Things are changing at Marvel and the latest victim was subtly announced Wednesday with the release of their November solicitations. Avengers Academy, a title that spun out of the Age of Heroes, will be ending on its 39th issue to make room for more Marvel titles. Author Christos Gage posted on his twitter, in reference to the announcement, “Like Baby in Dirty Dancing, I had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you. Thank you. And I hope you enjoy the last few issues.” It’s sad to see such a well-received series leave especially considering it stared a diverse group of characters representing most ethnicity’s and sexual orientation’s. Besides the loss of such a great title, I can only hope marvel doesn’t throw out the work that went into these characters by not having them inhabit future titles. It would be crime to sweep this title under the rug, and I for one hope to see Veil, Hazmat, Mettle, Reptil, Striker, and Finesse in the future. Farewell Avengers Academy, you will be missed.
Frankly, both companies could do with less titles at this point. It doesn’t make sense to me to overrun the shelves with titles no one is reading.
As true as that is, this was a title that didn’t need to be removed. There are far more titles that are simply eating up space.