A Game of Thrones. A book, a show, and to some… a religion. A religion whose deity (George R. R. Martin) rarely grants you new passages in your holy book. But when he does, festivals are thrown. Virgins are sacrificed. And then more is demanded.
My goal is to summarize the Game of Throne characters with a couple of memes. Spoilers ahead, herp derp.
So this time let’s talk about Daenarys Targaryen, because 1) She is hot 2) She has dragons 3) If one and two didn’t do it for you then I don’t know what will. Her house is a bit more interesting than the others, especially since most people around her die pretty rapidly, but also because she is surrounded by megalomaniacs and weirdos even more than the rest of the cast.
She does tend to be a one-note song from time to time though….

Ser Jorah Mormont is one of those characters where one meme sums it up quite nicely.
Now to her badass husband… Khal Drogo. Who starts off as the ultimate bro.

And he eventually becomes a bit classier… by ripping a dudes tongue out.
Andddddddd then he dies like a fool.
Daenarys’ brother, Viserys, is about as smart as… you know what? Here.

He never is as stoic as this makes him look. Imagine much whinier.

See? Whiny.
He’s also kind of a dick.
And he makes annoying faces all the time.
How’d all that turn out for him?
There are a couple honorable mentions that go out to this guy.
And Doreah… simply cause she is really, really hot. Or was…. =(

This isn’t a meme. So sue me.
Well that’s all for this time. I hope you are enjoying the show and the books. I think next time I will just cover interesting, minor characters.
A Game of Thrones. A book, a show, and to some… a religion. A religion whose deity (George R. R. Martin) rarely grants you new passages in your holy book. But when he does, festivals are thrown. Virgins are sacrificed. And then more is demanded.
Luckily for me, I was watching the show instead of reading the books (hold off on nerd raging me for just a moment). I just finished season 2. And now I demand more.
So now…. I shall begin reading the books. And along my journey I shall keep a diary of my thoughts and feelings in an attempt to be humorous, thoughtful, and so inspiring you name your first child after me. I will compare my high expectations with the reality of the pages put before me. I… have a dream!
But until then, let me use the power of internet memes to summarize my thoughts on Game of Thrones characters. I will attempt to summarize a character with two memes or less if possible.
Obviously, there will be spoilers. If you don’t like spoilers then I assure you that you are an idiot if you keep reading without reading or watching the show first.
First up is Ned Stark……..
So he deserved three for being Sean Bean. And we all know Sean Bean is awesome at dying.
Next up is his loving wife, Catelyn Stark, that likes to do things that make me angry.
Followed by Ned Stark’s bastard son, Jon Snow.
And their tomboy daughter, Arya Stark.
And another Stark, Sansa Stark. Yeah, there are a lot of little Stark’s.
You can’t forget the Stark’s oldest son, Robb (with two B’s, because it makes sense?). Robb unfortunately has a bad habit of his fathers….
Bran Stark, who has quite an unfortunate series of events.
And easily the most important character in all of the show…. *drumroll please* Rickon Stark, ladies and gentlemen!!
And that sums it up for the House of Stark! Next time I’ll do the House of Lannister. That’ll be a fun one.