If you haven’t been paying attention to pop media (by I guess actually living a life like a functioning person who doesn’t analyze these things), “nostalgia rules” right now. When it comes to pop culture right now, the 80’s and now 90’s (to early 00’s in a way) in particular are back, and along with it the strong smell of nacho and cool ranch flavored snacks, and boy is it strong.
Now, being nostalgic is nothing new; society and pop culture is always nostalgic over something that came before. As a creative writer myself, hardly any of my original pieces or adaptations are modern. My work is set all over creation with a slight aesthetic bias towards 1900’s-30’s. If it is modern, there’s a decidedly mid-century aesthetic. I’ve been told I dress and look like a grandpa and or a 50’s/60’s singer. Despite actually being 300 years old, I’ll accept the latter. I’m all about nostalgia. I understand. Oh do I understand. But we’re in the midst of an epidemic of nostalgia when it comes to movies, television, animation and kid’s media. Is it a good thing? I say yes…and no.
Younger creatives having grown up or born in the 80’s and 90’s are finally starting to land big creative gigs, particularly the director’s chair. Thus many current cartoon series like Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Bee & Puppycat, Steven Universe, The Amazing Adventures of Gumball and Regular Show, etc, all have pronounced “retro” aesthetics or leanings one way or another and show signs of their creator’s relative young ages and influences. It’s affectionate. Dare I say cute. The influence of anime on creators who grew up with it without exactly imitating the Japanese style is also showing up in shows more and more and that cross-pollination of influence is exciting (see Steven Universe, Bee & Puppycat in particular). So called “90s kids” and post 00′ current teenagers and tweens pushing the trend are generally innocuous (if not obnoxious). This is all good (in moderation).
Now, don’t get me wrong; in general the 90s was a crazy interesting time when it came to TV so I’m not knocking peoples fascination with the era here. While often cheesy, diversity was at it’s highest with live action prime-time shows, as was creator-controlled cartoons after the 80’s “Dark Ages”. Fox, WB, Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network and to an extent Disney too killed it with their animated offerings. If looking at these eras and using inspiration from certain shows means we get good new media, so be it, bring it on.
However, this fascination for this 80s-00’s era has a side effect ; properties and icons of that era are now being resurrected, continued and or retooled en masse in a way I’ve never really seen before in terms of number. And it’s both awesome, but also sort of a problem.
2014 alone launched Girl Meets World, the sequel show to Boy Meets World. There is the highly anticipated but woefully deficient thus far (in my opinion, more on that later) Sailor Moon Crystal reboot and of course the new (and justly so) critically panned but successful Michael Bay‘s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action film reboot. Not to mention his continued mess that is the Transformers series (whose box office numbers while still astronomical are, after four films, starting to wane here in the States). Godzilla also stomped its way into a new American film (franchise) and another Jurassic Park film Jurassic World is forthcoming.
Toei (spearhead of Sailor Moon Crystal) has announced a new season of Digimon for the franchise’s 15th birthday, this time starring the original first (and possibly second) series cast after years of different casts and realities. The Powerpuff Girls (minus their original creator) returned in a TV special with a new look and a new series has been announced to return to Cartoon Network in 2015/2016. A live action Jem and the Holograms film has been announced, a Rainbow Brite and a Lion King sequel animated series are also in production. Disney also has a Snow White and the Seven Dwarves reboot of sorts with the new show The 7D. Former PBS darlings Magic School Bus and Reading Rainbow are set to return too. Netflix in addition to gaining Magic School Bus has also bought rights to Clifford The Big Red Dog among others so additional new series are also most likely forthcoming. Sonic the Hedgehog has additionally given a new look and a new upcoming show and game. Courage The Cowardly Dog’s creator John Dilworth has a short clip of presumably a new short in CGI which many believe will be a bid to a resurrected series (I’d say this is a good thing, since it wouldn’t content wise change much). The list goes on and on. (Know of any other resurrections going on? Comment and let me know any I missed.).
Now, all of this resurrection and revamping is not inherently a bad thing. Felix The Cat, Popeye, Betty Boop, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Batman & Robin, all have persisted more or less for over seventy years due to reinvention. Everyone needs Magic School Bus and Reading Rainbow in their lives. Unless it’s sexifying Queen Frostine and then demoting her to a princess instead in Candyland (I’m coming after you Hasbro) most of the time these retools for properties are harmless and gradual and have been occurring as long as a property is seen as viable. Scooby-Doo and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are two examples of franchises (not just characters) that continue to go on via periodical retooling and repackaging, (Zombie Island & Witch’s Ghost are superior when it comes to Scooby, however in my humble opinion). It would be great for more franchises to perpetuate in such a flexible manner.
