It’s Halloween time, and today I am counting down my top favorite horror Pops that represent the season. It’s easy to say Funko is a huge fan of the horror genre considering the dozens of Pops they’ve designed and then the legion of variants of those Pops. Some of these were tough choices and some are still fighting it out!
To start the list is a classic staple minion monster, the Deadite, raised from the Necronomicon in Army of Darkness by our favorite B-Movie hero, Ash. This monster provides scares and laughs as you watch them get blown apart and then complain about coming to pieces.
Bicycle Girl Zombie

Probably the most well known zombie in the Walking Dead universe, this is one of the few zombies in the series to have existed in both the comics and television. Bicycle Girl is so famous that they even made a story about how she became zombified after she appeared on The Walking Dead season 1.

Clive Barker’s famous monster has spawned nearly countless stories of pain and suffering about those who try to meddle with Pinhead. The figure itself isn’t too intricate but it’s a marked achievement that they got something so evil into Pop form and it still retains elements that are both cute and horrifying.
The first official slasher on our list, this guy had some stiff competition with Ghostface from the Scream movies, but hey, I like chainsaws so he wins. Neither one has many variants, but considering how much impact Leatherface has on creating new generations of horror stories, including Scream, it’s tough not to consider his Pop.

Twisty’s is one of the most intense stories out of American Horror Story, and for that he was rewarded with his own Pop. They even gave him a special limited edition “Freddy” version, and another San Diego Comic Con variant tacked onto that. The only other clown that I might have considered would have been Pennywise from It, but I think Funko did a much better job making Twisty than they did King’s clown of nightmares.

Arguably the main character and storyteller for the most iconic Halloween movie anthology to date, Trick r’ Treat, Sam is the spirit of Halloween, and if you don’t play by the rules you’re on his list. His Pop isn’t too intricate, but that’s part of the fun: you’d never expect such a powerful and evil being in a cute and seemingly harmless wrapper.
Universal Monsters
Funko really outdid themselves in paying homage to the greats: the original monsters that gave all of our modern ones so much to aspire to over the years. These Pops have been released in metallic, glow in the dark, black and white, and flocked variants. Several of those variants are available in sets featured exclusively at high profile conventions.
Michael Myers

The most famous and storied slasher on the list, Michael Myers was on the fast track to become a Pop and has had several chase variants to his name. Honestly though I prefer the vanilla version, unless there’s a blood splattered version I haven’t heard about.
Now for our top Horror Pop…
A Grudge Match!
Freddy Krueger
Jason Voorhees
Without a doubt, Funko knew was it was doing making these 2 the first Horror classics to get their Pops. The fight between Freddy and Jason has been legendary, and so closely matched that even Hollywood called it a draw. It’s a classic match against sadistic brains versus unstoppable brawn. This year this also released a shirt to honor the blood feud between Freddy and Jason.
So who do you think would win, Freddy or Jason? Sound off in the comments, and Happy Halloween! Don’t forget to try our Ten Family Friendly Halloween Movies to help lull the kiddos into a candy coma! Afterward, you can set the mood with Five Albums to Flesh Out Your Halloween Playlist and huddle under the covers with Netflix and Chilling – Halloween Movie Edition. Any other off-beat Halloween suggestions to throw our way? You can let us know on Twitter @SubCultured or come party like its 1599 in our Discord server!
Bright lights.
Eh, decent sized city.
This is the first convention for us in 2013, and it’s one hell of a doozy! Put on by the good folks of Dallas, this year’s Sci-Fi Expo promises to be like no other. With several cast members from Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, AND Back to the Future, let’s just say we are squeeing at sonic levels. It’s one thing to snag “Extra #3 from the pilot episode of The Walking Dead (I’m not saying they got this person), but it’s quite another to get the badass with the sword, the lady who brings Michonne to life, Danai Gurira.
Hold your horses, you’re not a Walking Dead fan? How about you calm the hell down and then get excited all over again for CHRISTOPHER FUCKIN’ LLOYD? Um, yes please! He will be joined by BTTF alum, Lea Thompson, who played the hottest mom in science fiction movies for quite a while.
Are you still not impressed, readers?
Comic lovers who missed George Perez the last time due to ridiculous lines, have no worry for he is back and willing to sign anything your heart desires along with Adam Hughes, Michael Golden, and Joe Eisma!
We hope you join us on February 9th and 10th…more than likely we’ll be snapping photos of cosplayers or buying the odd Star Wars toy, but we will be there so come say hi!
Sci-Fi Expo will be held at the Irving Convention Center and tickets can be purchased here for a whopping $20!
I remember the first time I read about MIB3. I was torn between wanting to watch Tommy Lee Jones on screen (where have you BEEN!?) and not wanting to watch Will Smith (I haven’t really dug his recent flicks). Sure, the nostalgia would be fantastic and I’d be humming “Men in Black” as I went to purchase my tickets but then I watched the trailer and I was kinda eh…What do you think? – YouTube
We all know how hard it can be to shop for that special geek in your heart, so I decided to compile a list of ten gifts that could help you in your endeavor. Happy shopping!
1. For the one who’s always in the kitchen, I suggest this SUPER AWESOME MAGIC WAND SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS!
can be found at (more…)
We all know the internet is full of useful information, be it how to stick a glass jar in your asshole, or how to steam a fish fillet in a dishwasher. This is not quite the stuff I like to look for generally (aw, who am I kidding…it totally is) BUT this week seemed to be ripe with all kinds of stuff I love so without further ado, here is the stuff I’ve found interesting so far this week! (more…)
One thing you hear a lot as a fan of comics is, “What do I need to read first, if I want to get into comics.” Personally, I’m of the belief that you don’t really have wade through hundreds of back issues just to start reading comics. In all honesty, they do a pretty good job on their own creating starting points. Still, most people insist on having some knowledge of the universe before jumping in, or just a sample of how comics run in general. It’s not that simple though, everyone has their niche of comics they enjoy, some like capes, and some like noir stories. There are Marvel fans, and then DC Fans. Last week, when asked this question, my friend looked at me confused as I buried her with a barrage of questions, before cutting me off and saying,”No, I know nothing of comics…just give me a damn top 10.” Well poo. Still, I said fine and quickly wrote out a list for her. Thankfully, it worked and she’s now an avid fan of comics! So, I re-examined that list, tweaked it a bit and decided to make it an official thing. So I bring forth to you today, my definitive top ten trade paperbacks that you should own as a fan of comics!