When our favorites from childhood are “revamped”, “revived”, “updated” or whatever word the marketing team uses this time around, we are inclined to go into the reboot (if we go into it at all) with serious trepidation. We expect to be disappointed–it’s all the “same” material getting a makeover for a new audience. It’s someone else’s turn to play with our favorite toys, and as it turns out we don’t want anything to do with the new model.
This is how I felt when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was updated by Nickelodeon. My dreams had already been squashed by the “reboots”–both failed (Rainbow Brite never made it past the new prototypes) and smash successes (I’m sorry. I can’t handle the new My Little Pony) –of franchises that I fangirled over before fangirling was a thing. This was what I expected with TMNT–sad, strange new versions of my favorite turtles who would poop all over my fondest memories of Saturday morning cartoons.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.
Imagine my surprise, when one Saturday morning I turned on the television and, half an hour later, found myself upset I hadn’t jumped on the new TMNT bandwagon as soon as the show was announced. Here’s why TMNT is getting it right:
1. The show hasn’t undergone a major redesign. Yes, the animation style is dramatically different, but the turtles are pretty much the same, and the world they live in is still gritty, underground New York and New York City scapes. Very VERY little about the show’s original aesthetic has changed, and where it has changed, there’s a reason for it. The newer animation often incorporates comic book or anime style elements, which add dashes of comedy to the show and separate it from the classic in a good way. Even Rob Paulsen, who was the original voice of Raphael, has returned as the new voice actor for Donatello. Which brings me to my second point–

Same Facial Expressions (except Donnie, who is grumbly…)
2. The Voice Acting Cast is PHENOMENAL (and lacking in baby-face). In addition to Paulsen (who is famous for plenty of other voice acting gigs, including Animaniacs…), TMNT has Sean Astin (The Goonies, Lord of the Rings) playing Raphael, Jason Biggs (American Pie) playing Leonardo, and Greg Cipes (Teen Titans) rounding out the famous four as Michaelangelo. These men show that the producers were smart–they didn’t go for the newest voices in the biz, nor did they go for the most contemporary choices. What this team reveals is that the producers had us, the original target audience, in mind without clutching desperately to days gone by. Cipes is the arguable exception to this rule, although the shows that give his resume the most “star power” are still cartoons that the old guard tends to celebrate (Teen Titans, Clone Wars) as much as our classic faves.

Perfect Cast is Perfect.
3. The Writers know what they’re doing.

If 2012 TMNT were exactly like 1987 TMNT, then there’d be little to no point in creating a show again. Instead, the newest cartoon takes the whole TMNT universe, as it has unfolded since the 80s, into account when telling the newest version of our heroes’ story. The parts of the world that have changed (what little there is), incorporate elements of the storyline from graphic novels or comics rather than starting from scratch or perverting the original into some grotesque…erm…alien…version of things.
In fact, the commercials for the new “Booyaka” movie include Donatello proclaiming loudly to an alien villain, “At least we aren’t stupid ALIENS”, which I am firmly convinced is Nickelodeon’s way of giving Michael Bay a gigantic middle finger.
With a television show that is balancing the new and the old Ninja Turtles so perfectly, it’s a sentiment they deserve to express.
Revisit your childhood with new episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every Thursday at 8.
Air is the element of freedom. This is clearly demonstrated in the loose, brightly hued garb of the airbenders and their acolytes. When struck with the idea to do a fashion post inspired by the airbenders, I immediately thought that the clothes should not be constricting and opted for tops that would flutter in the wind and dresses that brought to mind airbending attire. Check them out and let me know your thoughts!
Flowy top is a MUST and I found a mega cheap one for you at Forever21.
Casual shorts from Roxy will give you that perfect orange touch to a flowy top.
A bag with a splash of blue and an arrow pattern found on Etsy would display your mastery of airbending.
Boat shoes from Sierra Trading post would bring that little bit of brown and would tie the whole shebang together!
