Labor Day weekend 2018 marked Sub Cultured’s third year at Nan Desu Kan (or NDK, as the locals lovingly refer to it as), an anime-centered convention in Denver, Colorado. This time around, my partner-in-crime, stream buddy, and fellow SC content creator, Kyle, wasn’t able to join me, but it was still a great time attending this event solo nonetheless. This convention never disappoints with the plethora of events that are lined up throughout the weekend, ranging from early in the morning to the wee hours of the night – enough to keep pretty much any anime/video game fan entertained.
I arrived Friday evening and settled into my hotel room, which due to the last-minute nature of planning for the convention, was shared with other random con-goers. One thing to keep in mind for staying at the hotel where the convention is at – always make sure to reserve your room early, or they’ll be booked up by the time the convention weekend rolls around (which might put you in a situation similar to mine). Luckily, the people attending these type of events are generally very friendly and welcoming, so I had no issue finding a room to stay in for the weekend.
The rest of Friday evening was fairly relaxed. I spend a good amount of time at these conventions just scoping out the cosplayers, because to me, they’re the main event (especially the ones that take the time and effort to craft their costumes from scratch). The chunk of my cosplay-watching was done on Saturday, but I did manage to get a couple of shots of some familiar faces from other local conventions, and some new faces as well.

bleachkeki as Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)

Eyarii Cosplay as 2B (NieR: Automata)

