Five friends walk into a bar. Then another. And another…
The World’s End is a movie about five high school friends who once attempted to drink a pint at each of the twelve bars in their town. This feat is referred to as the golden mile, but they couldn’t quite pull it off. Their fearless leader (Simon Pegg) walks around in a black trench coat, combat boots, and a punk rock attitude about anything and everything. His right hand man (Nick Frost) always has his back. Their three other friends (Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, and Eddie Marsan) and mainly along for the ride. Years pass. They lose touch with one another. Everyone moves on in life except for Gary King (Simon Pegg). So he gets the gang back together to attempt to finish the golden mile, hoping that it will fill the hole that has become his life.
Okay, so we all saw Shaun of the Dead right? What about Hot Fuzz? Some loved the first and weren’t really down with Hot Fuzz. Those people were wrong. Hot Fuzz is great. Taking the formula that worked so well in those two movies, The World’s End decides to flip Nick Frost and Simon Pegg from their usual character roles. This time, Simon Pegg is the bumbling idiot, while Nick Frost plays the level-headed one. The good is that Nick Frost pulls off the role switch with colors, giving an impassioned strength to the character. The bad is that Simon Pegg pulls of the idiot, but can’t quite give him the endearing likeability that Frost normally does.
The first two acts of the movie are tightly weaved, supplying several fun moments. The cinematography is hands down the best of the three, with Edgar Wright’s love of quick-cut, adrenaline fueled expositions showing his experience from the past few movies he’s done come full circle. The choreographer from the past few movies returns as well. Learn her name.
Litza Bixler.
She is wonderful and The World’s End is easily her crowning achievement in choreography, with fight scenes that would fall to pieces in less capable hands.
In fact, The World’s End can be summed up by the choreography and cinematography. Edgar Wright shines as a director. Litza Bixler knocks it out with the choreography. The third act though? Frankly, it was a let down. The final joke gets a bit stretched out and heavy-handed. The time wasted in this scene could have been used to show off more of the rich back story between the five friends. Luckily, there is a fun little epilogue that ties things up without giving the typical “happy ending”.
This is a small complaint and the movie is a good time, but definitely not as powerful as Shaun of the Dead or as thrilling as Hot Fuzz.
I give The World’s End a 7 out of 10.
Johnny Townsend
Staff Writer
Although I had planned to write something different leading up to SDCC, complications arose, ensued, were overcome, and I find myself here with that original idea on hold and a general personal plan for the weekend. So here we are.
This is the first year I am attending with zero costumes and it is certainly liberating. My friends are cosplaying each day and I will be following along for a time but I would like to see a few panels, compared to the none I saw last year. Today I am looking forward to the Sherlock panel with Steven Moffatt and Mark Gattiss. I will possibly end up seeing the Hannibal panel this evening with Bryan Fuller, David Slade, and Hugh Dancy, but will have to compare the risks of spoiling the end of the season (which I have yet to finish) or watch the last two episodes this afternoon without my girlfriend/watching partner. We might need to have a talk.
Friday will likely be my first foray into Hall H. The Worlds End with Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Edgar Wright has a panel I need to see as it is my most anticipated movie for the rest of the year. I like you Peter Jackson, but The Hobbit didn’t need to be a trilogy and the Cornetto series did. I’m a huge fan of these guys so I would be happy to see them talk for an hour and not see a second of footage. Later in the same room is the Game of Thrones Panel with too much of the cast to mention but Peter Dinklage is there so I’m sure it’ll be a good time. I haven’t read the books but have been enjoying the show and look forward to whatever they can show or tell me about next season, aside from giving more work to Mark Gatiss.
Saturday and Sunday I have a few off site events in the evening, but will probably wander the floor most of the day. I still love cosplay, even if I’m not dressing up, and since the best costumes come out on the weekend I will want to be on the floor to see those. I haven’t prepped myself much for what to expect in the giant exhibitor hall this year, but I am looking forward to the Assassin’s Creed 4 booth to see if I can get my hands on some gameplay. The naval missions were my favorite from AC3 but this is another developer and I am just hopeful this isn’t another ambitious but disappointing pirate game. Think Geek has booth for the first time this year and I am pretty sure that I will turn into Fry within ten feet of that.
I will very much be going where the river of Comic-Con takes me this year and will give you the entire best recap I can give you at the end of it all. In the meantime, I’ll be posting updates, pictures, thoughts and general musings on my ol’ fashioned Twitter @josefonmovies.
Those who know me know I refer to my field of interests as multiclassing. I enjoy sporting events as well as comic cons. I like talking about the merits of strategy in sports as much as I do strategies for Final Fantasy boss fights. I even enjoy arguing about the greatness of sports players as well as the greatness of all of the different Doctors. I think it’s good to be a well rounded sort of guy that way.