Now if we visit the dressier part of the airbender clothing spectrum, something like this dress from ModCloth would be the perfect thing to wear as you’re bending your way through the fire nation. Since less is more with the airbenders, simple sandals such as these from DSW, paired with this bracelet from Tagua.com and a cute, arrow patterned clutch, also found on Etsy!
If you have a moment be sure to check out the other fashion themed articles which include Batman, Phoenix, and Jack Skellington, they can be found here.
It just so happens I was looking for a gorgeous piece of art I saw yesterday and then THIS beauty showed up. Behold, the loveliness of this Korra. Also, be sure to check out the artist’s other works.
The Aftermath
The arena is shut down after the chaos and Korra sweetly tells the brothers they are welcome to stay with her on Air Temple Island but to her dismay, they have already accepted to stay at Asami’s luxurious estate. I think Korra’s loneliness is readily apparent as now she won’t be spending much time with the brothers since probending is officially on hold. Meanwhile Lin find a secret room at the Cabbage Corp building (AND IT HAS A CABBAGE MAN STATUE OUT FRONT!!!) and it seems they have funded the Equalist movement, but….something doesn’t feel quite right. Several people are debriefed on the attack, including a very broken Tahno who requests Korra find and punish whoever did this. She leaves City Hall to visit the brothers at the Sato Estate, where they are readily enjoying the perks of living the high life, which includes splashing around in Asami’s very large, indoor pool. Korra seems less than thrilled to be there and scathingly wonders what Asami has planned, be it makeovers or shopping, but to her surprise, she is taken to a huge race track and shown that Asami is an excellent driver and fighter.
During a break, Korra overhears a phone conversation between Hiroshi Sato and an unknown person discussing the Cabbage Corp siege suspiciously and she quickly rushes to Lin and Tenzin and states her conjecture that he is involved with the Equalists. She is stunned to hear that he has motive as benders are the ones who killed his wife some years back. They agree to take a closer look at Sato but come up empty-handed. Mako expresses his anger with Korra about this intrusion but she stands her ground, even after he states her jealousy drove her to this conclusion. I hated seeing Mako like this as it’s a very self-centered thing for him to say, after all the maturity he’s shown in earlier episodes. Does he not know that Korra is above such pettiness? I digress.
A snitch tells Lin, Tenzin, and Korra about a secret room beneath Sato’s mansion and the swiftly investigate (Lin shows off a fancy move reminiscent of her mother, Toph), resulting in the secret room being revealed. Mako visibly regrets his earlier words to Korra and Asami is shaken by the revelation that her father may in fact be in league with the Equalists. The trio head down below and pass banners with Amon’s mask on them and mecha looking droids lining the walls before a wall slams down and effectively traps them as the droids come to life. Lin is unable to bend the walls or the platinum the droids are made from and the situation begins to look dire. A closer look at the inside of the droids confirms Hiroshi Sato’s involvement and it is here that we get our first look at Tenzin’s superior airbending skills. He bends with such grace (a grace I feel Aang must have had as an adult) and I’m saddened when his scenes end with the trio’s defeat. Luckily, the brothers are not far behind, having disregarding the warnings of Lin and her police force and come face to face with Sato. As he is about to attack them, Asami interrupts, heartbroken and listens as her father explains his reasoning, extending his hand in the hope that she joins him.
This is a difficult decision for Asami, as she is torn between her father, the only family she has left, and her own moral code. Echoing her earlier statement about how much easier it is to ask forgiveness than permission, she attacks her own father and escapes with everyone on the police zeppelin. On board, Mako apologizes to Korra for his harsh words and Lin tells Tenzin she is resigning in order to act outside the law (again, driving home how much she is like her mother).
