Captains Log #1: 8/8/2016 2200 hours:
After coming out of warp and crash landing on an undiscovered planet, I found myself surrounded by an alien landscape. The terrestrial sphere was covered in greenery with plenty of mountains that shaped the horizons in the distance. Trees littered the ground with plenty of never before seen flora and fauna. I cling to my identifying device and begin to scan in all of the plants and animals I come across. I know the suits back at home will appreciate the discoveries, and it will also put a bit of credit in my pocket.
At first I was too scared to leave my ship’s vicinity but as I gathered my tools and reminded myself how to use them, a feeling of confidence bellowed up within and I began to set out further and further. I collected a plethora of elements that would be good for fueling my suit’s life support systems as well as act as fuel for my ship.
My ship was heavily damaged in the crash landing but I have the tools to fix my temporarily derelict vessel. The sun seems to be shinning high in the sky but I know at some point night must come for this world. I know I had little time to piece what I needed together so I could get off this planet and back up into the stars.
Using my scanner I begin to locate specific elements and parts that will help with my repairs. Most of what I needed I could find close by but one reading had me setting off for about a mile or two in a Northern direction. I set off and stare awestruck at the spires and landscapes that rise from the ground in ways that are both alien and familiar. The color pallet runs the gamut with a multitude of greens, while blues and purples and browns are sprinkled through the environment. Crystals are sprouting up everywhere, and I take the time to break it all down and take it with me as they will act for goods I can trade when I find the nearest space station in this solar system.
I finally get to the element I am searching for and break it down while claiming it for my own. With everything I need in my possession, I begin to craft the elements and materials into parts and fuel for my ship. It was time to get off this rock, but not before taking a few detours on my way back. Thankfully my scanners keep my ship always in view, which limits the opportunities to become lost.
Or so I thought. My journey from my crash site was wrought with long jumps, falls, twist and turns, so getting back to my ship is nothing short of defying gravity. I opt to take a cave which looks to pass through the large landmass in my way. I had no clue that I would never see the sun again on this planet when I entered that cave.
Hours must have gone by as I traversed deeper and deeper, coming across a multitude of dead ends and twisty caverns that acted as a subterranean labyrinth. To keep my mind out of the prison of fear, I kept cerebrally occupied by collecting more elements and materials. Thankfully this cave was not as populated as the ground above. The solitude helped keep me focused as I navigated the dark cave filled with luminous plants and stalactites and stalagmites.
Finally, I found my way out of the cave and into the now night sky. It was a cathartic moment for me. I had gathered so much that I did not want that cave to become my tomb. Decisions needed to be made; I could make my way towards the ship but my scanners show that a settlement is nearby. It looks to be some sort of structure created by an intelligent life form for sure. I make my way a few miles East and come across a series of housing units that seem to be abandoned. Checking them out, I realize that nothing of use was left behind. To ensure this trek was not wasted, I begin to pillage the area of its resources.
Supposedly I had taken too much from this planet because those pesky Sentinels came after me. Those robotic law keepers are in nearly every solar system, who knows who built them, that’s half the reason I am out here, to find answers. After I ditched the Sentinels I was able to find a few lexicon monuments which taught me a few of the alien species’ words. As of this time I know 6 words from this language, one of which is “warning,” which I assume will come in handy for the dangers I am sure to face in the near future.
I had seen enough of this planet so I made my way back to my vessel. I replaced all the broken parts and filled up my ship. Getting into the cockpit, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I know a bit more about this solar system and my ship is working better than ever before. With little left to do here, I take off in my craft, boost out of the atmosphere and enter into the infinite space. Asteroids litter the foreground while stars occupy the background.
As I bob and weave through the asteroid belt I see another planet off in the distance. It seems that there is a moon for this planet as well. What really caught my eye was the orbiting space station around the undiscovered planet. With little room in my cargo bay of the ship as well as on my person, I knew I would need to go to that station to sell off and trade goods, and that is exactly what I did.
The journey took some time but it was meditative and soothing as I made my way towards the orbiting space station. As I approach the large planet and moon I notice that there are ships and carrier leaving both terrestrial bodies and heading towards the space station; it must be a popular pit stop. It was nice seeing that I was not alone in this area.
As I brought my vessel towards the space center, I align myself with the entrance. The tractor beam locks on to my ship and pulls me into the docking bay. Here I find a few alien species that are more than willing to work with me. Despite our language barrier. we make some trades, and I transact some good sales. After looking around the space station, I get back into my ship. Ready for takeoff, I boot up my engines and make my way towards the nearby moon.
