more or less answered and as Sam pointed out, she’s gone from plot device to an actual character. She’s been given some quite meaty monologues and a more gutsy presence. Jen still does not care for her much and that hurts her perception of the show:
“I don’t like the show right now because I want more talk of Trenzalore and because I don’t like Clara at all. And I feel like the companion is at least 40% of the show, so if I can’t like the companion, I can’t LOVE the show.”
We all saw some lost opportunity with the second episode with the dalek considering a future version of Clara actually became in a way, a good dalek, which was more or less the last time Jen liked the character.
When it comes to Clara I voiced I am disappointed that some elements they were making seem important regarding her character; Clara’s birthdays, her Atlas book, possibly her mother’s death have all seemingly been dropped, but I am glad she’s finally developing.
I posited much of her character being a mess could be owed to the Victorian Clara originally being the one to actually go with 11 and them then changing their minds, killing her and shoehorning in an additional new “modern” Clara. That may explain some of Clara’s vague writing in the past but still doesn’t excuse the bad writing that’s also occurred.
We all, however really liked Clara being more outspoken and contentious with the Doctor; the lines “You’re not my boss you’re one of my hobbies” and the big slap from Clara in “Into The Dalek” was a resounding hit with us (as was Clara getting pelted with the newspaper in ‘Deep Breath”, which should have been horrible).
“I want her to stand up to him way more often. I like that she slapped him and I like that she’s not his companion.”
We thought the phone call to Clara in “Deep Breath” was a nice touch, and 11 expressing dismay over getting old only further cements his Peter Pan-ness and was a good buffer for the fan base, particularly young fans who indeed, like Clara, may be having a hard time adjusting to an older man on screen again.
It’s all agreed we want a sole young male companion without any romance or coupling with a female companion to justify his going to change things up, but overall it looks like a good ride after series 7’s rather clunky delivery. Clara and Danny clearly mirror Barbara and Ian, fitting for the 50th, all we need now is our Susan. What do you think? Have you been enjoying Capaldi thus far? Let us know!
Max Eber
Staff Writer
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
J: Hello. I shouldn’t be typing, so I apologize in advance readers.
M: You really shouldn’t be typing. An alien bit her wrist.
J: With his space teeth. But that’s neither here nor there, we’re here to discuss “Nightmare in Silver” which apparently Neil Gaiman had to rewrite when Moffat changed his mind about Clara.
M: She was going to be the Governess the whole time! UGH. Victorian companion. I cry.
J: Yisss.
M: Sad it didn’t happen. Like the bajillion Clara’s though there were TWO Doctors again in this episode!
J: I think this week’s highlight is unarguably Matt’s acting. I mean…he was really phenomenal as the double doctor.
M: It was perhaps the truly good thing about the episode unfortunately, Neil sort of wrote a less than stellar episode for his second try. He really excels at emotional things, so the personification of the TARDIS in The Doctor’s Wife was more or less one of the best things he could ever do.
M: This time it was only so-so, lacking none of the magic from before which again may relate to the reduction of Fairy-tale mysticism that was sort of all over that episode with Idris. I felt nothing for the soldiers and crew in this episode, they felt like watered down versions of the miners in “The Almost People”/” The Rebel Flesh” but not nearly as round, interesting, or sympathetic. I really feel this half of the series and series 7 as a whole has suffered narrative-wise since there haven’t been any two-parters and only one-shot adventures.That effect has left me lukewarm.
J: This would have made a really interesting two-parter, with the first half being exploring the planet and the second being getting the monster out of the doctor’s head…ala “The Amost People” as you compared.Also if the Who episode was a chess game, then Clara’s “kids” were just pawns to get the Doctor emotionally invested without tying Clara up.
J: We’ve had a lot of red herrings in 7.2. But now were one episode away from the finale and it seems like…crap. Like how are all these loose ends getting tied up next week?

Clara. Clara. Stop falling through time miasma Clara. Stop. It.
M: They’ve said MANY loose ends get tied up at least the actors have said so but looking at the trailer, the new Whispermen, RIVER SONG, graveyards, the flashbacks to Galifrey. I really don’t know how Clara’s mom, her book, and Summer Falls and all the other very obvious “clues” will truly fit as they all formerly seemed to have. They were much better at offering breadcrumbs of info and repetitive motifs in 5 and 6 even if the episodes were not two-parters and were for all purposes a solo-story.