When Extremes Meet
On the heels of episode 7’s events, the brothers and Asami come to stay on Air Temple Island. They’re given a quick rundown of what’s what and what’s where before Ikki and Korra escort Asami to her new room. Ikki feels this is the best time to inform Asami that Korra has feelings for Mako (this is also where Korra has the best animated face of the season so far) and she awkwardly converses with Asami until Tenzin arrives to tell her of the new police chief being instated. Chief Saikhan is clearly in the pocket and under the influence of smarmy Councilman Tarrlok. Korra wastes no time confronting Tarrlok but is quickly humbled by several well-chosen remarks about her lack of airbending skills. This allows Tenzin and Korra to have another heartfelt conversation and deepens their bond further. He asks if she’s made contact with her past lives and although she admits she’s had visions of Aang, she is aware of her spiritual shortcomings. Tenzin urges her to meditate as he feels Aang is trying to tell her something important. All of this weighs on her heavily and she has a good cry until her friends come to console her and comfort her that she is not alone in her journey.
Team Avatar take a Satomobile into the city, ready to dole out some vigilante justice. They listen to a police scanner Asami remarks dryly has been installed in all Satomobiles (gee, I wonder why) and they stop a jailbreak in progress, subduing them long before the police force even arrive on the scene. Korra smugly informs Tarrlok of Team Avatar’s success and he commands her to stay out of the way. The next day, Tarrlok proposes several new laws regarding non benders, including a curfew and making it illegal to be associated with the Equalists. He faces opposition from Tenzin alone and the laws are passed by majority rule (does anyone else think the Council is good for NOTHING!?). Their second night out on the town, Asami notices the closeness between Korra and Mako and narrows her eyes, whether it be in suspicion or jealousy, at them in her rearview mirror as the group heads to a supposed riot. Groups of non benders are being treated with prejudice and brutality and they call out for Korra’s help. She is outraged at their treatment at the hands of Tarrlok and argues at length about their rights, even as Tarrlok gives the order to imprison all of them. As Korra defies these orders and saves the non benders, Tarrlok turns his attentions to the brothers and Asami, stating his new law allows him to legally imprison them for their associations with known Equalist, Hiroshi Sato. They implore her to heed him for now and to help the non benders. Furious, Korra goes to Tenzin for help in getting out her friends but this is not fruitful and they are forced to leave.
She arrives at City Hall later that night and confronts Tarrlok, stating they need to talk. He dismisses his page/servant person and tells her to spit out what’s on her mind. She lashes out at him, stating he will not manipulate her into doing what he wants. He turns to face his water covered office wall (the fish ying and yang, Tui and La, decorating it) and it is only after Korra compares him to Amon that he snaps and attacks her with amazing skill at waterbending. His office is quickly destroyed and their battle moves to the main hall. She goes to attack him one last time but is stopped in her tracks as Tarrlok bloodbends her. It’s just as terrifying in this series as it was in the original Avatar series. As she begins to lose consciousness, she gets another vision, this one of Aang, Toph, and Sokka being bloodbended as well and comes to as Tarrlok informs her that he is taking her somewhere no one can find her. The episode ends with him driving off with her tied up in the back of his vehicle.
Lau Gan-Lan – We ATLA fans have grown fond of the man with the cabbages, so much so that we hoped a similar character would appear in Legend of Korra. As the episodes flew by and there was no hint of such a person, my heart grew heavy until episode 6 mentioned Cabbage Corp and I thought, “Oh, my God, he got rich!!!” I can only hope the owner and heir of Cabbage Corp is cleared of all charges and is a descendant of that lone Earth kingdom citizen who just wanted to peddle his vibrant, green wares. Hopefully the new Team Avatar doesn’t destroy his legacy!
Chief Saikhan – The new police chief seems to lack the backbone and tenacity of Lin Bei Fong, but next to her, I’m sure anyone would have paled in comparison. It doesn’t help that he is influenced by the shadiest of all councilmen, Tarrlok. Dubbed the “worst Chief of Police ever” by both Korra AND Tenzin, he has a lot to make up for in the upcoming episodes. I really hope he proves himself worthy of being Lin’s successor and doesn’t turn a blind eye to all of Tarrlok’s doings.