However the sheer number of titles being retooled or revisited all at once right now raises an eyebrow. Why revisit Lion King 20 years later? Why Rainbow Brite? Why now? And like the answer is “Why not?” and…they’re right. And that is what is frustrating.
With each of these backwards revivals, unless super unique, it means we have one less totally “original” show or content being worked on. One that could have very well become a classic if given a chance. And that is where the heart of my concern is. These sequels and revivals are great, but when is enough, enough?
The revamps can indeed be quality well made productions with distinctive art, etc, but there is no assurance they will be successes either (see Thundercats reboot, which looked visually amazing from what I remember, Sym-Bionic Titan as another gorgeous show ended too soon and ugh, Loonatics Unleashed as an example of what not to do period).
I find the reluctance to try new things with no ties to an established property a bit boring. I fear that when revisiting these properties as quickly as we are, executives will jump onto the “nostalgia” bandwagon and instead of something happening more organically; we’ll be getting many cases of hastily resurrected and sub-par material (who wanted a Dumb & Dumber sequel exactly?). It becomes more about making things just to make them and get those “nostalgia dollars” than actually retooling something. This is creativity-wise pretty bankrupt.
Ironic enough, for all it’s line’s previous saccharineness, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is a good example of a revamp avoiding such issues and stands alone in addition to being a new face to an old franchise.
An example of what I’m worried about will be the norm? Sailor Moon Crystal. Sailor Moon is a juggernaut of a franchise and an anime, but it’s new “closer to the manga” anime Sailor Moon Crystal is woefully deficient. I know it means a lot to people, it means a lot to me. Which is why I’m really frustrated. It’s not a particularly well animated production. It’s stiff and lacks fluidity and humor. The animation is wonky at best, hidden underneath CGI.
Now, it seems to be getting better, maybe as of episode 4, but up until now it’s been riddled with mistakes and an inability to really stay on model. I am hoping things get better; Sailor Moon Crystal was delayed for two years, the show is bi-weekly, and yet we still get a Doritos-skulled Usagi and company serving shades of middle school “How to Draw Manga” anatomy. The draftsmanship is just not there. Well maybe it will be. The recent episode looked much better and they just made a big departure from the manga this week plot-wise as well, so I hope this means good things.
The question is, considering the route they went with this show, the lack of being aired on TV, the supposed low budget, the really sloppy artwork (aside from backgrounds) is this really a new era f0r the franchise or are we just riding a nostalgia wave just to ride a nostalgia wave? Doesn’t Sailor Moon deserve better than this?
If we must revisit a property, why not take a chance to really mix things up and present a really fresh and entirely original new version of said franchise? I want things done well. I’m talking taking more creative risks. I also want to see new things, original things given a better chance. I see so many fresh new ideas and takes on things both for established properties and original stories and concepts from young people on tumblr, my friend’s own work, and elsewhere online. We’re hungry for cool concepts. There is so much we could be doing.
We’re being told to look back, and while I’m happy to, I think out of anyone we’re also more than ready to look forward too.
Max Eber
Staff Writer
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
I live…again!
After a longstanding battle with technical issues (one’s not quite solved, knock on wood) I’ve finally returned with another, this time just singular, but nevertheless amazing book to review from my perpetual favorite publisher, North South . This time it is for the illustrated adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale The Six Swans this time with freelance illustrator Gerda Raidt.
It is a beautiful tale, with a reading level from Kindergarten to 3rd grade, and deserves to be more well known amongst the Grimm’s broader repertoire. The premise resembles a lot of other tales; a king is father to six sons and one daughter all of whom he loves very much. He remarries and the jealous and spiteful stepmother, the daughter of a witch, enchants the six princes with a spell that turns them into swans. They fly off into the woods; now only able to turn human for a brief fifteen minutes each night. The princess finds them and vows to save her brothers from the spell, but to do so she is told she must sew six shirts from starflowers and not utter a word, or a laugh, anything for six long years. And so the princess begins her self imposed muteness and begins sewing them the starflower shirts. We then follow the girl as she’s found by a young king of another country in the midst of her hermitage.
North South always works with amazing illustrators on their books, Gerda’s work on this book is no exception. Sketchy and gently cartoonish, Gerda contributes a fresh and accessible look, very in vogue with current illustration trends that I particularly love. The characters are charming and jaunty with a mixed late 18th, 19th century and Edwardian era fashion and hair influences, and environments have a wonderfully pastoral aesthetic. Overall a treat for the eyes and easy for children to understand what’s going on. Even the endpapers are wonderfully designed and drawn on with starflower petals blowing in the wind.
A beautiful book to purchase as a gift for spring birthdays, finishing school or graduation gifts, or even for their Easter basket. For those who enjoy illustration and fairy tales at any age, it is a must read!
