Labor Day weekend 2018 marked Sub Cultured’s third year at Nan Desu Kan (or NDK, as the locals lovingly refer to it as), an anime-centered convention in Denver, Colorado. This time around, my partner-in-crime, stream buddy, and fellow SC content creator, Kyle, wasn’t able to join me, but it was still a great time attending this event solo nonetheless. This convention never disappoints with the plethora of events that are lined up throughout the weekend, ranging from early in the morning to the wee hours of the night – enough to keep pretty much any anime/video game fan entertained.
I arrived Friday evening and settled into my hotel room, which due to the last-minute nature of planning for the convention, was shared with other random con-goers. One thing to keep in mind for staying at the hotel where the convention is at – always make sure to reserve your room early, or they’ll be booked up by the time the convention weekend rolls around (which might put you in a situation similar to mine). Luckily, the people attending these type of events are generally very friendly and welcoming, so I had no issue finding a room to stay in for the weekend.
The rest of Friday evening was fairly relaxed. I spend a good amount of time at these conventions just scoping out the cosplayers, because to me, they’re the main event (especially the ones that take the time and effort to craft their costumes from scratch). The chunk of my cosplay-watching was done on Saturday, but I did manage to get a couple of shots of some familiar faces from other local conventions, and some new faces as well.

bleachkeki as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)

Eyarii Cosplay as 2B (NieR: Automata)

Peachy Sweet Cosplay as Major Motoko Kusanagi
After a bit of wandering around, I attended the Pink Unicorn Karaoke Lounge, where I watched some familiar characters belt out their favorite songs. There’s just something special about seeing Pocahontas singing “Colors of the Wind”, a knight getting down on some Tool, or Trunks getting brutal with some screamo.
The cosplay-watching resumed around Saturday afternoon. Most of the mid-hours of the day were spent wandering around some more, mingling with some old friends and new, and checking out the various shops filled with great excuses to empty your wallet, such as the Dealer’s Room.
Late Saturday afternoon, I attended the Costume and Cosplay Contest. This is where cosplayers sign up to flaunt their projects that they’ve worked on for days, weeks, maybe even months, and compete with fellow cosplayers to see who takes the gauntlet for the best cosplay of them all. The contest was divided into different classes, such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced – contestants were able to sign up for any class that they felt their cosplay belonged in. I’m always extremely impressed by the amount of work and attention to detail that these contestants bring to the table.
Of course, with all the great cosplays, come the great cosplay team-ups.
- The Persona 5 crew
- Legendof Cosplay as Deku and Quillness as Allmight (My Hero Academia)
- 80’s gym style Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon
- Vegeta SSJ Blue and Trunks
- Soldier 76 and Zarya (Overwatch)
- delphicosplay as Maya and Lilith (Borderlands/Borderlands 2)
Another notable event on this day was the Q&A panel with voice actress, Cherami Leigh. One might recognize her name from animes such as Pop Team Epic and My Hero Academia, but to me, she’s the badass android, A2, from NieR: Automata. Sadly, I didn’t end up attending this panel. Let’s just say that the nature of how I make plans at conventions is a bit… whimsical.
Saturday evening ended with the MasqueRAVE. If you’re familiar with anime conventions, you know that this is when the real party animals come out to play. Given that your costume wasn’t too hot to dance in (or your amount of dedication), you were out on the dance floor, letting loose with some characters from your favorite games/animes/movies to colorful light shows and bass-heavy music.
Sunday at any anime convention is con-Z day. Everybody is walking around in a zombie-like state, drained from the activities from the past two days, and winding down into the end of the convention. I took this time to wind down as well, hanging out with new and old friends, and made my way to the Japanese Arcade to test my rhythm skills with Taiko Master and Jubeat.
I also made a last-ditch effort to get some more pictures of cosplayers (and with) before everyone headed home.