The moon was a toxic nightmare. Corrosion occupies the ground with a horrifying poison that seeps through my life support systems in my suit. This gives me minimal time on the ground due to the litany of dangers that occupied this moon. I had just enough time to land on the planet, exit my ship, and take a short look around. No time passed before I was attacked by some very hostile quadrupeds. Leaving the moon as quick as I entered it, I made my way towards the larger planet.
I get a notification that there is a beacon nearby, and said device is broadcasting a signal. My intrigued gets the better of me and I feel obligated to check it out. I enter the planet’s atmosphere, fly high above the ground as I follow the waypoint towards the beacon.

Landing on an alien planet
As I arrive, I take a quick landing and rummage through the debris to find the beacon. Discovering it bestowed a new tech blueprint for me to utilize. It was a warp drive, one powerful enough to get me out of this solar system. This will get me closer to my goal that exists within the center of the universe. The materials I would need to make this drive would be hard to come by and very expensive. Perhaps some local sentient life would be able to help.
Again, I get a blip on my scanner that there is a settlement nearby. I hop in my ship and take a quick flight there to find a base. In that base sat an alien that looked to be the same race as the one in the space station. He was friendly as I shared some oxygen with me and gave him some elements he needed. He was more than willing to point out a device nearby that allows me to buy, sell, and trade goods. I was able to price out some of the items I would need to build the drive. It was also a good time to offload some recently discovered elements and artifacts.
I figured this settlement would be as good as a place as any to settle down for a bit. A long stent of explorations has me reporting enough for this log. My future logs will be in this format. You need to know what’s out there. What I am experiencing is important because perhaps one day you will take the interstellar plunge. It all begins with that simple decision…do you have the courage to enter the unknown?
0% Match | 0% Enemy
3rd of the Endless, Changeable, The Dreaming
My Self-Summary:
I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless and Lord L’Zoril. We have met. Perhaps when we did you named me Lord of Stories, The Sandman, Wesley Dodds or interim master of Hell. No matter. You have known me intimately, if only from a certain point of view. Welcome.
What I’m Doing With My Life:
I have many responsibilities and little time or interest in enumerating them to you. My realm is infinite and my service is endless.
Desire here.
You’ll have to excuse my brother, though I never will. Let me warn you, admirer, that he is stuffy, stupid, and thinks he knows everything, and there’s just something about him that gets on my nerves. But step forward, any being who thinks that they can distract the Lord of Naps from his work, and I shall make him want you.
I’m Really Good At:
An inane question. I am and do what I am. I am “good” at no more than is my responsibility.
Hi There! We most likely don’t know each other! I’m Death.
Nice of you to drop by my little brother’s profile (full disclosure: I made him make one). He just gets so wrapped up in work sometimes that it’s like he forgets that he’s a multi-aspected personification of unreality with real needs. He’s very well spoken, loves stories and travel, and is one of the most creative people that I’ve ever met after maybe my sister, Delirium. Plus, if you’re into that whole tall, dark, and brooding thing, you probably couldn’t find anyone more that type.
Oh, due to a few uh…sort of bad endings to some of his past relationships, don’t message if you’re a mortal from any galaxy, plane, or sentient form of matter. It just wouldn’t work out between you and Morpheus, even though I’m sure that you’re very nice. By the way, if you are mortal then I’ll be seeing you :)
Favorite Books, Movies, Shows, Music, and Food:
All inspiration comes from The Dreaming, which is of course, myself. Therefore all art that is made or never made springs from my realm. How then could I select one from of many?
Though I do suppose I enjoy some of the work, both written and never to be written, of a dreamer whom I took great care to inspire called Neil Gaiman. Even if fully appreciating several of his more allusive works requires far too much time cross-referencing in Lucien’s Library.
The Most Private Thing I’m Willing to Admit:
You Should Message Me If:
Um yeah, It’s Death again. Morpheus needs a moment. He’s very in touch with him emotions, which is great if you’re looking for a really committed and deep relationship, don’t you think? So don’t let the downpour turn you off. He’s also got a castle!
Quite the catch is our Lord of Dreaming. Be warned, he’s not into long distance relationships, so if you’re not ready to move in he may just toss you in a cage in hell for just under 10,00o years…
What other characters are you dying to make a love connection with? We’ve already featured Thanos, Red Skull, and Ramsay Bolton.