See you real soon!
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
After going to the 2013 Book Expo earlier this month, I noticed something peculiar about kids and YA media. While I was there looking around at booths and each publishing house’s lines, there seemed to be two different approaches towards entertaining and educating our children and young adults and essentially how they treat them as audiences.
One was very commercial and very simplistic, with overtly candy-colored extremely simple children’s picture books, cute but with no ground breaking content. I also saw a lot of series enforcing the fluffy “princess” and gender binary enforcing stereotypes for girls (not to mention lines dedicated to the princessification of existing non-Princessy properties like Dora The Explorer) and other gimmicky series that are obviously adult writers and round-table editorial trying much too hard to appeal to youth e.g. modern slang and lingo “Lol, text speek”. This bleeds into often just by observation, novels for teens overtly riding the coat-tails of Hunger Games and Twilight brand teen sci-fi or supernatural romance with overt covers that scream”Yeah this is exactly what we’re going for”.

Was this really necessary? What are your thoughts. Let me know!
The other half are more serious and whimsical; reprints of older children’s books from the first half the of the twentieth-century which put more emphasis on the illustrations, or new books with interesting spins on their presentation with equally unique art, basic almost universal story premises and generally unisex appeal,wackiness and relatability. These booths if they had fairytale books those books often (not always) had illustrations that were not pink and purplefied and dipped in sugar to the extent it is seems like its “meant” for girls in the commercial sense, and instead take on a darker more earth and jewel-toned color palettes. They were simply telling stories and presenting them in an overtly artistic manner.

Cozy Classics. Take note of this, we’ll be talking about this series A LOT.
It was like this from publisher to publisher and it was just interesting to note the differences to see who they were aiming for in terms of market and demographics.
Now this is not to say overtly candy colored, simple works are bad per se, they are quite allowed, and the fluffy pink world of Disney and Barbie and Rainbow Brite aren’t inherently bad either, they’re just not. Girls and boys can like hyperfeminine products and stories that’s fine. Sailor Moon and the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic television series and their corresponding merchandise proves that something can be sugary or candy colored and teach really good things and be exemplary role models. Femininity isn’t bad. When the pink-sugar world is the only one you offer girls and you are dipping properties that shouldn’t necessarily need to be “girlified” is when it’s problematic.What do you readers thinks?
This is not actually a big criticism of sexist binary enforcement though, despite my attention to it. It’s just important to note. Stepping back and at least noticing the divide made me think about how people see and approach or perceive children and general, and how the products they are producing reflect that perception. I thought about all the different books I saw, and then thought about cartoon series I saw growing up (many like Courage The Cowardly Dog, The Powerpuff Girls, Rugrats, among others were smart and taught really good lessons without being overtly preachy or heavy-handed) and then animated films that are designated for family or for children.
I decided overall that a great deal of adults today underestimate overall the intelligence, sophistication and overall perceptive nature of kids and opt for simpler almost “junk food” equivalent media for them when children can understand and accept much more sophisticated fare then they are often given. People are also not creating fare that is challenging or fresh that allow kids that participation, at least not enough. This is destroying tons of creative opportunity and undermining our kids’ experiences and dictating tastes. We need good family, children and YA entertainment.
I thought about this in regards to others venues in particular the booting of children from comic book demographics and in particular DC Comics. DC Comics’ insistence to keep a particular (adult) demographic for their comic line despite all their merchandise; toys and bedsheets, clothes and even more toys are being mostly advertised for children. Something is fundamentally wrong if a child cannot read Superman. The only book currently at DC Comics if your child, teen or adult really anyone who is a Batman fan or just likes good things that I personally could recommend is the digital Lil’ Gotham comedy series. That’s it. Pretty much anything else in the now nearing two year old line is not particularly good for anyone. Their recent choice to cancel Superman Family Adventures or their general prudence when it comes to making more animated television series or branch out into different mediums is also a cause for concern. Especially when you can easily turn on the TV, go to youtube, Netflix and Hulu from a laptop, tablet and TV and find a cartoon show or film to watch or game to play instead of reading their material. Granted, both of Warner Bros recent animated ventures with Young Justice and Green Lantern The Animated Series were for an older demographic and while sophisticated did not find their needed footing and audience. I have long bemoaned that Ben Caldwell’s Wonder Woman from Wednesday Comics feature from a few years ago would be excellent Wonder Woman television series and that the Shazam family franchise would lend itself well to animated fare.

Again, wat do you think? Are we underestimating kids? Is what we’re providing them the right media?
I’ll continue my thoughts next week, where I’ll talk about cartoons and other children’s media that are doing it right (For example, Adventure Time and Gravity Falls.)
Until next time,
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics