The new year is always an exciting time as it means the next round of comic cons are slated to begin. Kicking off convention season is Emerald City Comic Con, which starts Mach 1st. Though there’s a lot about ECCC to be excited for, like meeting creators and hearing some of what the comic companies have planned for the year, one of my favorite parts will be seeing what exclusives the con has.
As usual, Funko is giving fans a glimpse of their line-up that will be available at ECCC in their usual bit-by-bit style. Also as usual, we’ve compiled all of those micro-waves for your reading convenience! So if you’re making a shopping list for ECCC, read on to find out what Funko will have in store.
Wave 13: Funko HQ Exclusives (Announced Feb 9)
Not all of Funko’s ECCC exclusives will be available at the show; there’s a whole set of exclusive exclusives (Exclusive-ception!) that can only be purchased from Funko’s HQ or through their online store. Most of them are variants of the Funko properties, like Freddy Funko in different baseball uniforms or the blue or purple Pulpo. However, the most significant offering here is the Opera Bugs Dorbz, the companion piece to Viking Elmer. Both pieces are limited to 1,000 so fans will have to work hard to snag them. Luckily, Funko is extending their HQ hours to accommodate ECCC attendees.
Here’s the copy from Funko:
Now that you’ve seen all of our ECCC exclusives, check out these related exclusives that will be available at Funko HQ or online on Funko Shop!
Please note that Funko HQ will have extended shopping hours on Saturday, March 3rd! We’ll be open till 10PM so head on over after you’re done at ECCC!
Funko HQ Exclusives
Pop! Myths: Flocked Blue & Green Bigfoot (2500pc LE)
Pop! Funko: Spastik Plastik – Purple Pulpo (1000pc LE)
Pop! Funko: Baseball Freddy Funko – White Uniform (1000pc LE)
Dorbz: Looney Tunes – Opera Bugs (1000pc LE)
Funko Shop Exclusives
Sign up for our newsletter to be alerted when these become available!
Pop! Funko: Spastik Plastik – Blue Pulpo (2500pc LE)
Pop! Funko: Baseball Freddy Funko – Alternate Uniform (3000pc LE)
Here’s a recap to show where you can get all the variants of Pulpo, Baseball Freddy Funko, Bigfoot, and complete your Elmer Fudd & Bugs Bunny set!
Wave 12: Funko Reveals (Feb 8)
This wave is made up of Funko originals. A new Freddy Funko will debut at ECCC. Dressed in a baseball uniform, he’s a far cry from the Yankee style Freddy Funko that popped up at NYCC last year.
Also, Funko is offering a new Pop! in their Spastik Plastik series: Pulpo. I don’t collect this series but that character design is pretty cool.
I’m most excited for that Bigfoot, though. Limited to 3000 pieces, the Bigfoot is flocked and shows listed under “Pop! Myths.” I don’t know if this is a new series featuring cryptozoological creatures but I am completely down for it if so. If Funko gives me a Jersey Devil Pop!, I can die happy.
From Funko:
Pop! Myths: Flocked Bigfoot (3000pc LE)
We spotted Bigfoot! Make your cryptozoological dreams come true with this Pacific Northwest legend!
Pop! Funko: Spastik Plastik – Green Pulpo (1000pc LE)
Which squid are you? Pulpo is the latest original character from Funko’s Spastik Plastik line to join the Pop! family! Pick up the lime green Pulpo only at ECCC!
Pop! Funko: Freddy Funko – Teal Baseball Freddy (1000pc LE)
Freddy Funko can’t wait for baseball season to return! He’ll be available in his teal uniform exclusively at ECCC 2018!
Wave 11: Saga! (Feb 8)
It’s hard to deny the acclaim behind Brian K. Vaughan’s Saga. I haven’t read it myself so I don’t have much to contribute here but Funko is offering a new Pop! to the series, that of Mourning Prince Robot IV.
From the Funko blog:
Saga, the epic space opera/fantasy comic book series created by acclaimed writer Brian K. Vaughan and award-winning artist Fiona Staples is coming to ECCC!
Pop! Comics: Saga – Mourning Prince Robot IV
Prince Robot IV isn’t his usual colorful self, he’s in mourning in his grayscale uniform and cracked screen.
Wave 10: Movies (Feb 8)
This wave has me excited. Mad Max: Fury Road was hugely popular so that Rictus Erectus should have a lot of fans salivating. Not to mention the die-hard Scott Pilgrim fans who are getting not only a new Ramona Flowers sculpt but a completely new character to the line.