J: Yeah well those were the good ol’ days of dark fairytales and a beautiful TARDIS console. Not even the TARDIS herself is very pleased with this season…
M: I mean I like it, but Clara is becoming a hard sell, we just have to accept she’s there and yet we really haven’t seen the in-between the action like we did with Amy and Donna, Rose etc that helps round the character out. The Doctor ponders her in the preview as being “too perfect” so maybe she is actually meant to be like that. That even the Doctor is a bit sketched out that she just plopped into the companion role and is THE PERFECT “classic” Who type companion archetype as if they’ve been pals forever, and it’s intentional because at the root she was as she said “ born to save The Doctor” so she literally DOES shoehorn her way in despite him being the instigator in getting her to come with him. So, I’m actively looking forward to seeing if that’s the case to explain WHY we know so little about her or why she is so not, terribly compelling other than being a companion. I mean I really want to like her, but there haven’t been any consistent reasons to. Her possibly being fragmented all across time? THAT’S INTERESTING.
J: I think what you’re trying to say overall is BOO CLARA WE WANT RIVER.
M: River looks different. I’m wondering what they’re aiming for maybe the color of her hair in ‘Silence In The Library”.

Aw yeah River in Jedi duds. A+ costume department.
J: All I know is her costume design is simply sublime. Really just beautiful.
M: Really a lot of people don’t like it, says she looks pregnant. I don’t see it, and she drinks what looks to be champagne in a clip that was either released or leaked so…probably not.
J: Whatever. That costume is beautiful. But yeah “Nightmare in Silver” was ironically one of the first episodes this season that wasn’t that scary…
M: Yeah this season has a very, very scary tone and content but the format and pacing is again back to a more children/family show feel in execution and sort of simplicity so its a really weird mix. Not to say 5 and 6’s were that much better, it was just different.
J: Each episode used to feel like its own movie.
M: Some episodes used to be about five minutes longer too I think. Plus you do have to consider 5 and 6 were heavy on two-parters so you essentially did get an 80ish plus minute movie out of them on one narrative, that’s double the time and plot for each thing. “The Angels Take Manhattan” needed to be a two-parter for sure. Are most of the directors are new this season aren’t they?
J: If I’m not mistaken yes, but that’s pretty standard.
M: Hmm. Either way, something is off. The finale really needs to blow me away.

If this teaser is the entire finale then I’d be satisfied.
J: I agree. If the Doctor’s name isn’t Keith I’m rage quitting.
M: I really don’t think we’ll be hearing it. We might but it will be said in Galifreyian so we won’t understand. Something of that ilk. Just like how ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ wasn’t really about his wife. I mean it was since the TARDIS is the love of his life, but not really. So FAKEOUT.
J: RTD went on the record several times saying they’re never going to reveal his name, so I’m pretty interested to see what Moffat does with it. AND TRENZALORE! I am so excited to see Trenzalore. It actualy wouldn’t surprise me if Clara turns out to be a trap planted by the Great Intelligence… I need to slow down my wrist is biting me.
M: I don’t think she’s a trap, I think she’s more a literal failsafe. The fact we see her in the 80s, 70s and 60s all seems to show that she has popped up all throughout the Doctor’s life, and perhaps have saved him more than once, but dies each time perhaps without him knowing at times.
J: Then why does the TARDIS hate her so much?
M: I have a hunch she is fragmented all throughout time. Thus she is a walking paradox even if she, THIS Clara is the true blue original one who decides to throw herself into whatever because of hearing about the other Claras. So its your own unknown past/future affecting your current choice after discovering it. The TARDIS would sense that and not like it since you’re forming a really convoluted web.
J: Shes a smart one, that old girl. So whats your greatest (reasonable) hope for the finale?
M: A nice resolution with River Song and perhaps a firm sad bookend for the Pond era. To bring them up would be nice. I’d like to know why the Doctor has forgotten some of his own past including his previous encounters with the Great Intelligence. I’d like Clara to be explained throughly, including her mom who seemed so important. And yourself?
J: I want something that firmly leads in to the fiftieth anniversary special–some major clue as to how Ten and Rose are going to be back…in addition to the things you said, of course. I’m kind of over Clara.
M: Like I said I hope the finale gives her a “reason” to be and suddenly everything makes sense.

J: Yes. We’re going to have to wait and see.
M: Yes indeed.
J: So now, dear friends, how have you liked this season so far? What are you hoping for in the finale? Thanks for putting up with our ridiculousness in 7.2.
M: Meet you at Trenzalore.
Jen Schiller and Max Eber
Staff Writers and Amy/The Doctor
M: Oh ho you started it [our document] this time.
