The BBC announced today live around 2pm EST that the sonic screwdriver will be passed from Matt Smith to BAFTA and Oscar award winning Scots actor Peter Capaldi. Capaldi, 55, is perhaps best known for his role as foul mouthed Malcolm Tucker on the comedy series The Thick of It. The Scottish-Italian actor (hence the last name) is poised to take on the mantle this Christmas following Eleven’s “death” during the special.

“Why Hello. It’s me. The Doctor. I win. You loose. Sit down.”
Capaldi is not too far removed from The Doctor; he was featured in 2009’s Torchwood: Children of Earth as John Frobisher and played the Pompeian marble merchant (historically a banker) Lucius Caecilius Iucundus who ran into the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble in the 2008 Series 4 Episode 2 of Doctor Who “The Fires of Pompeii” which also notably featured a young pre-Amy Pond Karen Gillan as a priestess sentry.

He’s got the stare down. He’ll be just fine.
And here’s Karen for old time’s sake:

Sorry you died in the eruption boo.
Capaldi marks an interesting change for the character, or rather a return to form after three younger (and younger and younger) incarnations by being a more mature actor and is rather a jump up from the barely 30 years old Matt Smith who was bestowed the title of Doctor at the very young age of 26. Matt won skeptical fans over quickly with his portrayal of Eleven’s quirky Peter Pan boyishness, exuberance, actual real-life gawky clumsiness and quirky demeanor. On the flip side Matt further won people over with his serious acting chops with Eleven’s inclinations towards temper tantrums and an unmitigated anger, world weariness and sadness that were at times the scariest and the saddest the Doctor has ever been (Or as fellow staff writer Jen would say Matt is the “Goddess of tears” for Eleven’s frequently wet face).
Fans have already taken warmly to the choice of Capaldi citing visually he echos other past Doctors and the older more mature actor brings the series back to a status quo that somewhat mirrors William Hartnell and the Doctor’s first companion, Susan which is pretty appropriate for the 50th Anniversary year. What this means for the twelfth Doctor’s personality is or how he’ll treat Clara, the first companion to continue on through a regeneration since Rose Tyler onwards in Series 8 has yet to be unseen or told but Eleven’s bubbling anger issues and mood swings may be a clue. We’ll have to see come Christmas following Nov.’s 50th Anniversary special which pairs Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman with David Tennant and Billie Piper.
Do you think they picked the right actor? I’m excited. What do you think?
Until next time!
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
I think excitement. That’s all I think.