Hello , Leia here. For once, I’m not here to dazzle you with my wit or lack thereof. I’m here instead to bring attention to, admittedly, something that HAS gotten plenty of media attention already. The amount of suicides due to bullying in the past year has been utterly shocking. There should never be a reason a child, teen, adult should ever feel so alone that suicide is an option. I am actively looking for a charity or cause of some kind to throw our support behind, so if you have suggestions, leave them in a comment below. Personally, I am part of ItGetsBetter.com, an organization aimed at the LGBT community but I would like to find something that encompasses everyone. Watch Jonah Mowry’s video and know that there are thousands upon thousands like him out there. Listen when a child tells you they’re being bullied. Sometimes it’ll be the only chance they get.
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