M: So yes. It’s time once again, for Max and Jen’s our slightly delayed but always reflective Doctor Who episode review, recap, revelry, and other “r” words. This week we’re looking at Neil Cross’s second episode for Doctor Who “Hide”.
J: Yes. Also my nails look fresh to death in Versailles colors. But this week’s episode of Doctor Who was NOT Fresh to Death, because it SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH.

Aw yes, terrifying. Look it’s me Jen whenever your back is turned.
M: But it was a really, really, good episode. Definitely better than Neil’s other offering with Rings. Perhaps the best episode from this half of the series so far. I’m tough, I was really spoiled by Series 5, care for the awful Silurian two-parter, those episodes just feel so long but in a good way. The episodes are starting to get a bit meatier and more cinematic again. I’m glad they returned loosely to the Clara plot-line with the Doctor wanting to speak to the empathic psychic Emma Grayling to “check” if she was normal.
J: Yeah the Doctor is definitely manipulating the places they land. Sort of like when he checked in with the flesh when he was suspicious of Amy… something big is going on here and I like that we’re just getting tiny tidbits of information.
M: It’s a lot more subtle than some of other Moffat’s plotlines. Themes aren’t subtle though.
J: NEXT week we’ll get tons of TARDIS action. And if this week’s little tiff between Clara and the TARDIS was any indicator of what we’re going to see next Saturday…I can’t wait!

Clara: Let me in.
TARDIS: Naw. No. Nope. Sheesh. No. Well may- No.
M: I think we should talk a little bit more about some of the themes we’re picking up in these episodes. Tumblr in particular is going rabid over Clara’s rose motifs; posters, boxes and floral patterns and thus literal the character Rose allusions. Like “ ROES OMG ROSE ROAAAAAAASEEEE ROSE”, I’m not really sure what to think, I feel like we’re getting a lot of intentional red herrings a la Flesh Doctor. Moffat didn’t (used to not) like Rose. (Btw Susan’s real Gallifreyan name, Arkytior meant ‘rose’ as revealed in a short story!.)
J: I don’t know how much of the rose stuff is intentional and how much is coincidence. Like the rose in her hair in Asylum was definitely a reference to Carmen, but if it turns out to be a connection to Rose and ten two… PLUS ALSO TEN AND TWO IS TWELVE AND WHEN TWELVE SHOWS UP SILENCE WILL FALL OMG BS;DLFJK;LKJCAWLRKNSZDCL;JSWAEOFIJS’LCJS
M: Yes. Again there is a lot to speculate about. But I think there are a few theories that I think we both side with a bit more. Once again FAMILY is put front and center. Mothers. Grandfathers and Granddaughters. Mentioning Susan. The reveal that the time traveler stuck in the pocket universe was the empath and the scientist’s great x granddaughter, immediately, immediately sent off bells to me. The scientist aboard the submarine talking about his daughter, the alien talking about his daughter. It’s just everywhere.
J: Yeah but I’m glad next week is a TARDIS episode, because it’s becoming almost a tedious theme at this point to have everyone related every week.
M: Well I was more thinking in regards to Clara and the Doctor shippers. MARK MY WORDS SHIPPERS YOUR SHIP WILL SINK. IT WILL SINK SO FAST. IT WON’T EVEN FLOAT.
J: Like a sinking submarine?
M: Yes. Like a sinking Soviet submarine with atomic warheads and an irritated alien on board.

“Hiya babe lemme hold that fer just a second”
Clara are Whouffles, I am Skaldak.
J: I knew what you meant about the Doctor and Clara–their relationship is definitely that of a grumpy old man and his young whatever following him around. Like Inspector Gadget and Penny or something. But still, I’m glad next week is about the TARDIS. I can’t stress that enough. Even though we should talk about the scary stuff from this week. Hold on one second I have to build a blanket fort……
M: Ah yeah the “ghosts” and monsters in this one were fantastic. Things got a little Scooby-Doo when Clara thought the Doctor was holding her hand, but in general them NOT showing the monster thumping around the house much, or in the forest and focusing more on the character’s paranoia and sounds I think is so much more scary than throwing monsters at you that you can see.
J: I feel like that’s the kind of scary Doctor Who does best–like the Silence and the Angels are scariest when you can’t see them.
M: I wish more horror films did this more, they do, but only so they can have the pop-out scare. Also nice inversion at the end there with these so called monsters are actually pretty goofy.

