I decided to do a set of mini interviews with people I’ve interacted with and have extraordinary backgrounds. Many I’ve met via Facebook and many I’ll meet when I attend SDCC for the first time this July. Next up is Jenn of justJENN!
Name: justJENN
Site: www.justjennrecipes.com
Online handle: @justjenndesigns
“Age”: Doesn’t matter to me.
Fave cartoon/book/movie/whatever: Hello Kitty, Wolverine and Boba Fett are my fave things.
L: Unknowingly, I’ve made several of your dishes and several of your crafts. Since you do these things as a living, is it hard to sit back and enjoy what you’re creating or are you constantly thinking about the best way to lay it out on the web for us readers to learn from?

L: I ask this question of everyone, so be honest: If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what position would you want? I know I’d crap my pants.