I decided to do a set of mini interviews with people I’ve interacted with and have extraordinary backgrounds. Many I’ve met via Facebook and many I’ll meet when I attend SDCC for the first time this July. Next up is author, Sarah Kuhn!

Online handle: @sarahkuhn (So clever!)
Site: I can usually be found avoiding deadlines on Twitter. There’s some other stuff about me on AlertNerd
Age: Old enough to have seen Return of the Jedi in the actual theater (but not Empire or New Hope).
L: Each of those shows are effing awesome, with the exception of Spaced and The Middleman…mostly because I have never seen them. You are one of the founders of AlertNerd.com and have penned the hilarious tale, One Con Glory. Would you tell us a little bit about what spurred you to write it?
L: What DO you think about Cyclops’ hair?
SK: It is a glorious and beautiful thing and he obviously invests a lot of time and product into making it appear voluminous-yet-sculpted. I am always bothered when they put him in costumes that cover it up. (Also, the hair-obscuring costumes tend to look like giant condoms.)
L: Since you seem constantly doing something amazingly cool, what kind of projects do you have in the works?
SK: One Con Glory is in development as a feature film — I wrote the script adaptation and will hopefully have more news on that soon. For now, you can read quite a bit about it here on i09.
I’m also working on a new novel — all I can say about it for now is that it has a superhero(ine) bent. And I have a few in-the-works projects with lovely collaborators, including some excellent fellow geek girls I am proud to call friends.
L: Hey, just because it’s Draw Something does NOT mean it’s not full of epicky goodness. There are some real works of art done on an iPhone! I ask this question of everyone, so be honest: If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what position would you want? I know I’d crap my pants.