M: The reveal? They were ugly but in a really “Ohhhhh bless” kind of way, my reaction was the same as the Doctor’s. Pinhead stick monster. Hurr.
J: I was under my blanket. What was the significance of the “Hide” title this week? I don’t get it. Actually, as far as the sci-fi goes…I was kind of in Akhtan again and didn’t understand what the hell was going on through most of the episode. Obviously I understood that the woman was in the pocket universe and ——–oh crap. Tennant’s suit. We have to talk about Tennant’s suit.
M: Oh yes. These are great little throw-backs going on like this. It’s subtle but not? If that makes sense.
J: Yeah, it does make sense. I think it’s like nods to the fans that have stuck around for a really long time–but you have to have a sharp eye to catch the references.

Also dashing. No. That’s a lie.
J: Additionally, I just got a chill thinking about the day when David returns.
M: And then leave again.
J: I should probably just start crying now, save future me the trouble.
M: No, don’t. Moffat wants your tears. He feeds off of them. Never let the writers have your tears! WE SHOULD KNOW THIS JEN WE ARE WRITERS WE SHOULD KNOW THIS!
J: But…the emotional whiplash is coming. I can feel it. I can feel it right down in these stubby bow legs of mine.
M: Meanwhile OH we should probably gush about River. River’s back. In the finale. My dreams have come true. She’ll be like “Hi love, this is our granddaughter, she got caught in a machine and spread throughout the time xo”
J: **mouth gaping**
M: Well, she might know something. We’ll find Clara’s purpose/secret then too. Coincidence River showing up? Well it is the Fields. I think? NOT SURE. I think the love triangle they’re talking about for the finale will be the TARDIS, River and Clara, not the Doctor. Never the Doctor.
J: That is one ghey triangle. I have been avoiding almost all the news on this season because I don’t want it spoiled. All I can do is speculate on what I hope things will be. And all I want for the finale is like thirteen days worth of Rose and Ten Two kissing.
M: I’m wondering if it is Ten Two or not, they were filming Ten and Queen Elizabeth scenes. That might be a bummer. But Tentwoo was supposedly given a Tardis chunk too. So. I DUNNO. I hope it’s them.
J: Dun no dun care. I stand by my desires from last week for a ton of domestic Doctor Who. I feel like we’re leaving something out this week though…
M: I dunno. A good episode overall?
J: There was a lot of high fiving this week.
M: Yes. Lots. I really don’t understand how anyone can ship them. It’s too…naw.
J: Uh, I think that ends our recap of the week. Weird, since we learned some stuff about Clara. Like how she’s human and normal.
M: She hates whiskey. Eleventh most disgusting thing ever.
J: Fifth. but nice try. The Doctor did however take a selfie.
M: Pretty sure she said eleventh. He did take a selfie.
J: I’m sorry I just saw this on my sister’s tumblr and I can’t stop laughing
) )z
you are the dancing queen
) )z
young and sweet
) )z
only seventeen
dancing queen
<) )
feel the beat
~) )~
of the tambourine
) )-@*jingle*
M: That’s the Doctor. Or Clara on tambourine for Karen & The Babes.
J: My cheeks hurt I can’t
I can’t stop laughing I’m—I legit just choked.
M: That’s it folks, we’ve lost Jen.
J: Its the jingle at the end that does it. But yes this week’s episode of Doctor Who was terrifying and if we never have an episode that scary again it will be okay.
M: For clarification I made her watch it at like 1:30 am.
J: In my room. My ATTIC. ROOM. ALONE. Anywho, I don’t think I have anything more to add except I really liked the aesthetic this week; it was a genuinely scary ghost tale, and next week looks awesome.
M: Agreed. Center of The Tardis. Bring it on BBC. Bring. It.
) )-@*jingle*
Max Eber and Jen Schiller
Staff Writers/The Doctor and Amy Pond
Jen: Welcome to week two of Jen and Max wait until Thursday to review Doctor Who! At this rate, I’m going to consider it more of a refresher before the new episode than a breaking news review.
This week, we’re dealing with a “Cold War”.
Max: More like wet ass submarine war, that must have been obnoxious to film.
J: Word. Both Jenna and Matt have gone on the record saying it was exactly that.
M: Plus, Matt’s coat is wool I think. Wet. Wool. No. One. Wants. Wet. Wool. Anyway, in terms of review I thought it was fair.
J: Well it was written by Mark Gatiss. Compared to some of his other episodes I’d say this one was a slam dunk. I mean I’d actually watch “Cold War” again compared to “Victory of the Daleks”, which I frequently forget even existed.
