If you already bought Batman: Arkham City a little over a year ago, nothing I can say will make you shell another 60 smackeroos for the Game of The Year edition with a few more bells and whistles. Thankfully, the great minds over at Rocksteady Studios aren’t money hungry enough to make us by another copy of the same rereleased game to get our daily DLC on.
Harley Quinn’s Revenge is a story-based DLC pack adding two hours of all new gameplay. Most recently released trailer footage follows the Boy Wonder taking orders from the Oracle on a quest to find the Bats, though it looks like the two will be interchangeable at some point. (Kudos if you can tell me which of the five Robin’s it is!) Harley Quinn’s Revenge will be available on May 29th for $9.99 on PSN and XBOX, or you can part with the cash for the GOTY edition, which includes all of the DLC and releases the same day!
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Arkham City came out last fall *
So freaking excited for this DLC!
Ohhhh yeah. I don’t month math.
Yeah, i’m referring to this DLC. i’m wettin’ my undies just waiting!!