All in all, I’d consider 2018 another extremely successful year at Nan Desu Kan. As I’m becoming more of a regular at the local Denver area anime conventions, I also feel a developing sense of family among my fellow con-goers. It’s a pretty nice feeling walking into a con and being recognized by people you had met previously, whether from last year’s convention, or another local convention.
Until next year, NDK.
Don’t forget to check out our Nan Desu Kan 2018 Photo Gallery or find additional convention coverage here! Let us know what you think on Facebook or Twitter @SubCultured, and join in the conversation on our Discord channel!
Sunday, March 25th wrapped up the Colorado Anime Fest in Denver. Sub Cultured was there all weekend, taking in the amazing cosplay, interacting with the incredible staff, and partying the only way nerds know how to! It was a successful weekend for staff and attendees alike as over 2,950 anime lovers came to the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel, so read on to find our breakdown of the event!
Friday kicked off with an opening ceremony, where One World Taiko played some traditional Japanese drums as well as more contemporary Taiko songs that were belted out to much amusement. Kieran Strange, the event host, broke down the weekend’s events and introduced all of the guests. After leaving the Main Hall, I felt very prepared for what the weekend had in store. The AMV contest took place Friday evening, and it is always great to see how creative the contenders are!
As is the norm with most conventions, Saturday was the busiest day by far, with the cream of the crop in panels and activities taking place all day. One stand out panel was by the Alamo Drafthouse, as they discussed the mainstream acceptance of anime and the influence eastern culture has on Hollywood. It was a very engaging discussion where the whole room was involved. The moderators really knew their stuff and shined a lot of light on the topic at hand. You will find this top tier quality in any of the panel rooms you will find yourself walking into, and their is a fit for everyone as there were plenty of diverse topics. You’d be hard pressed not to find a topic that interested you!
The arcade was filled with amazing games that you can only find at conventions, or across the seas… and of course some DDR and Pump It Up cabinets. It was always busy inside, which made the atmosphere feel like a real arcade. People were kind with their time, and moved on and didn’t linger on the machines for too long, which is easy to do because all games were free! We were able to fully complete House of the Dead, a feat I have not accomplished since my early teenage years. Consoles were on the ready for people who wanted to play Super Smash Bros, as well as plenty of other rhythm based games like Taiko: Drum Master.
There is a certain magical element to a convention. While not special to any one con, but alive in all of them, you will find the stars aligning on a lot of fun moments, These are unplanned, random happenings that just fall into place and create much entertainment. The lobby of the hotel here at Colorado Anime Fest becomes a nexus of interactions and impromptu shows. Only at a convention will you find somebody dressed as Cuban Pete from Jim Carrey’s The Mask, only to have a completely random person have the actual song, “Cuban Pete,” on their device, as well as have a portable and loud speaker so the entire lobby can enjoy a one for one dance scene of the Cuban Pete conga. That’s the magic of a convention.
The cosplay contest took place Saturday, and saying that it was filled with amazing costumes is an understatement. From beginners to professionals, the audience got to see the whole spectrum of cosplay. We were so happy to sit up front where we could really get a good look at the craftsmanship. I am not much of a cosplayer myself, (I buy my costumes because I am not creative in that way), but boy, I would be lying to you all if I said I was not inspired more than once by these amazing contenders. Seeing a great, handmade cosplay is truly humbling!
The Saturday evening rave stretched into the wee hours of the night, and the artists played a variety of bleep bloops and synthy tech tunes, some of which were steeping in nerdom. Hearing the Jurassic Park theme blaring over loud speakers really had the room cheering. As with all good things, the rave had to end, but that did not mean that the fun had to. The staff at the Renaissance were very nice and allowed convention attendees to keep the part going outside of offical convention programming. No security guards requested people to move along from the lobby in the wee hours of the night, and no hallway edition games of Cards Against Humanity were disturbed. The relaxed atmosphere allowed attendees to spread out on the floor and just allowed the space to be ours, which was very refreshing.