I naturally then subscribe to a host of different things on social media, and some of them are Doctor Who related (I even tried lobbying BBC to make me the brown doctor to no avail). So last month I saw what I considered to be a nice and funny post listing similarities between a Doctor Who Convention and the Super Bowl (that’s American Football for our ex-US friends) and found it wonderful. These were the points, according to the post, listed that both types events provided:
- Lots of fans traveling from all over to gather together and celebrate something that they love watching on TV
- Sometimes they dress up as their favorite characters
- A good place to make friends and have fun
- Usually you come home with lots of merchandise and souvenirs
- If you’re lucky, you might even get to meet one of the stars and get an autograph
How great is that? Sports and traditional geekery coming together to recognize the similarities between everyone. And you know me kids, I like bringing people together. I’ve even written on the topic of how we’re all the same, like how fantasy football and World of Warcraft share a lot. So this post made me really happy.
Until, that is, I started reading the comments. I know, I know, I should have just applied the YouTube comments rule and ignored them but once I started getting into them, I had a big problem reading some of them that were dripping in what can only be described as the old-school “geek vs sports” mentality. Something struck me as odd though – opposite of traditional convention, the venom was coming from the geeks to be hurled at the sports fans on the page. Unsolicited, and with a vengeance. Dozens of people posted about how these events could not possibly be the same because “football is for losers,” or that sci fi / doctor fans are “much smarter people,” or that football doesn’t “require thought” and fans of sports are somehow dumber. The vast majority of what I’ll call “partisan” commentary was against sports fans. I only spotted a couple actually insulting sci-fi fans, and those “insults” really didn’t get much harsher than “it’s not real.”
A fandom and community that might have been used to judgment over their lifetime is now slinging the judgment at others? And I might add, in an unsolicited manner? It was rough getting through it and feeling like these folks were trying to recreate a version of high school were the stereotypical geeks had the social upper hand. Or that maybe they were slinging this venom because that’s what their fandom dictates they do. Either way, it really upset me. For those who claim that Doctor who is about acceptance and people being themselves, they sure didn’t play the part. So why are traditional geeks, one of the groups I do identify with, taking this route? Are these the same people that reveled in Simon Pegg’s recent definition of “geek” that can now be found all over the internet? Are we so “open and accepting” to shun everyone that doesn’t identify with us? It’s spooky, and I don’t like it.
And I’m going to be the one to say it – all this reverse judging? Not ok guys. “Ew, dumb jock” and “Ugh, stupid nerd” ended in high school. Fans of both express their fandom, and the stereotype that sports fans have the IQ of a walnut is just as over-generalized as the one about nerds living in a basement doing their thing with anime/sci-fi/computers 24/7. If you’re a “nerd” judging others then you’ve become the very people who pestered you when you were/are young, if that’s your motivation here.
Both events and both “camps” have community as a big part of their fandom, and conversations on “who was the greatest running back/wide receiver” happen just as frequently as “who was the best doctor/companion.”
Now I think I have a unique perspective here. I’m a big geek in the traditional sense. I’m wearing a Green Lantern t-shirt typing this right now. I have this Saturday’s Doctor Who episode set to record because I’m not going to be around. I spend my downtime gaming. I launched my Final Fantasy career with the original on the NES when I was 8. On the other hand, I love football, and I do my best to watch every Eagles game during the season, regardless of how they’re doing. I try to get out and play golf as often as I can when the weather’s nice. Back in high school I did quiz bowl and debate after my advanced programming classes, but still played Ultimate Frisbee after school and was friends with the guys on the football team. You can say I have a foot in both camps as it were, and I do understand both sides of the coin.
Which is why I say to everyone, with love, that it’s time to grow the hell up. I understand that everyone is passionate about what they love and develop fierce loyalties. And we gravitate to people who share those passions and find a sense of community. But why does that mean that every other community is somehow inferior or less intelligent or somehow worse than yours? I just don’t get it, not these days anyway. According to these Whovian purists, has my INT stat taken a hit because I have a mind for sports as well?
According to my social media feeds, yeah. And that’s sad. I can guarantee you that once football season starts and posts/tweets about the NFL start ramping up in a couple months, so will the tweets and posts from those who feel intellectually superior, making damn sure that you know they’re too intellectually superior to watch sports. You will also, however, find that the reverse is not true at all. How do I know? because I’ve seen it every season since I’ve been on Twitter.
So are there really fan-based geek outcasts anymore? The folks I play fantasy football with are the same people who I used to raid with. “Sports geeks” as I call some of my friends know every stat and every event, both major and minor, in their arena of sports interests. They’re also some of the sharpest minds I’ve met.
So back to what I was talking about before in regards to Simon Pegg’s geek redefinition:
“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.”