Hands down, though, the most exciting one here is the Life Aquatic Vynl. 2-pack. That has to be one of the oddest vinyl figure choices that I can think of, outside of the La-La Land Pop! 2-pack we got last year. I definitely give Funko props for pulling that one out of nowhere.
Here’s what Funko had to say about this wave:
Emerald City Comic Con 2018 will debut the newest additions to Funko’s Mad Max: Fury Road and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World lines while introducing the first The Life Aquatic Vynl.!
Pop! Movies: Mad Max Fury Road – Rictus Erectus
Witness him! The Rictus Erectus Pop! rounds out our Mad Max: Fury Road series!
Pop! Movies: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Gideon & Ramona 2-pack (4000pc LE)
Gideon Graves and Ramona Flowers Pop!s are essentials for any Scott Pilgrim collector!
Vynl.: The Life Aquatic – Steve & Ned 2-pack (2500pc LE)
The Life Aquatic Vynl. highlights an exciting new line from Funko!
Wave 9: Cuphead & Street Fighter (Feb 7)
Yet another limited line with only a single Pop! and a t-shirt. I haven’t played Cuphead but it seemed to get a good following in the short time it’s been out so that Cagney Carnation should be a treat for fans. And though I’m not crazy about the design of that Street Fighter shirt, it is pretty cool that it comes in an arcade cabinet box.
From Funko:
Our next reveal is for fans of Cuphead and Street Fighter!
Pop! Games: Cuphead – Cagney Carnation
You’re up! It’s a good day for a swell battle! Get ready for Cagney Carnation! Be careful, this flower has thorns!
Pop! Tees: Street Fighter II (1000pc LE)
This limited edition Street Fighter II t-shirt comes in arcade style packaging!
Wave 8: Looney Tunes (Feb 7)
There’s only one offering in the Looney Tunes line, which is a shame. Fans of Bugs Bunny should be interested in the Viking Elmer Fudd, Dorbz, a nod to the classic “What’s Opera, Doc?” short cartoon.
From Funko’s blog:
Dorbz: Looney Tunes – Viking Elmer (1000pc LE)
Elmer Fudd is at it again, “hunting wabbits,” but this time he’s sporting his spear and magic helmet!
Wave 7: DC (Feb 7)
Ah, I see what you did there, Funko, with that emerald chrome Batman. Pretty clever.
Anyway, the DC line is, so far, the only line to offer up an exclusive Rock Candy, which is a shame. What’s not a shame is the nice sculpt on that Bombshell Poison Ivy.
I also like that Ace/Krypto Dorbz 2-pack. I won’t go out of my way to snag it, but I can see it being a hit with fans.
From Funko:
Our DC lineup for Emerald City Comic Con includes a Bombshell, a pair of heroic pups, and a shiny Caped Crusader!
Rock Candy: DC Bombshells – Poison Ivy
DC Bombshells’ Pamela Ysley is now a Rock Candy!
Dorbz: DC Comics – Ace & Krypto 2-pack (2000pc LE)
Ace the Bat-Hound and Krypto the Superdog are here to save the day!
Pop! Heroes: Emerald Chrome Batman (1500pc LE)
In honor of the Emerald City, it’s an emerald chrome variant of Batman!
Wave 6: Care Bears & MotU (Feb 6)
Funko has been pushing their Vynl. line since it debuted at New York Comic Con last year and I have to say, I do dig that MotU Beast Man/Sorceress 2-pack. Also, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I really like that Good Luck Bear Care Bear Pop!. That may be one of the few that I track down, if only to honor the Irish in me.
Here’s what Funko had to say:
This Emerald City Comic Con reveal includes a couple of throwback favorites!
Pop! Animation: Care Bears – Flocked Good Luck Bear
Get the fuzzy variant of this lucky green Care Bear only at ECCC!
Vynl.: Masters of the Universe – Sorceress & Beast Man 2-pack (2500pc LE)
Our latest Vynl. 2-pack includes the one and only Sorceress of Castle Grayskull and Skeletor’s right-hand man, Beast Man!
Wave 5: TV (Feb 6)
The TV wave has a few fan favorites in it, most notably the 8-Bit Barb from Stranger Things. I would have liked to have seen a better Pop! for Game of Thrones, but I guess that line has been so popular that they’re actually running out of characters to make.