Unnamed Bloodbender – The more we see of this guy, the more I think he’s Tarrlok. All we’ve seen about him comes from Korra’s numerous visions and the guy is definitely the unsavory sort. Just check out his stupid smirk. I hope Aang air whips him upside the head. I’m curious to find out more about him and I can only seriously hope he sees some sort of penance for his apparent bloodbending in the vision. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE MOAR OF THESE VISIONS.
1. Cabbage Corps owner is the grandson of the cabbage vendor. It’s too coincidental!
2. Asami’s alliance has been revealed and even though I have secretly harbored treacherous thoughts about her character, I’m sort of disappointed she’s so…good! I can only attribute my growing suspicion about her to wanting Mako and Korra (AND Bolin) to be together so I can’t have an unbiased theory about her at the moment. I just feel like she is going to turn as her growing jealous seems to point in that direction.
3. Jinora states there are caves where the air bison live. As in…A LOT OF AIR BISON?? Where did they all come from? Perhaps my earlier theory about Appa being a pregnant female bison has some truth in it…or more realistically, there might have been some flying around somewhere secluded.
4. Tarrlok snaps when Korra states he is like Amon. Why does this touch a nerve? Is he really so blind that he can’t see the parallels between himself and the masked man? I don’t have much of a theory here since I’ve previously thought Tarrlok was Amon and that is pretty much shattered by the reaction Tarrlok had…unless he IS Amon and he freaked cause someone is close to guessing his alter ego? Seems like a reach at this point, but we’ll see.
5. The man in the vision looks more and more like Tarrlok the more we see him. Add in the sudden revelation that both are bloodbenders and I can safely theorize that they are related. Vision guy is officially Tarrlok’s father in my eyes. Need further proof? Take a peek at his neck brooch cause that certainly look Northern Water Tribe to me, as does all of Tarrlok’s clothing. I had researched some of the other gangs of Republic City previously and there was a gang around Aang’s time that was all waterbenders called the Red Monsoons. Why would anything water related be red? Oh, I don’t know…maybe because they’re ALL bloodbenders?!?!? Anyways, just a minor theory, but let’s see how it plays out in the next two episodes, shall we?
The Spirit of Competition
We ended episode 4 with Korra being comforted by Tenzin and his wisdom and she begins to deal with her feelings regarding Mako’s budding relationship with Asami. As she trains with the brothers for the impending probending championship, Asami arrives with the new team uniforms and the display of affection between her and Mako prod Korra to ignore Bolin’s attempts at romance. Bolin asks Mako for advice regarding Korra and swiftly ignores it while Korra confides to Ikki and Jinora about her conflicted feelings toward Mako and they offer suggestions (a volcano and a magic love potion) before they’re interrupted by Pema who says all she had to do was put herself out there and confess her love in order to get the one she loves attention (Tenzin). This obviously strikes a chord with the headstrong Avatar and she smiles off in the distance, obviously intent on taking the chance and confessing her feelings.
The Fire Ferrets are swiftly victorious in their first match of the championship and Korra uses the moment of joy to confess her feelings to Mako who states he doesn’t feel that way about her. Crushed, Korra listlessly watches as Asami runs in to greet the team and Bolin takes the moment to make his move and tells Korra all the good he sees in her before asking her out, which she accepts, much to the jealousy of Mako. The two enjoy a fun-filled time together but Mako confronts Korra after the date and berates her for leading him on. She denies this and provokes Mako to try confessing his true feelings which leads to a heated argument before the team’s second match. The group’s chemistry is upset by these events and they end up barely winning. Mako goes to Korra afterward and admits he has feelings for her but is confused as he also likes Asami. Our headstrong Avatar runs to Mako and kisses him, taking him by surprise but he returns the kiss. As they break apart, Korra notices Bolin behind them, who is clutching a bouquet of flowers for her and he leaves crying. Again, this affects their teamwork in their last match and although the brothers are knocked off the stage and Korra manages to win the match, they maturely work things out between them.