There’s no getting around it, Sunday is the day of the dead at conventions. Attendees everywhere are running on fumes, broke from the spending at their favorite vendor booths, sleep deprived, and possibly hungover. A bittersweetness engulfs the final moments of the con. We’re all sad it is ending, but at the same time, we are all longing to sleep in our own beds.
Plenty was still going on panel wise on Sunday, and the floors were full until the later afternoon with most of the floor still rocking their costumes and nerd apparel. By the end of the event, Colorado Anime Fest had helped raise over $9000 dollars for a charity group called Youth On Record! One World Taiko preformed the closing ceremony, just as they opened it, and we were all sadly relinquished from our fun-filled weekend.
Colorado Anime Fest continues to grow in size and it seems they will be at a new venue next year, moving to the Denver Tech Center Marriot on April 19th – 21st, 2019! If anime conventions are your thing, and you are a Denver local or close to the surrounding areas/states, then you should absolutely check it out. While not as big as some of the southern cons like A-Kon, it is also not as crazy and chaotic. Everything felt in control, and manageable, all without sacrificing any of the fun. The staff working the con really did a great job, and there are faces that I cannot wait to see again next year!
Want to see more from our time at Colorado Anime Fest? Head over to our Facebook page to find tons of photos from the weekend, and be sure to tag yourself and your friends! Sub Cultured will be there for sure next year and we hope to see a bunch of you there as well! Want to know where we’re headed next? Check out our Convention Schedule or follow us on Twitter! We continuously update with what conventions we’re covering, panels that we plan to do, and guests we are going to interview!
Here are some pictures from the Floor of the convention:
Here are pictures form the costume contest on Saturday:
Heading out to Seattle for PAX West? While you won’t see a Telltale booth on the expo hall floor this year, they will still be out in force!
On Friday at 2:30 PM, join The Telltale Panel in the Hydra Theatre at the Grand Hyatt. Some of the Telltale team will be revealing more exciting details on The Walking Dead’s third season set to premiere this fall, discussing BATMAN – The Telltale Series and what you might be able to expect from the coming episodes, and much more! There’ll be an opportunity for you to grill the Telltale crew with your burning questions, and even a special giveaway as a thank you for coming along.
The Telltale Panel
Friday, Sept 2nd @ 2:30 PM
Hydra Theatre, Grand Hyatt, Level 1
Schedule link:
The PAX Crowd Play that Telltale held last year for Tales from the Borderlands went so well last year that they’re bringing Crowd Play back again this year as well! On Saturday at 8:30 PM, the Telltale team will be playing BATMAN – The Telltale Series on the big screen in the Wyvern Theatre at the Westin. Special bonus: an exclusive extended first look at the upcoming Episode 2: Children of Arkham.
This will be the very first event Telltale has done using the NEW in-game Crowd Play feature, where you can help direct the happenings on-screen using your own mobile device. Don’t miss what’s sure to be a fun-filled evening of shouty excitement… and sure, some giveaways too.
Telltale PAX West Crowd Play
Saturday, Sept 3rd @ 8:30 PM
Wyvern Theatre, Westin, Level 4
Schedule link:
Can’t wait to see you in Seattle!
New York Comic Con is a day away, and we’re STILL finalizing our schedule. It’s a packed weekend, and with a cornucopia of panels and themed parties to satisfy any geek, it’s definitely going to be a whirlwind. What’s on your agenda, besides participating in our Instagram challenge?