M: He does seem to like war themes. His episodes have a lot of talking and a lot of war room type affairs, it’s very old fashioned. Even as a watcher of vintage film, war films like that tend to bore me. This thankfully was more interesting as, ya know…the place was sinking. Weird Alien homage in this episode too. Love the Ice Warrior’s suit. it makes them less redundant in regards to Silurians.
J: It’s also been so long since we saw a Silurian that at this point it’s like everything old is new again. Plus that was crazy fanservice for fans of the older series. But for real can we talk about the biggest theme that seems to be emerging this season? Parent/child relationships are ALL up in this season’s grill.
M: The Doctor is full blown Grandfather mode with Clara (thank god). The Susan bomb last episode is not just a coincidence at. all.
I have suspicions, there a few ways this could go but I think it would be neat if Clara ended up being a descendant of his and thus for the 50th it’s back to The Doctor and his (great great great x) granddaughter as the companion.
J: Yes. That’s probably why Clara’s mom was given so much time last week just to be killed off. Maybe she and Susan are related?
M: You’d think the Doctor would have picked up on that if that was the case, we’ll have to see. Clara didn’t get much more development aside from witnessing her first big trauma this episode.
It still doesn’t explain how Clara has multiple lives. For instance (the first Clara) Oswin was inspired by her grandmother who traveled the stars I think, or stories she told. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Doctor was involved in that timeline-ish. Peter Pan-like stuff, passing down the relationship from mother to daughter etc.
J: It looks like some of Clara’s mystery is going to be cleared up next week. And I have good news! My NCT might be waning a little. Now that it’s clear that Clara isn’t going to be the next Amy (or Rory or River or anyone), that she’s going to be a brand new monster in and of herself, I’m warming up to her a little.
M: I know they describe the house as on a moor but that manor for the next episode looks suspiciously like the one in “The Snowmen”. I don’t think that was on a moor, rather a suburb area of London.
J: Really? I say my Traumaitis is clearing up and you don’t react at all?
M: I was writing a thought and you kept going. I am so, so proud and happy for you, you’ve traveled such a long road in your recovery and weeks of therapy. *takes hands*
It’s going to be just fine. GOTHIC GHOST STORIES!
M: I am too. “Cold War” I think thematically could have amped up the chilliness between the Russians and their tensions with America…(and like….everyone……) in the early 80s. So looking forward to seeing something very thematic in “Hide”. Moffat and his writer’s continue the small corridors and spaces theme.
J: Yeah I didn’t get the whole running a drill thing at the beginning; I figured when that happened that they were actually British soldiers learning to defend themselves in case of nuclear attack. I think they made some references to the Cold War and the Americans and even tied it in thematically like the stand-off between the Doctor and Skaldak at the end was very similar to the events of the war.
M: Pretty sure they were actual Russians. Either way, it was a definite filler episode. It looks like from next week on we’re going to be getting the meatier episodes. The Neil Gaiman Cyberman episode is coming up, and we know there’s an episode where Strax, Madame Vastra and Jenny come back/are companions again. Also they mentioned an episode with River meeting Clara and a love triangle but “not in the way you think:” but I’ve heard conflicting reports about River; we know for a fact River in general is not for long post Angels Take Manhattan.
J: No they definitely were actual Russians–as told by the whole “am I speaking Russian?” thing. You know, the Doctor is so much gentler with Clara than he was with anyone else. Even, and perhaps escpecially, with Amy–because SHE was the adult in that relationship versus Doctor/Clara where he seems to be taking the lead more often.
M: I do like this change up, outside of Moffat’s pen Clara is a lot less snappy and more sweet, which I like. Moffat is known for his quippy flirty women so it’s very interesting to see how people are writing Clara but so far two writers have written her as very sincere and–
M: Yes. She’s very much doe eyed and girly. In a good way.
J: I think it’s part of her relationship to the Doctor. I think she’s going to be his descendant in one way or another and it’s smacking us in the face. I actually really liked that she was in a dress for this whole episode. I think she’s like the “taking it back” feminist character where she doesn’t have to be in a suit of armor to be a good role model for girls. Maybe that’s on purpose–maybe they dialed back her sexuality a little to make her seem younger?
M: Possibly. We’ll have to see what happens when Moffat writes her again, or more importantly how Gaiman writes her (NOTE FROM JEN: he will do it perfectly, whatever he does) The way Gaiman writes her will surely be her supposed designated personality or at least confirm what they’re going for. I think they are aiming for girly or more gentle for sure. The other Claras could have easily been just different personalities, both were very flirty though and Moffat wrote her somewhat flirty with the “down boy” and “snog box” comments but that was about it.
