The Nintendo Switch has had a successful launch and is definitely the real deal but Nintendo’s newest console is not without it’s issues. Skepticism is healthy and it comes very easy to people who have yet to actually try the system out for themselves, but for those of us who have had a little more hands on experience it can be hard to see past the hype. It is important to point out that this new hardware is amazing in the many things it sets out to do while at the same time being grounded in the reality that nothing is perfect at launch. Here are some of the more prominent issues to look out for before you decide if you want to sink north of $300 into the newest gaming trend.
Battery Life is Laughable
For what is being touted as a hybrid system, your total time on the go will add up to 2.5 – 3.5 hours. That barely gets you anywhere when playing The Legend Zelda: Breath of the Wild, just trust that your Switch can and will die on you. Even on medium brightness! The controllers thankfully have such a long battery life that I have yet to find myself with a live system, and dead sticks. Make sure you are carrying around the charger if you leave with your Switch.
You Will Need a Screen Protector!
The Switch’s dock will scratch up the screen of your Switch if you are not careful with sliding it in. Now this is mostly user error, as if you do sloppily put in the Switch, the screen will scratch. How to combat this? Treat it like your cell phone or expensive handheld device. Buy a screen protector and be sure to place the Switch into its dock very carefully every time. Ya know, treat your expensive hardware correctly! All screens on all devices, be they plastic or glass, are not immune to damage. It may be common sense, but its in need of pointing out.
Limited On Board Memory
If you plan to download a lot of games and extras on your Nintendo Switch, it is in your best interest to grab a SD Micro Card! 32 gigs of space with over 5 uses on the Operating System leaves you with very little extra room. I’d suggest spending the extra money to get more memory!
Lack of Release Titles
I currently have 3 games on my Switch. A racing game called Fast RMX, an old game called Shovel Knight, and the main event of course being The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. While Zelda may be a solid contender for one of the greatest games of all time (seriously, I’ve put over 20 hours into it and there is nothing like it), it still only is ONE game. The other two titles work well as pallet cleansers, but beyond these there just are not a lot of offerings currently.
Reported Dead Pixels
If you have a Switch that is suffering from dead pixels, take it back to the store and make them return it. These things happen in all products and while Nintendo is saying “it is not their issue,” you can certainly still return it to the store you bought it at. Make sure you do a good inspection before keeping the system for too long. Dead pixels will be pretty obvious pretty quickly.
Joy-Cons Can’t Charge Without Being Docked
Now this is just a classic Nintendo maneuver. This just screams of, “Hey this is okay, just buy our 30 dollar proprietary peripheral to place your Joy-Cons in to charge your controllers while you play!” To add more insult to injury, this purchasable peripheral looks exactly like the controller cradle that comes with the system – except it is unable to charge, which seems like a standard feature. This may be among this most frustrating things about the system and accessories.
Controller Syncing Issues
Though they are meant to be used together, the Joy-Cons themselves are standalone controllers and there have been multiple reports of the left Joy-Con un-syncing. It seems many things are interfering with the signal and there is talk of a possible a firmware update to fix this, however it is still an unacceptable issue to have at launch.
No Virtual Console
This is a subjective issue but many were anticipating virtual console, so I imagine its absence currently is a deal breaker for some. This addition could have padded out the Nintendo Switch’s, launch but they were unable to deliver. This service is coming, but for now it is not present and no idea when it will become available.
No Party Chat
Party Chat currently does not exist – and when it does, you will need a phone app to use it. Um what? I will reserve any more judgment until this feature comes out and I get hands on time with it. Because that’s what you do, use something before forming an opinion on it.
Friend Codes Are Back
The friend codes are still used to find friends online. This is old, archaic, and there has to be better ways to do this by now. But I quickly got over it as I filled out my friends lists with help from previous Nintendo apps to help find people I have interacted with, or putting in your 75 (not a real number) digit arbitrary code to find somebody specific.
Kickstand Woes
The Nintendo Switch kickstand is flimsy and it feels like the console is always on the verge of tipping over. I suggest some sort of case that props it up if you plan to play it on the go and upright.
Game Saves Locked to System
Unlike other consoles, the save data for your games is currently locked to the system. Now this seems like it will be something that is addressed in a firmware update but for the moment I hope you are not planning on continuing your gaming adventures on a friend’s console. It is a traveling system, though, so there should be little to no need for save data transfers outside of upgrading to a new system or extracting data off of a broken one. Here’s to hoping this is fixed soon!