11:00 AM – 88MPH: A Celebration of Back to the Future
11:15 AM – We Need More Diverse Comics
1:30 PM – TOR: The Next Generation
2:45 PM – Disabled or Mislabeled?: Graphic Novels and Comics About Disabilities
4:00 PM – VERTIGO: The New #1s
5:30 PM – Games and Education
5:15 PM – New York TimesOUT presents LGBT in Comics
5:30 PM – VIZ Media Presents: An Evening with Masashi Kishimoto, Creator of Naruto
MootCon4 – Game of Thrones Meetup at Stitch from 6:30 PM to 11:00 PM (FREE)
11:15 AM – From Black Face to Black Panther: The Evolution of the Depiction of People of Color in Comic Books, Graphic Novels and Film
12:15 PM – Image Comics: Where Creators Own Worlds
2:30 PM – [Adult Swim] Panel Block
2:45 PM – DC Entertainment Spotlight on Scott Snyder
3:30 PM – USA Network: COLONY Screening & Q&A Followed by Mr. Robot Panel with Cast and Creator
4:15 PM – Archie Comics Forever
7:45 PM – Fresh Romance
BrimpForum – Celebration of Sex Criminals at Mustang Harry’s from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (FREE but there is a raffle benefitting The Hero Initiative)
Sonicboombox presents: Image Comics NYCC Afterparty – Join creators for drinks and bowling at Bowlmor Times Square from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM ($15-$20)
11:15 AM – All New All Different Marvel
12:30 PM – Marry, Do, or Kill? What Will It Take to Shatter Female Stereotypes in Comics?
1:45 PM – Clueless 20th Anniversary Panel
2:45 PM – MARVEL: Cup O’Joe
4:15 PM – Comics Creators Consuming Coffee: Where Food & Comics Collide
4:15 PM – Image Comics: Where Creators Own Reality
5:00 PM – The Netflix Original Series Marvel’s Jessica Jones and Marvel’s Daredevil
5:15 PM – Secret Identities – Creating Transgender Characters in Comic Books
5:30 PM – Street Fighter V
7:45 PM – Bravest Warriors from Cartoon Hangover
Sonicboombox presents: Cosplay Dance Afterparty at Slate NY from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM ($20)
10:45 AM – Goosebumps & The Baby-Sitters Club Revisited: A Conversation with R.L. Stine, Ann M. Martin, Raina Telgemeier, and Dave Roman
12:15 PM – DC Entertainment: All Access
1:30 PM – Women of Marvel
As always, keep your eyes tuned to both our Twitter and Instagram accounts for live tweets and photos from the show floor, courtesy of myself, Kaitlyn, and Tushar!
Leia Calderon
For some of us, ReedPOP’s New York Comic Con is like Christmas: there’s jolly folks you only get to see once a year, everyone is in a festive spirit, and there are scores of gifts to purchase (mainly for ourselves!). It’s an absolute blast for those craving a huge convention akin to the geek Mecca that is San Diego Comic Con, but much more comic oriented. This convention is an immersive and inclusive experience that aims to bring the energy, passion and color of the entire universe of popular culture to every corner of NYC.
This year boasts big names from Marvel and DC, including writers Amy Reeder, Scott Snyder, and artists Marjorie Liu, and Humberto Ramos, among many more, even manga creator Masashi Kishimoto in his first trip to the USA (Naruto). Topping our list are also creators Brian K. Vaughan (Saga, We Stand Guard, and new work Paper Girls), Annie Wu (Black Canary), Charles Soule (basically everything at Marvel) and Marguerite Bennett (Bombshells, and basically is writing amazing things at every publisher).
If you’re not interested in the floppy, stapled pages of comics, there’s still tons for you to enjoy, such as panels ranging from screenings of upcoming shows, to the round table fun with the cast of Once Upon A Time, to what you can expect in the coming year from Funimation, Capcom, and more!
Maybe your tastes run more toward the art of cosplay? No worries, you have the chance to be among a sea of fellow cosplayers, and show off the long hours put into the labor of love that is cosplay. Just make sure to find us so we can take your photo!!
Lastly, who can forget the stars lovingly sitting behind tables signing each of their fan’s loved items? NYCC is bringing an armful of our favorite stars and there’s also a huge roster of voice actors from your favorite cartoons, and in some cases, actors who hit you right in the nostalgia.
NYCC rolls into the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on October 8th and runs until October 11th. Grab your tickets while you still can, from the official convention website or get your buns to the downtown Midtown Comics location to buy tickets while they still have them! We hope to see you in New York, and if you’re so inclined, join in our fun with our upcoming NYCC Instagram challenge!
Leia Calderon