J: I want Amy and Rory back.
M: Amy’s book is very important. It’s very much a mirror of the plot concerning the Great Intelligence. They want Clara.
J: and I want like sixteen two hour long episodes of “Pond Life”. We can’t always get what we want.
M: We have to keep an eagle eye out, Amy’s book and (maybe even more books) may be really important to the plot. They wouldn’t have released it as an ebook otherwise. Plot-wise it’s way too much symbolic of the current plot, and Matt I think has gone on the record that either the finale or the 50th something has to do with paintings which was a key feature in Summer Falls.
J: They were indeed. Any final thoughts on Cold War?
M: It was okay. B- from me. I’m excited for next week, the budget I feel is going to pick up and now the episodes are going to be much more meaty. The first four care for the opening for Part 2 have been pretty modest budget and effects wise. So yeah, looking towards a more pronounced mystery.
J: I’d give it an A simply compared to Gatiss’ other efforts so far. This is definitely the best of his recent contributions, plus it made me kinda sorta not hate Clara anymore!
M: That’s always a good thing! CHANGE IS GOOD (no it isn’t).
J: Cue the pictures of Karen and Matt together….slash…all the pictures of Billie and Chris and David and Catherine ever.
M: Matt and Karen should just marry in real life I really don’t know who else would marry the other.
M: Apparently she and Matt went on a date in 2006. That’s what those pics of them together were.
M: SHE JUST WANTS THAT TO HAPPEN THEY DID HIPSTER SHIT (which probably meant the above)
Max Eber and Jen Schiller
Staff Writers/The Doctor and Amy Pond
This week, we decided to double-team the review of Doctor Who. We put our best (read…craziest) people on the project.
Jen: Okay, so let’s write this thing.
Jen: Truth. Even when Caitlin (my 17 year old sister who refuses to watch non-Tennant episodes) walked in the room she was like “why is Doctor Who acting like Star Wars?”
Max: You were the same. (:D)
Jen: Yeah but my brain is trained to think that way. Caitlin is so disconnected from Doctor Who and from Star Wars…it was crazy how fast she made the connection. But overall, I thought this episode was a definite throwback to science fiction of old–specifically I think it signaled a turning point like the show is returning more and more to classic Who tropes and styles. It felt very epic.
Max: I can see that. It definitely reminded me of the Davies era, and though it was a decent episode, I wouldn’t call it a favorite. I thought it felt rather short, and perhaps it was the time used up via flashbacks establishing this Clara’s life.
Max: Lol first time I watched it without you.
Jen: You are a bad friend.
Max: I try.
Max: Is that your face right now.
Jen: no. my face is more like….
Jen: But for real. I thought the flashbacks were handled really well–gives Clara some background and places her in the real world. I thought it was very sweet. OH AND SPEAKING OF BACKGROUND…SUSAN.
Max: Yeah him mentioning Susan so casually was a bit of a shock. He has mentioned he has had family before but it’s always at least in the new series with a note of sadness, this time it was pretty nostalgic.
Jen: And so specific. It was like a big fat neon light pointing to Original!Who.
Max: Clara’s 16 year old self’s bangs were a big neon light. That was some pretty good trickery. Not to derail Susan, it just has to be said.
I do like that Clara is different than Amy. Moffat and his writers are often sort of demonized because all their female characters are the same and while there are problems like Moffat failing the Bechdel Test A LOT, it’s still nice to see that Clara has a different presence. She’s very sweet. More sweet than Amy was, even as a kid.
Jen: I don’t know that Amy could ever be described as SWEET. Like she has sweet moments but sweetness is not inherent within her. Also I figured out how they did Clara’s bangs.
Max: chunk of Chewbacca hair after they looted Lucas’s storage trunks for all those aliens.
Jen: obviously.
Max: No really what did they do.
Jen: You just take hair from somewhere else on your head and clip it to the top so that it’s showing over your forehead. I realized while watching it again today that her head is always cropped out of the shots where she has fringe…they probably just pulled the hair up from the back of her head and bobby pinned it to the top or something. (edit–they show the top of her head. But still…)
Jen: yep. Season done, mystery solved.
Max: bobby pins. The Doctor’s name is Bobby.
Max: Says you, I know better.
(sidebar: He says this because he is the Doctor… The Doctor’s name is Max.)
