By now you should all be familiar about our Sucks to Be a N00b articles. They are proof that we, as IHOGeek writers, are fearless pioneers, willing to brave even the darkest and most unknown corners of geekdom to bring you the newcomer’s perspective. Basically, we’re metal as fuck.
Still, some new experiences do daunt us. Or me. Just me. My next mission is to take on the world of anime, with a smattering of every genre’s best of the best. So if you have a recommendation, shoot it over to the comments section and I’ll try to give it a whirl. Cute is cool, violent is better, and tails are ok.
First up on my list is Birdy, of which I’ve seen the first episode and it looks really interesting besides the leading lady’s stupid outfit.
So far I’ve seen:
Samurai Champloo, Black Butler, DBZ, and Cowboy BeBop
Give me your best!