Seriously, why can’t all people be this mature? The brothers apologize to each other and Korra apologizes to Bolin, comforting him that she had a lot of fun with him. This could TECHNICALLY be considered a filler episode but the character development was extremely welcomed and necessary.
And the Winner Is…
This episode begins with the Fire Ferrets training relentlessly while listening to the radio program (brought to you by Cabbage Corp, Republic City’s trusted name in technology for the past 50 years!!!) which is interrupted by Amon who threatens probenders, urging the Council to cancel the match later that evening. Korra immediately storms to the City Hall and urges them to not cancel the championship. After a stirring speech from Bolin, resident badass Lin Bei Fong comes to their defense and states she will personally oversee the extra security so no harm will come to the spectators or benders. Tarrlok agrees to keep the arena open and an angry Tenzin argues with Lin about how Tarrlok is playing her. She angrily storms out as Korra comes to speak to Tenzin and she questions him relentlessly until coming to the conclusion that Lin and Tenzin were once a couple, citing Pema is the one who stole him from Lin. Tenzin waxes poetic for just a moment before catching himself and walks away flustered.
Meanwhile the Lieutenant informs Amon about the Council decision (who the EFF is the mole!?!!) and he is pleased that all is going according to plan. Security preparations for the arena are underway and Tenzin offers his assistance to which Lin responds, “like old times?”, hinting that this is perhaps something they did in the past together. The match begins (after a flashy entrance from the Wolf Bats) and almost immediately the sheer amount of uncalled fouls clues us in that this is not a fair match. As the second round ends and Korra faces off with Tahno for the tie-breaker, the replay of the finishing move is a wonderfully hilarious touch. Tenzin and Lin share several remarks about the match itself and he mentions to her that she would like Korra if she only warmed up to her. I love the mix of boxing moves with bending and the animation really shines here.
As the third rounds comes to a close, numerous audience members pull on Equalist masks and begin electrocuting the police force, including Tenzin, Lin and the announcer, as Amon makes his way to the center of the arena where he very quickly and efficiently defeats the benders and takes away Tahno’s bending with relish. Korra and the brothers had been electrocuted by the Lieutenant and she has another vision of Aang, this time of him going into Avatar state. Amon speaks to the crowd and warns all benders about standing in his way much to the audible fear of the crowd. He informs them that he intends to make a NEW Republic City and unveils the Equalists’ new weapon, a glove capable of a debilitating electric shock, while simultaneously proclaiming the revolution has begun. This is where shit gets real intense as Korra goes after Amon (who has left the arena by air) and this is when I start to realize how much of a hindrance it is to Korra to not have airbending mastered. Luckily, Lin swoops in on her metal wires and assists where she can, but not before Korra has a BEAUTIFULLY choreographed fight with the Lieutenant on top of the arena’s dome. As they regroup with the rest of the team, Tenzin grimly states that Republic City is at war.
Tahno – Elaborately coiffed captain of the reigning probending champions The Wolf Bats, Tahno first encounters Korra and Bolin while they’re on a date. He is condescending and slightly antagonistic but maintains an air of flirtatiousness with Korra. She doesn’t stand for his personality long before she whistles for Naga, who promptly musses up his hair. Not much more is known about Tahno at this point, other than the swift severity that his team deals with their matches.
1. I want to believe that Korra and Mako will end up together as all signs point to their inevitable pairing, but my heart belongs to the hilariously effable Bolin. Can’t the funny guy ever get the girl?
2. Who is supplying the Equalists with all this fancy equipment? Don’t they need money to fund their terrorist activities? Hmmm. I wonder who all the rich people are in Republic City and where their loyalties lie…
3. The flashbacks have begun fleshing out bits of a story and as Aang has gotten older, I’m sure he’d have gained more control of his Avatar state so what kind of event could have pushed him to enter it? It’s obviously directed at this same guy from the other flashbacks but I wonder what he could have done. Aang’s been fiercely protective of his friends and family before so at this point, I’m thinking this man made an attack of some kind very personal. We shall see what future flashbacks show.