I’ve started a new video series called Diversionarium, all about the stuff I fill my free time with. From video games to anime, movies to programming, I’ll be posting monthlyish videos about it all. And to start it off, I figured I’d start with a hobby I’m just now getting in to – comics.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.It’s been about two years (count em, two years folks) since DC Comics decided to reboot their universe, causing a wave of changes to their superhero families and their status quo. The Batfamily was hit rather strongly with change. Perhaps (not surprisingly) the female members were changed the most and or dispatched of; Barbara Gordon is cured from her lower body paralysis and is Batgirl again, both Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain were wiped away from canon along with Charlie, otherwise known as the heroine Misfit as well as Helena Bertinelli who whilst she was a real person, is now dead and was (most likely) never Huntress. Tim Drake’s personal history was rebuilt from the ground up with rather disastrous results. Dick Grayson has returned back to the Nightwing mantle after a stint as a second Batman. Damian kept his mantle as Robin, that is until this past February when Grant Morrison, his creator, seemingly killed the (chronologically in former main canon) young 5th Robin in the pages of Batman Incorporated.
A lot of fans, well…they’re not liking this entire situation and the route DC has taken their favorites characters in the Batfamily. Even nearly two years later. And the whole “If you don’t like it, why don’t you do it yourself?” reaction from those who don’t mind the new changes and status quo in response to said naysayers? Well, people who are unsatisfied are doing just that and taking some of the closing lines from Stephanie Brown’s Batgirl run; ” It’s only the end if you want it to be” to heart. Whether out of frustration or just pure love for the characters fans are teaming up with their friends and other artists and are taking writing and presenting these characters into their own hands. And it’s not just fanart. Full fancomics and fan series.
I should know, I’m one of those fans doing just that.
I myself write (when not writing for you readers among other secret writerly things ) an ongoing AU fancomic series Batgirl Incorporated with artist Yu Lyn Chen. It stands as a stand-alone universe centered around the female members of the Batfamily presented through an actiony Saturday morning cartoon and retro-anime lens with a sci-fi bent that is intended to be more fun and somewhat more adolescent appropriate and kid-friendly as opposed to the new Batman line (barring the digital Li’l Gotham) which is rather dark and grim, in particular the quite somber Batgirl title.

By yu lyn chen, head artist and designer at Batgirl Inc. Aw yeah Bat ladies.
My own comic launched officially last December and we are currently wrapping up the last leg of Chapter I, posting about a page or two a week. Our site also features a concept art open submission requests to help foster aspiring artists skills and to help build their portfolios. We also feature guest comic strips, including my own collaboration with Mexican comic artist Vicente Rico, whose work everyone should keep an eye on. Our collaboration,” It’s only the end IF you want it to be” are our one-shots starring Stephanie Brown Batgirl set in the pre-reboot world. Our second strip in the series, specifically for summer is currently being done.

boom. pow.
Enough of my own stuff, as there are even more impressive work out there and the thing I wanted to feature the most is JunioR a second Bat-themed comic that centers around a still living Damian Wayne, his friends and family (especially him and animals) that is an absolute must read and my top recommendation for everyone this week even if you are not a fancomic fan you should check this one out; it’s good stuff. Sensitive, well balanced and artful these are little comics worth sharing and easy to catch up on.
A comic all about Damian? Really too good to be true. Another plus? Oh god the comic is gorgeous. With art rivaling if not better than what DC has on their own titles, this little comic is a treat to look at each month, which they have impressively delivered a full short comic each month since their launch in March, reaching a lot of attention on tumblr. Speaking of which, the next issue features Stephanie Brown!

