Hey kiddos! Today the final trailer for Telltale Games’ critically-acclaimed ‘Tales from the Borderlands’ series drops. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series full of Borderlands’ trademark humor following two adventurers on their quest for greatness.
In the final episode of the season, The Vault of the Traveler, all hell breaks loose. Jack is now in control of Helios’ systems, and he’s ready to reclaim his rightful place as king of Hyperion (with or without you). It’s a mad dash to get out of the chaotic space station alive, as everyone scrambles to grab the final Gortys piece and high tail it back to Pandora. Can you guide our ragtag team through perilous corporate dangers in hopes of getting some sweet alien riches? Loyalties will be tested, secrets will be revealed, and explosions will be in large supply in this climactic chapter of Tales From The Borderlands.
Are you the kinda cat who has to binge? Fair enough. Telltale has made it easier to jump headfirst into Pandora by making Episode One: Zer0 Sum free on consoles and mobile! Catch up fast, episode five’s finale conclusion starts this Tuesday October 20th on PC/Mac, PS4 and PS3; October 21st for Xbox One and Xbox 360; and on October 22nd on iOS and Android-based devices. Are you ready, Vault Hunters?
EDIT – Now there are gameplay trailers for the new characters, more screenshots, info on story mode, and you can sacrifice your partner to turn into an evil version of yourself. I repeat, you can sacrifice your partner to turn evil.

Must... Give... Capcom... My... Money...
More news for anyone following SF X Tekken with the announcement of Heihachi, Lili, ROLENTO, and motherrussian Zangief!
But first… a funny new video for Tekken Prime 3d with a guest appearance from SFIV’s Ono as a boss fight.
AT THE MOMENT there isn’t a YouTube version of the commercial available to embed here, so here is a direct link to the website you can view it on. I will update this with a embed when one becomes available.
Also in this trailer it is confirmed that Tekken Blood Vengeance will be coming to 3DS along with Tekken 3D Prime in one package.
Hit the jump to see new gameplay of Rolento and Heihachi, screenshots, and the appearance of mysterious shadow version of the characters. Also there are some dots? Yeah, I don’t know what they are yet. EDIT – All sorts of bonkers new info after the jump