Max: OK so what about the plot. I thought it was slightly underplotted. It was better after a second viewing though.
Jen: well, I have only watched the whole thing once. But I do agree, I think it was a little light on story. I think it leaned heavily on Clara and her magic leaf, and eased up a bit on creating a “plausible” story. Like why was there a mummy who was guarding a jack-o-lantern?
Max: He was his alarm clock! But I agree. I think we’ve been very spoiled by the cinematic take of series 5. I keep thinking back to ‘The Beast Below” and that episode feels so much longer. Also had 5 times as many sets. But again, Clara’s backstory, this was just a platform in which to tell it.
Jen: I think comparing this episode to “The Beast Below” is a good way to see how the two companions compare, too. Amy was kind of mothering the Doctor even then, whereas here Clara is guided by the Doctor? kind of?
Max: The Doctor is sort of embracing the fact that he was a grandfather who knows how many times over. He’s actually playing the adult a bit. I feel he might have been testing Clara with the whole bartering ring incident.
Max: I thought that was a very good character moment actually, since he didn’t look at them or pull them out to consider. SELFISH DOCTOR. He just pulled out the sonic and did his best Harrison ford face.
I think maybe my problem with the episode if anything is that with all the Indiana Jones allusions and sort of aesthetic I would have liked a longer more complex “thing” storywise. For instance it wasn’t clear to me if each time the “planet” started to wake up, like in Disney Atlantis style, the Queen of Years was always ultimately sacrificed and bit the bullet each time they did that ceremony and thus a new one was chosen, or what. It was implied as such and Merry seemed to know this fact at least once she was in the pyramid but there was the panic when she got zapped by the beam thinking she had done something wrong. If she was being dragged to the pyramid then wouldn’t she have known she had gotten it right?
Or her being taken there is a known “thing” that occurs when they mess up and thus the Queen of Years has to be willingly sacrificed? But she didn’t mess up, he was just waking up and ignoring her. But then it’s implied he’s eaten many Queens of Years. So I was a bit confused, it looked like they were playing with the trope of a ritual appearing harmless and then actually being fatal for the big participant, but it looked surely fatal from the beginning to me. So that could have been handled perhaps a bit more delicately? I’m not sure. I would have liked maybe a bit more immersement into that culture and religion. A bigger pyramid labyrinth. But in 40 something minutes…what can you do?
Jen: Jesus. look at you go, Mr. ranty pants. I mean the plot was confusing for me because I thought the guy who WAS singing had been singing for years and now it was Merry’s turn to sing until she got old. It was pretty muddied. Again, I think that was in favor of devoting time to Clara’s story.
Max: No I just have to explain…everything…so I have to cover all bases. This episode is as I said and I agreed, just a platform for Clara’s backstory.
Jen: If we’re covering all the bases, let’s talk about Matt’s acting when he’s yelling at the Jack-O-Lantern. Because A) he finally looked his age in this episode and B) damn son.
Max: You mean he looked 30 or 1000, because he’s always 9 going on 1000 going on foot and/or bell pepper.Jen: He looked 30, but acted 1000. It was like mind-bogglingly good acting.
Max: Pretty darn amazing, and also very, very detailed, people have gone out and picked out specific instances he’s talking about in that monologue.
Jen: They are better men than I. I’m just blown away by the acting. And then Clara’s thing with the leaf–I think they’ve talked about days of possibility before and it always makes me sad. THAT was when I teared up in this episode.
Max: Nothing is a coincidence. I think there’s alot with Clara’s mum. Her death date is pretty specific.
Jen: uh, yeah. and here goes Moffat with meta-story telling, and a glow worm who makes sure her daughter is never lost. I’m willing to bet that story as guidebook and “getting lost” is going to be a major theme for Clara.
(This episode makes Jen want to glow if she ever becomes a mom.
Max: Freaking glow worm. The color palette for this episode was very pretty. I think that’s because Clara’s mom is so special. We’ll be learning more I’m sure. Even if Moffat didn’t write that per se, parents and family and child/adult relationships sort of in an idealized manner are pretty big Moffat calling cards. Like compare how they treat Clara’s mom under Moffat to the very “real”…uh….Jackie.
Jen: I can’t actually talk about Jackie. But she IS very sweet when Rose is young!! ANYHOW. We should wrap this up. Anything else you want to share with our readers?
Max: Not much, this is late so it’s only two days until we go underwater! Also. David’s been seen filming the 50th supposedly with Queen Elizabeth.