My name is Ashly and I have shipped non-canon pairings.
I’ve probably been doing it since before you were in fandom. I know I’ve been doing it since before talking about fandom was a thing you did without the safety of hiding behind a fake username. I’ve discussed “wouldn’t it be great/hot if…” scenarios and, yeah, let’s just go all out here, I’ve written fanfic involving couples who were never, ever, ever getting together. Ever.
I am here to prove to you that I have survived. And that, somehow, you will as well.
Shipping non-canon couples is fine. I wanna make sure you know that. If you wanted to see Kirk and Spock all over each other, that’s your call and I’m not gonna judge you. Though, to be fair, I did at one point pretty heavily judge anyone in the Final Fantasy X fandom who shipped Auron/Rikku because he is a) too old for her and b) DEAD, OKAY? SPOILER ALERT.
It’s not like something not actually coming true in the source media somehow invalidates what you’d like to see. When a creator puts something out there, they are at the whims of their audience, and a large portion of the fun of fanworks is exploring “what if” scenarios, so if you wondered what it would be like if Barbara Gordon and Dinah Lance were more than just friends, then FANWORKS ARE YOUR FRIEND. And there is likely someone out there who has had the same thought and will want to talk about it with you and compare notes and it can be so. damn. much. fun.
But for some reason that I will never quite understand, some people seem to feel that if their pairing isn’t approved in the source material, you have somehow managed to time travel into the future and take a huge shit on their grave.
The most infamous incident I can think of was while the Harry Potter series was still being released. Notably, it was when Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out.
So much happens in Half-Blood Prince. There was a lot to get emotional over and things that were sure to cause a ton of fan outrage. And do you know what I saw the most outrageous anger over?
Dumbledor’s death? Psh, no, old dude gets killed whatever.
Snape turning traitor? WHO CARES?
No. No, the most terrible thing JK Rowling did in Half-Blood Prince, according to a very vocal section of the internet, was this:
See, there was this expectation that Harry was going to end up with HERMIONE and Ginny…let’s just not go there regarding their opinions of Ginny.
So, why do I bring this up now? Because, I have to confess, I’ve been sucked into the whirlpool that is Teen Wolf. Why, you ask? Well…
…for the plot. Totally for the plot.
Anyway, the most popular pairing in Teen Wolf is that of Stiles Stilinski (human best friend of the lead character) and Derek Hale (mysterious failure of a werewolf). The pairing is commonly known as “Sterek.” For the record, in a world where Final Fantasy 8 fandom gave us the namesmush “Squinoa,” I cannot laugh at “Sterek” as much as I want to.
Anyway, as for the pairing, I don’t get it, but I’ve gotta give them this: it is very pretty.
Please remember, I told you: I watch it for the plot.
Anyway, recently there was word that, sadly, Sterek will NOT become canon on the show. And from the internet there was a moment of silence.
And then? FIRE.
Okay, okay, exaggerating, but seriously. I can see why there was a certain amount of hope that it COULD happen: Teen Wolf has been pretty cool about normalizing homosexuality on the show, in fact we’ve been promised that the openly gay character of Danny will be getting a werewolf boyfriend and some on-screen loving in Season 3. Besides that, the show has done things such as holding a slash-friendly fanfiction contest where the winner got to meet members of the cast and the creator and, well, stuff like this.
Right, anyway. Sterek no happen.
Disappointment I can get. Especially in a case where you saw hope for it.
But the battle cry of STEREK EXISTS? Oh, folks.
Look, yes. Sterek exists and can continue to exist in fanart and fanfic and whatever else you wanna make. Obviously the cast and creator are COOL with it, in fact cast members may ship it (or they may be trolling, I don’t know, either way it is awesome). But it’s just NOT the direction the show is going.
That doesn’t mean you can’t still ship Sterek. You are TOTALLY allowed to. I’m sure most of the fandom would prefer you did (though there may be some people who would like to see a little more Stiles/Scott/Allison stuff. I mean, I assume so). But really, let’s all remember that it’s all in good fun, that life goes on, and we should pay attention to the important things.
Like the plot.
- Ashly was a Sub Cultured contributing writer and, apparently, a creeper who is hoping you don’t kill her for saying any of this. She is glad to discuss the plot of Teen Wolf on her Twitter @newageamazon.