Almost nine months ago, DC tore the comics world a new asshole and announced they’d be rebooting, and in some cases erasing, their entire line of comics, coming up with new origins and stories for several characters. Out of the 52 titles, six have already been canceled and replaced and my pull list has vastly changed. Originally, I was having to read all the issues as they came out but it got exhausting and some of them I really didn’t give a shit about (read Hawk and Dove and try not to yawn) so my list began to dwindle. As the first story arcs began to wrap up and characters began to flesh out, I dropped more titles and picked some back up again. From an astounding total of 30 titles, I whittled them down to a manageable 13. What made the cut and why? Hit the jump and find out.
I figured the easiest way to do this is to list my original pull list and strike through what I got rid of with notes on why. Here are the thirty titles I originally had:
All Star Western
Animal Man – After a stellar beginning, it started to feel stale because believe it or not I got tired of feeling like I was on the edge of my seat for several issues for nothing to really happen. Lemire does wonders making me feel like this is a nightmare brought to life but it really started to feel flat by the fifth issue. I might pick it up again in the future but we’ll see.
Batgirl – Oh, Babs. I felt your pain all through your paralysis and was proud through your stint as Oracle and I must say I was very excited to see you return to your roots and fly through the skies, protecting your city. Unfortunately, I felt frustrated as Barbara struggled with her mother issues and PTSD over her injury as her recovery is STILL not fully explained but I love the art. This is another title I may pick back up in the future but as with Animal Man, we’ll see.
Batman the Dark Knight – Fucking boring. I wasn’t keen on reading this to begin with since the title before the reboot was less than great but with all my regulars pimping it to me, I figured I’d try it. Waste of time among some of the other Bat titles in the 52.
Batman and Robin

Tell me this isn’t gorgeous.
Batwoman – Supernatural, sexy, and with a wonderful artist helming it, I’m the most disappointed with Batwoman. Kate is gorgeous and determined but that doesn’t come across well enough and while JH Williams III laid out gorgeous pages of art, it didn’t match up with a sub par story.
Birds of Prey – Girl Power! Fun! Friendship! This title is all of these things but lacks any real depth. The absence of Oracle (a key team member of the prior series) really shows and the addition of Katana and Poison Ivy is certainly interesting but not enough.
Blackhawks – A first issue straight out of an action movie had me hooked but the fire quickly fizzled right up to its cancellation at issue #8.
DC Universe Presents – I was intrigued by this Deadman, a character I’d only come across in Blackest Night (or maybe I’d JUST noticed him) but either way at the end of his six issue run, which was bland at best, I was even more uninterested in this title.
Demon Knights – The first time I saw Etrigan was in Sandman volume 1 and from that point on, I wanted to know more. This DC52 title was my latest attempt at reading all I could and it seemed to have everything I could want in a comic: history, magic, Xanadu, and medieval history. Alas, not even the weak Jason Blood or Shining Knight could hold my attention for more than five issues.
** Detective Comics – What a fresh breath of air this first issue was! Everyone who came into my shop talked nonstop about this issue that ended with the Joker’s face being removed from him. Lo and behold, it’s 9 issues in and there’s still no sign of the Joker. I dropped this series after roughly 4 issues, all hope in seeing my beloved villain gone, only to pick it back up again at issue #7 once that pesky lady friend of Bruce (Charlotte) got what she had coming thanks to her nosiness.
Flash – There are stories that are ruining by shitty art and then there is beautiful art that is ruined by shitty stories. Flash unfortunately falls in the latter category. Manapul is a GOD when it comes to art and Geoff Johns is hit or miss with his writing. Someone as loved as Flash deserves someone who can put their whole attention on his story, not someone who has his plate full. I’d love to see a woman write Flash but since that hasn’t happened, I got to issue #3 before dropping this.
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps – I don’t know what I was thinking picking this up in the first place. I loathe Guy Gardner and poor John Stewart has the personality of a melted spoon. I didn’t even bother picking up issue #3.