Is there anyone here that disagrees? He put into words how I’ve always felt. And there’s a place and room for a lot of different types of folks at my table.
To those who feel like the negative facebook commenters, did I betray you? Have I gone astray from your fierce Whovian fandom? Then in the words of the Doctor himself:
Please, point a gun at me if it helps you relax.
Tushar Nene
Staff Writer
Welcome to 2013.
I must share something about myself. I never, never, ever, never make New Year’s resolutions.
I did, however, promise myself that if I made it past the train wreck of a year that was 2012, I would start a daily bucket list. If I could think of 365 things out there I want to do (realistic or not)then I can help mold a pretty dynamic future. I’ll post my final list at the start of 2014 should I accomplish this lofty feat.
Now, it should go without saying (but I will anyway) that many of these will coincide with my nerd nature, and are definitely goals I’m keeping in the express aisle of my pipe dreams. I’m also willing to bet others like me would like to (or have done) some of these things.
To get my list started, as well as hopefully inspire others to compile similar lists, here are my personal Top Ten (well, first ten) items that might suit one’s geeky bucket list. I know they’re on mine.
1. Visit Hobbiton
It’s one of the great things about New Zealand. They not only tolerate Ringers and other Lord of the Rings/Hobbit fans visiting the sites and sets of the some of the greatest films ever made based on the books of one of the best writers ever (my apologies, I’m a bit excited about the prospect of this) they embrace them with open “give us your money and we’ll love you forever” arms. New Zealand’s tourism industry proudly announces its “home to Middle Earth” and visitors flood to several of the spots that served (or continue serve) as Tolkien’s world. Most notably, however, is the still-standing Hobbiton movie set in Matamata where you can wander around the Hobbits’ Shire, actually enjoy a libation at the Green Dragon Pub and see Bag End (Bilbo not included sadly, although I’ll leave room in my suitcase just in case). My furry little feet are tingling now, just thinking about it.
Since I’d be on the northern island, I might take a short trip from the Shire to visit the Waitomo Glowworm Caves (absolutely nothing to do with “The Hobbit,” but hey, glow worms!)
Local “quick fixes” I might have to settle for first in the United States include the Hobbit Café in Houston, Texas and Green Dragon Pub and Bilbo Baggins Global Restaurant in Alexandria, Va.
2. Take part in a zombie walk
It’s the little things in life — Earl Grey and a good book, weekend movie or game day with the family, a quiet evening of sunset gazing and ambling aimlessly along an avenue covered in fake blood and shredded clothes while emitting incoherent moans for brains. The last of these, however, I have never gotten the chance to participate. Okay, maybe these are soooo 2009, and nearly every major city hosts some type of zombie walk for charity, Halloween, movie events, comic-cons and quinceañeras, but they are still a complete blast. And dang it, I want to do one. It may be near an almost clichéd idea nowadays, but to channel Tallahassee from “Zombieland,” until I get to do one, “oh, this zombie walk thing ain’t over yet.”
3. Experience San Diego Comic-Con
The big one. Comic-Con International: San Diego. The best known and most celebrated (or despised) comic book convention in the world, brining in more than 130,000 cosplayers, hopeful artists, ravenous collectors, gawkers, gamers and geeks from around the world. There are plenty of other cons I would like to hit (Wondercon, Wizard World, Dragon Con, New York Comic Con), but to say you’ve been — and survived — the SDCC experience is almost the ultimate geek rite-of-passage. Go to get the free swag, collect original art and autographs from A-list comic creators and A, B and C-list celebrities. Go and admire the devoted creativity of the cosplayers and resent every cosplayer better looking than yourself. Go and hate the way the Hollywood hype has taken over the purity of the comic book environment. But, go nonetheless, just to say how over-rated, overpriced, overcrowded or even (gasp) how absolutely fantastic it was.
4. Take the Harry Potter studio tour in London
Yes, there is a wonderfully over-the-top Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park experience in which you can ride a dragon, drink a butterbeer and visit “Hogwarts,” and yes, I want to do that, too. It’s just not the same as being on the actual set. The Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London now includes a Making of Harry Potter Tour where you can visit the Grand Hall, Ministry of Magic, common rooms and other pieces of the movie sets. They spent enough time and money on those things; they might as well make a little back in tour ticket sales (because, of course they made nothing on the movies themselves). Bonus: I’d be in London. LONDON! Maybe after the tour there might be one or two other things we could find to do there — Baker Street anyone?