Oh my glob. Stephanie was one of the best parts of Damian’s character development, like don’t even deny it.
The comic takes place in a pre-reboot DC canon. Stephanie Brown is still Batgirl. Nightwing is still in blue. But the stories are softer. More kid friendly. Short monthly touching, funny little stories that are really easy to catch up on. From the words of the creators Vivien Gallasch, Pamela Lovas, Wave & Megan Butler ;
[JunioR is] dedicated to the character of Damian Wayne and his numerous family members, friends, and pets. It’s quite a simple concept. Every month we will publish a short comic with focus on Damian and one other character. The current release schedule is the first Saturday of every month.
We do this because we feel like there are many more stories about Damian to tell, and because there should be a place for lighter and gentler stories. We want to tell these stories and want to share them with the fans.
I am noticing a trend; people who are wanting to do their own series and comics seem to want softer or at the least more fun or balanced stories featuring their favorite superheroes. They want things perhaps younger people can read (god forbid a kid can read about the same character that’s on their shoes or bedsheets). This plays into what I’ve been saying about children’s media the past few weeks as well; comics in particular are unsyncronized with their own merchandise and demographics. Don’t you think that’s a bit crazy? Should we be paying more attention to that?
I know of a third Batfamily series also in development, this one featuring their take on a team featuring Jason Todd and Cassandra Cain as Blackbat and I can’t wait to see that develop and launch.
Do you read JunioR or Batgirl Inc? I personally would love to know what you think of people taking the Batfamily into their own hands both as a reporter, and as a writer of one of said series.
Max Eber
Staff Writer/The Doctor
Twitter: @maxlikescomics
On Friday, the 13th, DC Comics announced that Nightwing’s introduction in the Smallville universe was going to be changed slightly. Prior to their announcement, Bryan Q Miller writer of the current Smallville series as well as the pre-52 Batgirl series, announced that Stephanie Brown would be the girl behind the mask this August. Stephanie fans alike were overjoyed as the former Batgirl has all but vanished from the pages of DC since the DC relaunch back in 2011. It wasn’t long after, however, that rumors began to spread that it wouldn’t be Stephanie, but Barbara who would be introduced as Nightwing. When asked if Stephanie would be Nightwing DC Vice-President of Marketing, Brian Cunningham said: “The first rumor wasn’t known by us, and I have not heard of the second in the halls of DC, so I can’t comment.” Of course, the line came off as complete bull as not only was there official art released, but Miller himself commented on previous announcement, stating “I felt like I couldn’t get any deeper into this without having Stephanie somewhere. This is the Stephanie that people who read Batgirl came to know and love. Not much of her has changed. She’s just wearing a different costume. Choosing Nightwing as opposed to Robin just seemed like the nice kind of take we’d have done on the show so it’s not exactly the same thing as the comics because there are a bunch of other comics where you can get that. We’re doing our own take, which isn’t too far from, in quotation marks, ‘how it’s supposed to be,’ but it’s our little corner of the world.”
Red Hood and the Outlaws writer, Scott Lobdell cued in his two cents when the fan pointed out the art and said (smugly), “Are you going to believe art, or are you going to believe us??” *cough*dick*cough*
The next day Dan Didio ended all speculation, officially announcing that Barbara Gordon would be chosen because,”If we’re going to introduce a character into the ‘Smallville’ world, I want them to be the most iconic versions like Barbara Gordon or Dick Grayson, and maybe down the road we can do more.” Because Smallville is of course famous for choosing the iconic versions of their sidekicks, right? Well, except the first Impulse/Kid Flash they chose was Bart Allen. Oh, and Speedy was Mia Dearden, not Roy Harper Jr. Sounds fishy, right? Well it turns out, according to Gail Simone, that the excuse given by Dan isn’t quite so accurate.Gail recently stated on her twitter: “Today, Bryan told me it was his idea to use Babs, when asked to replace Steph.”
What does this all mean? It means that DC simply didn’t want Stephanie Brown to be in any of their comics. That’s it. There was no actual thought that Barbara Gordon would draw in more people, in fact there was no thought of anything other than ‘We don’t like Stephanie.’ Why DC? Why do you feel characters like Steph, or even Cass, don’t belong on the pages of comics now? Well, according to Corrina Lawson at Wired.com, “The one conclusion that is certain is that whatever was said publicly, it is clear DC Editorial in New York simply does not want Stephanie Brown to appear anywhere. Checking around with several sources, I was informed both Steph and former Batgirl Cassandra Cain (now known as Black Bat) were considered “toxic.”
As much as I hate putting my personal feelings down on paper, this article really leaves me no choice. Fuck you DC editorial. We know there are fans of Steph and Cass out there. Head over to Scans_Daily if you doubt me. It’s also known that DC writers like Gail Simone, Scott Snyder, and of course Bryan Q Miller want to bring Steph and Cass back into comics. So what is DC’s issue with these two characters? To be honest, it would just seem like somebody in DC comics with power simply dislikes them. It’s petty, and it’s stupid. However, it would look like that is all that is needed to have a character removed from continuity. Dan Didio has gone on record about his dislike for certain characters. One such character was Ted Kord, the former Blue Beetle. Is it any shock that Ted Kord, beloved comedy relief, was shot through the head? Is it any shock that he has been virtually written out of DC continuity since the relaunch? Didio attempted to do the same to Dick Grayson believe it or not. Luckily, for us, several writers pointed out that he would never get away with it. So who do we have to blame for the utter disappearance of Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain? Well I don’t want to point fingers, but maybe it’s the person who once said, “(Stephanie) was never really a Robin…”
You read it correctly! Stephanie Brown, the spunky college student who donned the fabulous egg-plant Batgirl suit just prior to Barbara Gordon’s well timed Deus Ex Machina event, is coming back to a regular series by DC Comics this August! Unfortunately, she will not be returning in the way most fans had hoped.
Instead of Stephanie appearing again in the DCnU, former Batgirl writer Bryan Q. Miller has announced Stephanie will be returning as Nightwing in the new Smallville series! When questioned about his decision, Miller responded with,
“Bruce can be somewhat of an angry man. Stephanie’s personality is so can-do and unsinkable and bright, so it’s very much on purpose on Bruce’s part that he has a good cop going out on patrol with him every night.”
Stephanie Brown fans are no doubt excited to see her return to comics, even if it isn’t in the proper DC universe. Sadly, this will have to do for Brown fans as Batman head editor Mike Marts has gone on record stating Stephanie Brown will not be appearing any time soon in the DCnU. You can see why Stephanie Brown will don the cowl as Nightwing instead of Batgirl this August during Smallville’s Detective arc.
Almost nine months have come and gone since DC took the initiative and essentially rebooted their entire universe in hopes of reaching a broader crowd. At first fans, like myself, were worried and even upset at the idea of a DC reboot. Time passed though, and opinions changed. The past nine months have been rocky with some of my fears coming to fruition, and some being put to rest permanently. In the end, most of what I was looking for fell to the wayside, their place being taken by new titles that took me by surprise. Looking back, one title I absolutely was not looking forward too, Batwing, is currently one of my ongoing favorites! So, following Leia’s lead, here’s a list of my original pulls along with the new blood.
We’re half way into the second month of DC’s New 52, and although retailers are reporting a slight drop in sales, the figures are still higher then last years reported sales. About twice as much in fact. Whether or not the sales will hold up into 2012 has yet to be seen. What we do have, however, are the solicits for January 2012! There are no new titles being released, which is a bit of a shocker, but the month still shows some serious promise in terms of story potential!