Well, my first Virgin Diary has come to an end. I’ve gone from Jen Snow to…well I’m still relatively uneducated on the Known World but I’ve certainly picked up a few things along the way. Here’s what I know now that I didn’t before.
“A Song of Ice and Fire” Should Be a Pringles Flavor
I really believed I could read one book and walk away, like I did with 50 Shades of Grey. Well, There’s good news and there’s bad news: The good news is there’s nothing in this world as disappointing as 50 Shades. The bad news is Game of Thrones effectively sucked me into ASoIaF as a series and I’ve already started book 2. I don’t have time for this in my life, friends. I don’t know how I’m going to go to work now. Who will feed my cat?
My Fave “Game of Thrones” Character is Problematic Underrated
Most of my comrades have informed me that Sansa is whiny and awful. All except fellow Sub-Cultured writer Kaitlyn, who declared more than once over the course of the month that I “get it” and then launched into a beautifully crafted soliloquy on why Sansa deserves better from the fans.
I HAVE a fave “Game of Thrones” Character
This, I did not expect. I thought if I did get sucked in, I would be able to remain a filthy casual, appreciating the books for their writing and nothing more. Alas, in this, much like in all the races of my fifth grade Field Day, I have failed.
Perhaps the worst part of this is that it’s not just me and Sansa against the world–I love all the Stark kids. I love Dany and her bby Dragons. I loved Drogo. I had to put the book down more than once because I was overwhelmed in the best of ways. I’m so mad everyone was right about this series.
Do Not Judge a Book By Its TV Show.
So I’ve seen the first season of the Game of Thrones show. It’s really not enthralling to me. I have talked about my motivations and my expectations, and how I was let down episode after dragon-less episode. I started out the book not expecting much, but I was pleasantly disappointed this time. I’ll be the first to admit now that the book is far and away 6k times better than the television show. I’ve also been shouted at about wanting to watch season two before starting the book. So that’s a new thing.
I will continue updating you lovely readers as I continue my journey through Westeros. Please leave your (spoiler-free) questions and comments below!