5. Meet Nathan Fillon or Simon Pegg
I’m going to level with you, there are tons of geek-friendly actors and directors I have no desire at all to meet. I don’t really like “movie stars” even those whose work I immensely enjoy. Most of them just come across to me as faux royalty looking down on their minions (some of whom, in all fairness, seem all too eager to stroke their idol’s ego). Not these two guys. They actually appear to get it, and genuinely come across as appreciative of being in the position to do what they love without having to relinquish their true fanboy natures. Between Fillan’s constant interviews where he spews his love of zombie apocalypse preparedness and his fanaticism with “Game of Thrones” or Pegg’s geeky (and quotable) confessional “Nerd Do Well,” (not to mention he’s the man behind my favorite zombie film, “Sean of the Dead,”), these boys’ let their geek-freak flag fly beautifully. My beliefs might not always jibe with their politics, ideals or other personal quirks, but when it comes to a collective embracing of the inner child, these boys are my kindred spirits…. and I just want to thank them for representing that spirit well.
6. Muscle through Universal Horror Nights
This one is just to prove to myself that I’m not a super-wuss. There are haunted attractions everywhere, but Universal Studios in Orlando’s nighttime Halloween season event has been considered one of the best and biggest in the United States again and again, with not only a selection of haunted walk-throughs but elaborately transformed themed “scare-zones” that have been based on everything from twisted Grimm Fairy Tales to, most recently, “Silent Hill” and “Walking Dead.” One of their recent zones even simulated, through elaborate camera and light effects, post-nuclear holocaust buildings crumbling all around you while wandering toxic mutants tried to see what it took for guests to lose their cool. Again, I list this one because as much as I sadistically love laughing at the squeals and jumps of grownups paying good money too look like screaming little girls at a haunted slumber party, I really wonder how much I would need to cowboy up to make it through this puppy.
7. Make or purchase an ultimate unnecessarily awesome movie prop showpiece
Thanks to and Noble Collection, anyone can own a replica Gandalf’s staff or light saber, but a true geek needs that over-the-top item that will make some shake their head in pitying disbelief and others drop their jaws and envious awe. I’m talking about items like the full-size Han Solo in carbonite office desk (someone actually has this), a Bat Cave (or Black Pearl) media room, or a walk in Tardis. I’m thinking about how I can transform my backyard sitting area into Bilbo’s Bag End Entry way, or converting a library to a Jules Verne-esque steampunk sitting room (complete with that wallpaper from BBC’s Sherlock’s apartment). I’d also like a fully functional life-sized Hatbox Ghost of vintage Haunted Mansion lore, and many other items on an embarrassingly long list of geek wants. Save your money, roll up your sleeves and get to work finding your own obsessive craving…you know it’s out there.
8. Watch ALL the “Doctor Who” episodes…in order
Eleven Doctors, more than 30 seasons and at least 300 episodes, and I haven’t seen one of them. I know the Doctors well, know the rabid protectiveness over their personal favorite incarnation if the character the Whovians have, and am familiar with the protagonists, villains, how the Tardis works and how weirdly cool it would be to have a sonic screwdriver. I have just never sat down to ONE full episode of the show, despite the disbelief and goading of my Who-crazy friends. At some point, I think I need to time travel my virtual self back to 1963 BBC and get started. Then maybe I can get in on the “who’s the best Doctor” argument beyond “I like Tennant’s Converse.”
9. Shake hands with Stan Lee
Is there any one more poignant living legend in the comic book world than Stan Lee? Wait, wait… I’ll answer that. NO, there is not. Once you’ve met Stan, you’ve experienced the pinnacle of comic book greatness. Time is wasting here, as Stan the Man just reached 90. I’m not waiting for any “bells to toll” as it were, as he seems as spry and filled with a zeal for life as ever. Unfortunately there’s no telling how much time he will want to spend during his nonagenarian decade having people and their grandkids stand in line for his signature and telling him what he an influence he has been. Plus, the opportunity to meet him at any of his comic-con appearances is limited. Make a reservation to meet this guy, ASAP.
10. Drive the Batmobile
I live a full and happy life. Love my family, am truly grateful and blessed to be able to have a creative outlet from which to spew my geek-heavy crafts — not to mention an actual “real” job in which I can get paid to write and edit. That being said…the eager little fangirl in me will never feel completely satisfied until I get a ride in the ultimate superhero vehicle. Not a simulator either. I’m talking the real ride. The Batmobile, which just might even have a fan base that rivals the Dark Knight himself, has evolved over time from its first “real life” appearance (a one-of-a-kind 1955 Lincoln concept car) as seen in the 1960s television series, to Tim Burton’s gothic art deco version to the oh-so-incredibly-awesome-please-can-I-have-one military-style Tumbler of the Christopher Nolan trilogy. I’m not picky though; any Batmobile will do…just as long I can get behind the wheel and drive past the homes of everyone I want to make jealous.
I guess that wraps it up for now, I’ve got my first ten goals under my belt for 2013 (and beyond). Next step, think of 355 other things to shoot for.

Watch me
It’s Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and company before Sean of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Paul, etc. A great comedy show.
P.S. – They added Goldeneye too, but you’ve already seen that.