Peachy Sweet Cosplay as Major Motoko Kusanagi
After a bit of wandering around, I attended the Pink Unicorn Karaoke Lounge, where I watched some familiar characters belt out their favorite songs. There’s just something special about seeing Pocahontas singing “Colors of the Wind”, a knight getting down on some Tool, or Trunks getting brutal with some screamo.
The cosplay-watching resumed around Saturday afternoon. Most of the mid-hours of the day were spent wandering around some more, mingling with some old friends and new, and checking out the various shops filled with great excuses to empty your wallet, such as the Dealer’s Room.
Late Saturday afternoon, I attended the Costume and Cosplay Contest. This is where cosplayers sign up to flaunt their projects that they’ve worked on for days, weeks, maybe even months, and compete with fellow cosplayers to see who takes the gauntlet for the best cosplay of them all. The contest was divided into different classes, such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced – contestants were able to sign up for any class that they felt their cosplay belonged in. I’m always extremely impressed by the amount of work and attention to detail that these contestants bring to the table.
Of course, with all the great cosplays, come the great cosplay team-ups.
- The Persona 5 crew
- Legendof Cosplay as Deku and Quillness as Allmight (My Hero Academia)
- 80’s gym style Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon
- Vegeta SSJ Blue and Trunks
- Soldier 76 and Zarya (Overwatch)
- delphicosplay as Maya and Lilith (Borderlands/Borderlands 2)
Another notable event on this day was the Q&A panel with voice actress, Cherami Leigh. One might recognize her name from animes such as Pop Team Epic and My Hero Academia, but to me, she’s the badass android, A2, from NieR: Automata. Sadly, I didn’t end up attending this panel. Let’s just say that the nature of how I make plans at conventions is a bit… whimsical.
Saturday evening ended with the MasqueRAVE. If you’re familiar with anime conventions, you know that this is when the real party animals come out to play. Given that your costume wasn’t too hot to dance in (or your amount of dedication), you were out on the dance floor, letting loose with some characters from your favorite games/animes/movies to colorful light shows and bass-heavy music.
Sunday at any anime convention is con-Z day. Everybody is walking around in a zombie-like state, drained from the activities from the past two days, and winding down into the end of the convention. I took this time to wind down as well, hanging out with new and old friends, and made my way to the Japanese Arcade to test my rhythm skills with Taiko Master and Jubeat.
I also made a last-ditch effort to get some more pictures of cosplayers (and with) before everyone headed home.
All in all, I’d consider 2018 another extremely successful year at Nan Desu Kan. As I’m becoming more of a regular at the local Denver area anime conventions, I also feel a developing sense of family among my fellow con-goers. It’s a pretty nice feeling walking into a con and being recognized by people you had met previously, whether from last year’s convention, or another local convention.
Until next year, NDK.
Don’t forget to check out our Nan Desu Kan 2018 Photo Gallery or find additional convention coverage here! Let us know what you think on Facebook or Twitter @SubCultured, and join in the conversation on our Discord channel!
I’d suggest buying the back issues before diving in to Avengers Vs X-Men: Round 8, but sometimes people are just really big Namor fans and don’t want to be bothered with all this story nonsense. Even if you’re jumping into the middle of an ongoing arc (WHY?), not to fret. Here’s a general run down on what’s been happening thus far!
The story in Issue 7 left off as the originally intended vessel of the Phoenix Force, Hope Summers, was seemingly “kidnapped” by Scarlet Witch, who can somehow actually hurt the Chosen Five. In a roll-your-eyes, spoonfed version of deja vous, Cyclops turned a single blind eye to the fact that it was Hope’s decision to leave and has declared, “No more Avengers.”
What, you need more than that? Fine.
All of Cyclops’ training has left him trying to be the leader of four other strong and capable portions of the Phoenix Force and he’s slowly coming to the realization that he’s losing his grip on keeping them in line. Emma once again plays all the angles as she cheats it up with Namor behind Scott’s back, as only a power crazed Frost knows how to do. Emma lets it slip that during the battle of the Pacific Ocean (where Namor got his ass handed to him by Scarlet Witch. No biggie.) that his team had been taken captive and one specifically, Transonic, is being held as a prisoner in their super secret location. Emma is more than happy to give it to him, literally and figuratively, as she multitasks between telepathically divulging the super secret location and tongue dancing with tentacle boy.
Still with me? Good. Issue 8 opens with a two page spread of Namor as he takes out his sexual frustration on the entire nation of Wakanda. I could go into detail and multiple innuendos about Namor flooding the Lake of Twisted Visions, but really, we’re all thinking it. And also, he’s killing Black Panther’s subjects. Which, let’s face it …not cool.
In the laziest attempt at Epic Foreshadowing, Iron Man vaguely mentions to be sure and remember some “secret weapon” to the rest of the Avengers as they jet set Hope Summers to the mystical land of Kung Fu. Er, K’un-Lun. Whatevs.
King T’challa is mighty pissed indeed and threatens to kill Namor himself for the wreckage he has bestowed upon his nation. Captain America wrongly assumes that Namor’s attempt to rage/free the scapegoat Transonic is the entire Phoenix Five’s call for war and final reveal of their assumed evil agenda, rather than Namor acting as his own entity. And good ole’ Cap seems to have a plan more substantial than T’challa’s alleged “talking him down,” as he calls for every single Avenger to assemble and face a fifth of the Phoenix Force in Wakanda.
Wolverine and Hope land on the other side of the portal, and the world, in the portrait worthy land of K’un-Lun. Or as Wolvie calls it, “the city where Kung Fu was born.” With Iron Man and Thunderer landing mere moments before the portal closes, Iron Man addresses Hope with the simple queary if she is ready to do what she has to do in order to stop the Chosen Five. Hope mirrors the reader’s sense of unknown and we jump back to Wakanda, where Namor is in full God-like Rage and gets bitchslapped with a shield to the sound of Cap’s admonishments.
Enter my favorite panel of the whole issue, known only as “FAKABOOM!” Seriously, best written sound effect ever.
The Avengers come out swinging in full force as Namor’s perfectly arched eyebrows furrow further in anger. We have yet to see the return of their ace-in-the-hole Ms. Maximoff, but as she’s the only thing that’s made any sort of dent in any incarnation of the firey entity, it’s clear to the reader that she is hanging in the shadows waiting for Namor to become distracted and swoop in for her opportune moment. Yawn.
T’challa confirms this plan with a behind the back sneak attack, that does less in the way of actually working and is more just an invitation to bestow upon the reader Namor’s weird buttcrack. Why the Phoenix Force dresses the Chosen Five like Lady Gaga is beyond even my comprehension, but Gods will do as Gods will do, I suppose.
Namor lays the smackdown RAW style on too many Avengers to name as he becomes more consumed with rage, and two pages later it’s suddenly the perfect time for Thor to try another behind the back sneak attack with a Mjolnir to the cranium. Because, Thor, that tactic worked so well only two pages ago.
Pretty God.
Back on Utopia, the Mutant Capitol of the World, Magneto peeks his head around the corner and informs the rest of the Chosen Five of the situation on Wakanda. Emma lets it slip once again that she knows how when and why shit just got real. Just as she states “Namor is going to do what Namor is going to do,” it also seems that, as usual, Emma wont do anything that doesn’t benefit Emma. And regarding her status as a telepath and now a Phoenix host, the reader is left to guess at her ultimate endgame. Cyclops comes to the same realization Cap reached in the beginning of the issue and decides to lead the charge to Wakanda to smooth over the damage Namor’s actions have done.
So, remember when Thor decided it would be a good idea to try the same plan that didn’t quite work on Namor not two pages earlier? It worked! All you have to do to distract a God from the threat they should be watching for is hit ’em with a hammer and you’re gold!
And it’s Namor vs Scarlet Witch, ROUND 2! Fight!
Which is very anticlimactic. There’s one page of pink and orange, no dialogue, and it’s over. Magic vs cosmic power is super effective against the other. Namor and Scarlet Witch fainted! Would you like to use the rest of the Phoenix Five? Oh too late, they showed up of their own accord.
The Avengers use their coveted “secret weapon” to escape just as Namor’s portion of the Phoenix Force leaves his form and is absorbed by the, now, Phoenix Four. Though the Chosen Five have been whittled down to four, they don’t seem to be pulling a Spice Girls, and have retained the same amount of power as before. And though she hasn’t done too terribly much thus far, I would like to point out the look on Magik’s face during her power up and how laughably orgasmic it was.
Issue 8 felt extremely rushed in pacing when compared with the rest of the accumulative arc and seemed to be less plot driven, as the dialogue mainly consisted of “I am fire and life incarnate, stand down puny mortals!” or “Guys, what do we do?” Watch out, Brian Michael Bendis, I’m coming for your job!
Though it’s a nice break from the bickering and about time we saw some major action, I feel as though this issue could be executed much better. Stay tuned next week for Avengers Vs X-Men: Round #9!