So angsty >_<
Green Lantern New Guardians
I, Vampire – I think everyone is searching for a vampire story that will erase the existence of Twilight (so far, I’ve only found Jubilee) but I, Vampire is a breakup from hell that leads to an epidemic thanks to a woman who is scorned. Pass. I couldn’t find one redeeming quality about this title and although people talk up the art in it, it just looked silly to me. SILLY, I SAY.
Justice League
Justice League Dark – A magical, darker version of the cookie cutter goodie two shoes Justice League? Yes, please!!! What? The story isn’t going to go anywhere in three issues, but Constantine is joining up? Okay, I guess I can stick it out another issue or two. Wow, there’s still nothing of interest really happening three issues later and I realize I really don’t like Madame Xanadu so to the shelves you go, JLD.
Men of War – Sgt. Rock is one of my fave characters ever and I was mega super ultra awesome excited (<– scientific term) only to grimace at each subsequent issue, sure in its cancellation. Loyal though I am, I stuck it out until it was indeed cancelled with last month’s issue #8. RIP, Sergeant. I HOPE (and am doubtful I will) see you in G.I. Combat.
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Red Lanterns
Savage Hawkman – Carter Hall as been one of the lesser loved JLA member but as one half of the most star-crossed pair of lovers ever written about, he’s definitely in my top 5 so when I heard this story was going to revolve around him leaving the Nth metal behind, I was intrigued. Yeah, that lasted for less than one issue because the Nth metal ain’t going anywhere. With a one-dimensional story that lead to a too brief fight, I was out at issue #4. I’m sorry, Carter.
Static Shock – This was kind of in the same vein as Green Lantern Corps as far as…what the hell was I thinking?! I didn’t care for the cartoon, Virgil is the dumbest name ever, and I couldn’t get into this comic at all. I didn’t even see issue #3.
Suicide Squad
Voodoo – I mainly picked up Voodoo so I had some variety from the Wildstorm series (I’m told I should have picked up Stormwatch and I will, eventually) and I liked the first four issues. Priscilla had a goal and she killed the shit out of whoever was going to hurt her. She had zero problems in meeting her goals, even if that meant sleeping with a woman under the guise of her lover. Then they switched writers and the story felt more like a soap opera and that’s not something I enjoyed. I dropped this at issue #7 and I don’t think I’ll be going back.
Wonder Woman
As the story lines continue and the writers get more comfortable with their characters, this list might change again (I’m debating on dropping Justice League at the moment), especially since there are more writers being switched (I’m looking at you Peter Milligan) and new titles being introduced. I’m happy for the most part with my list and I eagerly await the next issue for each title left. If you have DC titles on your pull, what did you cut out and keep?
I only read Batman and related, therefore, most of the titles on your list aren’t on mine. I never started Batwoman, as I never connected with the character. Still reading Batgirl, and Detective, and probably always will. Birds of Prey will probably stay around until cancelation.
You didn’t mention the new titles rolled out recently, so I will. May stay with Earth 2, definitely World’s Finest, and anxiously await Batman Incorporated. May buy that one today, actually….
I’m waiting on the Ravagers and Bat Inc to be released before I do something on those new titles!!
Interesting idea. I suggest picking up World’s Finest, simply because they finally rectified a poor retcon from Crisis on Infinite Earths.
wasn’t that impressed with any of the titles so far. felt kind of flat >_<
So to preface, I have been a long time Marvel loyalist my entire life.
I never really gave any DC titles the time of day because their characters never really resonated that much with me.
That is until I grew tired of the endless Avengers & X-Men titles being forced down my decided to shelve my ignorance and hop on the New52 Band Wagon.
Perhaps it was the introduction to this new world with no previous expectations to live up to, but I have found the following titles completely worth a trip (or three) to my local comic shop:
1. Animal Man
2. Wonder Woman
3. Swamp Thing
4. Resurrection Man
5. JLA Dark
I hear Swamp Thing has gotten amazing and while I liked JLD, I’m hoping Milligan switching titles will amp up the story!
Marvel is a little harder for newbies to jump onto, so I always point at the Ultimate Universe.
Just picked up Dial H #1… I’ll give it a couple more issues, but so far; *meh*
Yeah, i’m not liking any of these new titles so far.