But hands down, my most favorite exclusive so far is the Amy Pond. We have gone years without an Amy Pond Pop! to keep the Eleventh Doctor company and we’re finally getting it. As I won’t be attending ECCC, I’ll just have to keep my fingers crossed that this is one of the shared exclusives.
From Funko:
Game of Thrones®
Funko is proud to announce the latest 6-inch Game of Thrones Pop! is coming to Emerald City Comic Con 2018!
Pop! Television: Game of Thrones – 6″ Giant Wight
The mysterious Giant Wight is ready for battle!
Stranger Things
Stream both seasons of Stranger Things now on Netflix!
Pop! 8-Bit: Stranger Things – Barb
Barb from Stranger Things gets justice as an 8-Bit Pop! for ECCC!
Doctor Who
Funko is bringing a beloved companion to Emerald City Comic Con!
Pop! TV: Doctor Who – Amy Pond
Doctor Who fans rejoice! The beloved companion Amy Pond is joining the Pop! world!
Wave 4: Rick & Morty (Feb 6)
I’ve never watched Rick & Morty so these iterations of the characters are lost on me. I will say, though, that they are pretty cool looking so I can see how fans of the show would be excited for these.
From the Funko blog:
Wubbalubbadubdub! Welcome to the dimension in the multiverse where Rick and Morty are aliens!
Pop! Rick and Morty: Alien Head Rick
Our newest addition from the Citadel of Ricks is Alien Head Rick!
Pop! Rick and Morty: Alien Head Morty
You can’t have an Alien Rick without an Alien Morty!
Wave 3: Disney (Feb 5)
Not much in the way of Disney exclusives. Moana fans may enjoy that shark Maui, and the Toy Story Army Man is a fun little addition but otherwise this line seems to be luke warm at best.
Any way, here’s what Funko had to say about them.
Our Disney items for ECCC include characters from a couple of memorable moments!
Pop! Disney: Moana – Maui with Shark Head
Poor Maui! Struggling to regain control of his special powers, he gets momentarily stuck with the wrong head!
Pop! Disney: Toy Story – Army Man
Who can forget the Army Men’s mission to spy on Andy opening his birthday presents, so that Woody & the gang could be prepared for any new arrivals!
Loungefly: Toy Story Camo Backpack & Pencil Case Set (400pc LE)
Speaking of Toy Story Army Men… check out this amazing Loungefly set, limited to 400 pieces and available only at ECCC!
Wave 2: Star Wars (Announced Feb 5)
There isn’t too much in this wave that’s mind-blowing. Funko really seems to be pushing their collaboration with Loungefly and offering a new Star Wars backpack. That Ahsoka is kinda cute. Unfortunately, the only one I really care about, the Padme Pop!, is the most boring of them all. I guess it’s cool that we’re getting another Amidala but they could have created a better sculpt.
See the copy from Funko’s blog.
The Force is strong with Funko’s Star Wars exclusives for ECCC 2018!
Galactic Plushies: SW: Clone Wars – Ahsoka
Ahsoka makes her Funko plush debut by joining Galactic Plushies!
POP Star Wars: Padmé Amidala
Padmé Amidala is commemorated as another Pop! figure in her iconic Geonosis outfit!
Loungefly: Star Wars Backpack & Pencil Case Set (400pc LE)
Stormtroopers & Tie Fighters adorn this out-of-this-world set from Loungefly, limited to 400 pieces and available only at ECCC!
Wave 1: Marvel (Announced Feb 5)
This whole wave is pretty fantastic, full of characters that no one really cared about until a couple of years ago. That lawyer She-Hulk is outstanding, Yondu doing his “Mary Poppins” bit from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 would be a great addition to any GotG collection ad even though I don’t like Deadpool, I love Howard the Duck, so that Deadpool the Duck Dorbz is an arm-twisting buy for me.
From Funko:
We’re kicking off our Emerald City Comic Con reveals with some fan-favorite additions to the Funko Marvel family!
Pop! Marvel: Lawyer She-Hulk
She-Hulk isn’t just a strong contender, she’s also a powerful lawyer!
Pop! Marvel: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Yondu
Yondu is looking as pretty as an angel with his red fin and trusty arrow!
Dorbz: Marvel – Deadpool the Duck
Deadpool + Duck = Deadpool the Duck!