Jen: I will die. Not to mention I’m already dying due to lack of Eccle-berry
Max: I dunno. I don’t believe or dismiss anything.
Jen: THAT is a post for another day. SO. Until next week, fools.
Max: Say goodnight Jen.
Jen: Goodnight, Jen
Max: PEACE OUT *kicks down door*
**plays Doctor Who Theme**
Bibliography: College, where we watched Lucas films over and over instead of reading Shakespeare.
M-I love those nights i pretended to do so much.
J-You were fooling no one.
Jen Schiller and Max Eber
Staff Writers/Amy and The Doctor
So, fellow Who watchers, the mysterious Clara/Oswin/Oswald (like a sandwich in any particular order) is going to have her first actual episode in exactly two weeks launching the bombastic second half to Doctor Who’s Series 7. She’s yet another “impossible” Moffat girl who notably has somehow hacked into hive mind entities twice for the Doctor before dying. And yet she keeps coming back like a snarky Lazarus, perfect for Lent! Intriguing? Yes. Many people are excited. Others intrigued. There have been noticeable parallels to River Song some think are intentional. Rabid fan theories are abound that she’s their daughter (squickyyy you don’t kiss dad, though you shouldn’t kiss your mother-in-law either). Others like myself theorize she is related to the Great Intelligence and the “lost” memories of the in real life destroyed Second series footage, all adventures the Doctor seems to have forgotten himself (perhaps a side effect of literally erasing himself from the Universe as well). Whatever the case; she is Clara. She seems cute and intriguing, she’s gonna either help the Doctor get over his loss of the Ponds or her true nature is revealed to lead him to the fields of Trenzalore and kills him horribly and he regenerates into Twelve and silence falls (because let’s face it the Silence are not scared of Eleven, they are scared of the Fall of The Eleventh and thus the coming of Twelve, Twelve is going to be a doozy) and whatever let’s see what happens right? Everything peachy?
At least for my regular partner in crime at Team Rocket, Jen (your fellow ihogeek scribe Jenisaur), Clara has a terrible, horrible, awful fault that makes everything well, awful: She is not Amy Pond. She is not Amy. Thus she must die.
Now, this averse reaction; hackles raised, new companions condemned to expletives and eye rolling, calling out for former companions. Possible death threats (okay literal death threats) are all symptoms of a horrible condition; new companion traumaitis and our dear friend Jen is prone to this condition.

Insert naughty ” I got yo man River what you gonna do tell ur mum hehehe” type joke here. Whoops.
Jen in particular theorizes that had it not been for a huge outbreak of new companion traumaitis among fans after the loss of Rose and the appointment of Martha, Martha herself would probably be much more popular had she arrived following different circumstances. This terrible condition is contagious, and at times extremely chronic. I say chronic because in the case study of Jen, I can firsthand attest that Jen after the loss of Donna, Rose AND David did the same thing to Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond and Matt Smith that she is now doing to Clara. I recall specifically showing her the first published image of Matt and Karen on set for The Time of Angels, before the costume department stuck Amy in a Little Red Riding Hood red sweatshirt and instead had her decked in very Wendy Darling robin-egg blue.
The expletives, the condemnation. I remember it well. She called Matt a hipster baby and as Amy Pond herself would demand, said his bowtie was ridiculous and must go. I defended his bowtie since I dressed and still sort of dress like that myself. I thought Karen was pretty. Jen, Jen wouldn’t have it. It was basically “WHO ARE THESE GIRAFFE HIPSTER BITCHES AND WHY ISN’T SHE ROSE OH GOD DONNA OH NO TEN NO NO NO WHY IS HE NINE YEARS OLD GET OUT MOON FACED GINGER BITCH AND BOWTIE BOY BYE ” except in much less nicer terms as I am no doubt paraphrasing and being much more kind. Safe to say she didn’t watch Series 5 for a whole year.
But then well, she watched it. And it wasn’t until Amy’s Choice that Amy won her over when it became clear she wasn’t another Rose and new companion traumaitis dissipated. And now she is clawing for Amy to come back. Quote:
I hate Clara probably more than I hated Amy when she first showed up in her stupid fucking blue sweatshirt and tights like she was god’s gift to hipsters.which she is but that’s not the goddamn point. I hate clara so much I wish she would choke on her souffle.
Does your loved one suffer from new companion traumaitis? Please readers, share either your or loved ones nct stories of struggle and survival with us if you or a loved one has been affected by nct in the past or are struggling through it now.
May you all have a wonderful week, and above all, stay strong.
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics