What’s up kids?
Your friend Tushar here for the IHOGeek crew. We’re about a month out from New York Comic Con kicking off and we’re in the midst of making our plans for the show. In my prep I seem to have stumbled across a 3-day pass, and I’ve been wondering what to with it. I sought council from elders from the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, where I saw some… pretty strange goings on – and after much thought and deliberation, I (and my animated alter ego over there) have decided that we want YOU at NYCC! But don’t think for a second you’re not going to have to work a little for it.
This is a hot ticket for next month, and these passes are SOLD OUT otherwise. Don’t be left out to check out the east coast’s biggest comic and pop culture event of the year.
I know you’re excited and impatient wondering how you can get your hands on the prize. So here’s the score:
- Check out IHOGeek’s Facebook page and give us a like (If you already have, you’re awesome!)
- Create some sort of art or poster type thing – it could be a photo or photos, collage, a photoshop manipulation, a drawing, whatever – but something digital and email-able telling me why YOU should be the lucky fan. The image should contain the phrase “Tushar and IHOGeek send me to NYCC!” somewhere on there.
- Email that bad boy over to me at tushar@ihogeek.com including your name and a return email address.
- Pray to the old gods and the new.
- Must be 18 or older to enter and win.
- This giveaway covers THE PASS ONLY. Any expenses for travel to New York or lodging during the show is on you.
- Any submissions received on or before Friday, September 20th will be considered.
- After the winner has been selected we’ll contact you for mailing info
You have one week kids – starting……. NOW. Game on!
Tushar Nene
Staff Writer
May 4,5,6 (Friday – Sunday) will be filled with awesome. SO much awesome.
Not, just because I’m a big fan of movies and especially horror, but because the guest line-up is filled with win. SO much win. Here’s a hint of just one of the awesome people who will be at Texas Frightmare Weekend.

Norman Reedus. A.K.A. - The reason fans of the Walking Dead comic continue to watch the show

Hit the jump to see the full list of win.