No Ethernet Port
What is this the 90s? Sure I get everything is wireless now but for online gaming, internet speed is paramount and Wi-fi does not always cut it! How much cost was cut from excluding this? its a big omission but thankfully I have had zero issues with the wi-fi, connecting online, or being unable to update my games or get into a quick race in Fast RMX.
Report Card:
Some of these issues with the Nintendo Switch will be deal breakers to some while not even being a blip on the radar for others. For now if I had to impart advice to anybody who is on the fence, I would say that all early adopters for any piece of hardware are basically glorified beta testers. There will be kinks, there will be issues, and oversights in the first batch of these systems, but that is not exclusive to this product.
My take on it? Wait for a few months. Watch the catalog of games grow, watch some of the issues be addressed, and when it feels right for you, pull the trigger, because there is nothing in the world like never having to stop playing. There is something so novel about grabbing the system and continuing your session at work, on the bus, or on vacation, while never feeling like the limitations of playing cell phone game or handheld device. This is true hardcore, triple A gaming on the go which was the mantra of the Nintendo Switch. In that regard, they nailed what they set out to do.
I hate to dwell on the negatives, but being objective about the shortcomings of a new product is important! Stay tuned to a future feature about all the things I loved about the system, and strap yourself in because there is A LOT to love!
So you’re completely out of time and struggling to find a good DIY option for Halloween? Don’t worry, you got this. We dove into our closets to find quick and easy costumes to please all manner of costume and cosplay enthusiasts! Look no further. Easily one of the most terrorizing characters of all, evil takes a human form in Regina George.
How do I even begin to explain Regina George?
Wait, you didn’t think I meant this costume, did you? If you have all of that in your closet, you are already one of the hardcore girls and clearly don’t need my help. Move along, lovely! We’re going for something a little more obscure, but sure to get some recognition!
There is a good chance you have every single one of these items hanging out in the back of your closet already, waiting to be paired together and put to good use!
Pull a brightly colored bra (preferably purple, but any color will do) from your closet and pair it with a black skirt. Now grab one of those white essential tank tops, because we’re going to sacrifice it to the Halloween gods today. It’s for the greater good.
Like all girls of the early aughts, Regina George favored bright white eye shadow, a little bit of mascara, and a LOT of pink lip gloss. The shinier the better, because that was totally the style back then. Grab a blonde wig, or rock your natural style, since this look is iconic on it’s own. Simply cut two holes in the bra area, slip on your basic black high heels and strut, girl.
With all the pop culture references, everyone will get your costume, and if you don’t own any of the items, it can be made for less than 20 dollars! Want to take this costume to the next level? Grab a pink binder from a bargain store, scribble “Burn Book” on the front, and give it some lipstick love. But don’t be surprised if you see some whispering behind your back. They’re just trying to make “fetch” happen.
Planning on making this costume? Doing some other DIY awesome? Want to check out the rest of our BOO-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes and Decor? Show me all your spook-tacular creations on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server! When you’re done, wind down with Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition.
With Halloween around the corner, we dove into our closets to find quick and easy costumes to please all manner of costume and cosplay enthusiasts!
Our focus today is on the adorably naive Misa Amane from the popular anime Death Note!
Dress | Stockings | Boots | Gloves
Misa Amane is introduced to viewers in beginning of the series with somewhat of a gothic lolita style, which is a perfect balance between the character’s dynamic as a bubbly, aspiring top idol with a secret interest in the darkness of the Shinigami world.
We chose a black corset dress with a fluffy tiered lace skirt from Tragic Beautiful, which sounds like the most appropriate shop for Misa Amane to spend all her easily earned cash. The gloves from Etsy are both laced and lace to mirror the dress. To go with the fleur de lis theme from the anime, we picked thigh high patterned stockings from Mod Cloth with a flower motif. Betsey Johnson ruffled combat boots were a great find to compliment the hard and soft of Misa’s character, and as an up and coming model, we can totally see Misa clunking down one of Betsey’s runways.
True to model form, Misa wears a more natural face, and pairs it with a bold red lip. As Misa’s style can be portrayed through just a few pieces, we left room for you to accessorize with crucifixes and chokers to your dark little heart’s content.
Want to take your Misa costume to the next level? Find a black leather diary, write “Death Note” on it, and grab some red contacts for your Shinigami eyes! You could even beg and plead in that adorably cute way to have a friend make a Halloween costume of L from Death Note so you can go as a pair!
Planning on making this costume? Doing some other DIY awesome? Want to check out the rest of our BOO-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes and Decor? Show me all your spook-tacular creations on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server! When you’re done, wind down with Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition.