It’s that time of year again! No, not Halloween (though that is sneaking up on us faster that I realize). I’m talking about New York Comic Con time! Though not as prolific as San Diego Comic Con, NYCC is the East Coast’s biggest comic and media convention, boasting hundreds of exhibitors and tens of thousands of attendees.
Just like its West Coast counterpart, NYCC attracts countless collectors and, as such, has become a haven for exclusive merchandise. This is where Funko comes in. Over the summer we showed you all of Funko’s SDCC exclusives, the Pop!s, Dorbz, Rides and Vnyls that were only available at the con. Luckily, they’re bringing a pretty strong game to New York Comic Con as well.
Since they’re revealing all of their exclusives in waves so make sure to check back often as we update to see everything you can expect to find at NYCC.
Given the size, popularity and market share Funko currently enjoys, it’s no surprise that their booth at San Diego Comic Con is one of the most anticipated. They will be offering a metric buttload of exclusives (all of which you can find here), and that’s on top of the Pop-Up Shop they’re hosting outside of the convention in San Diego (news of which you can read about here).
The latest San Diego Comic Con exclusive announcement from Funko is different from the rest. Instead of an individual figure, it is a launch for an entirely new line called, Vnyl., which is “vinyl” without the “i.” Why the name? Well, according to Funko, “there’s no “i” in Vynl. because there’s always two of them!”
It’s Halloween time, and today I am counting down my top favorite horror Pops that represent the season. It’s easy to say Funko is a huge fan of the horror genre considering the dozens of Pops they’ve designed and then the legion of variants of those Pops. Some of these were tough choices and some are still fighting it out!
To start the list is a classic staple minion monster, the Deadite, raised from the Necronomicon in Army of Darkness by our favorite B-Movie hero, Ash. This monster provides scares and laughs as you watch them get blown apart and then complain about coming to pieces.
Bicycle Girl Zombie

Probably the most well known zombie in the Walking Dead universe, this is one of the few zombies in the series to have existed in both the comics and television. Bicycle Girl is so famous that they even made a story about how she became zombified after she appeared on The Walking Dead season 1.

Clive Barker’s famous monster has spawned nearly countless stories of pain and suffering about those who try to meddle with Pinhead. The figure itself isn’t too intricate but it’s a marked achievement that they got something so evil into Pop form and it still retains elements that are both cute and horrifying.
The first official slasher on our list, this guy had some stiff competition with Ghostface from the Scream movies, but hey, I like chainsaws so he wins. Neither one has many variants, but considering how much impact Leatherface has on creating new generations of horror stories, including Scream, it’s tough not to consider his Pop.

Twisty’s is one of the most intense stories out of American Horror Story, and for that he was rewarded with his own Pop. They even gave him a special limited edition “Freddy” version, and another San Diego Comic Con variant tacked onto that. The only other clown that I might have considered would have been Pennywise from It, but I think Funko did a much better job making Twisty than they did King’s clown of nightmares.

Arguably the main character and storyteller for the most iconic Halloween movie anthology to date, Trick r’ Treat, Sam is the spirit of Halloween, and if you don’t play by the rules you’re on his list. His Pop isn’t too intricate, but that’s part of the fun: you’d never expect such a powerful and evil being in a cute and seemingly harmless wrapper.
Universal Monsters
Funko really outdid themselves in paying homage to the greats: the original monsters that gave all of our modern ones so much to aspire to over the years. These Pops have been released in metallic, glow in the dark, black and white, and flocked variants. Several of those variants are available in sets featured exclusively at high profile conventions.
Michael Myers

The most famous and storied slasher on the list, Michael Myers was on the fast track to become a Pop and has had several chase variants to his name. Honestly though I prefer the vanilla version, unless there’s a blood splattered version I haven’t heard about.
Now for our top Horror Pop…
A Grudge Match!
Freddy Krueger
Jason Voorhees
Without a doubt, Funko knew was it was doing making these 2 the first Horror classics to get their Pops. The fight between Freddy and Jason has been legendary, and so closely matched that even Hollywood called it a draw. It’s a classic match against sadistic brains versus unstoppable brawn. This year this also released a shirt to honor the blood feud between Freddy and Jason.
So who do you think would win, Freddy or Jason? Sound off in the comments, and Happy Halloween! Don’t forget to try our Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition. Any other off-beat Halloween suggestions to throw our way? You can let us know on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server!