With Halloween around the corner, we dove into our closets to find quick and easy costumes to please all manner of costume and cosplay enthusiasts! Our focus today is on the elusive L from the popular anime Death Note!
Shirt | Jeans | Wig | Eyeshadow
This Halloween costume can be pulled from most closets, but just in case you don’t have a white shirt or blue jeans, we went ahead and located some for you on the cheap at Target. The main staples of this costume are L’s spiky black hair and the under eye shadows that indicate insomnia. For the wig we chose the Jett classic from Arda in black, and if you don’t have a friend or family member to borrow makeup from, simply stick with the Target theme and find some black and gray matte eyeshadow – sans sparklies.
Want to take your L costume to the next level? Find a black leather diary and write “Death Note” on it. You can also use one of L’s many defining traits, such as crouching in chairs or only eating sweets and see who among you is an anime fan! You might make a new friend, something which L is certainly lacking! Maybe you’ll even run into someone dressed up as Misa Amane!
Planning on making this costume? Doing some other DIY awesome? Want to check out the rest of our BOO-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes and Decor? Show me all your spook-tacular creations on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server! When you’re done, wind down with Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition.
With Halloween around the corner, we dove into our closets to find quick and easy costumes to please all manner of costume and cosplay enthusiasts! Want to bring out your inner witch without getting lost in the plethora of generic options at costume shops? Perfect!
Our focus today is on one of the many iterations of the Evil Queen in different media. Specifically, the snarky minx with a heart of gold, Regina Mills from Once Upon A Time.
Skirt | Top | Shrug | Gloves | Shoes | Lips | Nails
The key to portraying Regina’s Evil Queen attire is to shop as if you are headed in to the Matrix, and add lots of classically witchy elements.
Regina as the Evil Queen has a lot of detailing to her garments, so we opted to go with a two piece lace skirt and top combo, which can be doubled as a simple staple in your wardrobe outside of Halloween. Now that your base is out of the way, add a few small details we found at Party City, like satin gloves and a Victorian shrug. If you’re not a Halloween store fan, similar and more subtle items can be made or purchased from Etsy. Just like Regina’s attention to detail when casting spells, we didn’t want to overlook the shoes just because they wouldn’t be seen and chose a simple suede bootie with large cutouts.
When she is running around as Storybrooke’s mayor, Regina’s everyday lipstick is MAC Capricious with a Plum lip liner, however the Evil Queen requires something a little more devious. We chose NARS Satin Lip Pencil in Palais Royale and added the finishing touch of Essie’s Wicked nail polish, an extra dark wine color. Don’t forget a smoky eye and some false lashes!
Taking your Evil Queen costume to the next level? Grab a red apple, or better yet, hang around the candy apple tray at any party and offer them to guests! Not wanting to find a ton of different pieces? That’s okay, too! Our friend OMGlitzy crafted an awesome tutorial using a Halloween costume as a base, with some great personal touches. Head over to her blog to see her wonderfully detailed process!
Planning on making this costume? Doing some other DIY awesome? Want to check out the rest of our BOO-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes and Decor? Show me all your spook-tacular creations on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server! When you’re done, wind down with Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition.
With Halloween around the corner, we dove into our closets to find quick and easy costumes to please all manner of costume and cosplay enthusiasts!
Our focus today is on that gloriously upbeat, magical boy – Steven Universe. Let’s protect humanity from magic, and monsters, and stuff!

Shirt | Pants | Flip-flops | Ukulele
Steven Universe is the perfect mashup of comfortable and magical. We tried to stick to as few stores as possible for Steven Universe, since Beach City probably doesn’t have a ton of shops to choose from on their strip.
Steven’s star tee can be purchased via the Official Cartoon Network shop, or you can go the straight DIY route and put a star applique on a red tee. Craft stores like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s have piles of basic t-shirts and felt squares to chose from, and don’t forget to pick up a fake gem while you’re at it! Our choice for cheap slim jeans in a medium wash is Old Navy, where you can also find Steven’s signature flip flops for under 25$. You’ll even have enough left over for some fry bits!
Taking this costume to the next level? Throw on a cheeseburger backpack with a pocket for every condiment and grab a toy ukulele from a Halloween shop. Or go the extra mile with the real deal and serenade all of Beach City with some sick jams! Not wanting to play solo? Convince a friend to come with you as Connie Maheswaran, jam buds style!
Planning on making this costume? Doing some other DIY awesome? Want to check out the rest of our BOO-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes and Decor? Show me all your spook-tacular creations on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server! When you’re done, wind down with Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition.