It is a truth universally acknowledged that The Lion King is one of the best Disney movies ever made- it cracks the top 5 without a doubt. So when it was announced that it would be making a two and a half week return to theaters, there was no question that I’d be going and singing along to every song (and making up the lyrics to The Circle of Life). The only variable in the equation was the amount of griping I’d do about the seventeen dollar price tag.
Have another truth: I’ve rarely ever found 3D movies worth the extra bucks. In this case, I’d have to admit it was damn cool to see the opening sequence pop on the big screen. I’d even go as far as to say it was beautiful. Now, The Lion King was a staple from my childhood, so my griping levels ended up being at a minimum. However, maybe you’re more of an Aladdin kind of dude, or maybe (heaven forbid) The Rescuers is more your style. If the Lion King never revved your childhood’s whimsy, then I won’t blame you for skipping it- especially since bringing a popcorn-sucking date may end up running you forty bucks or more. Unlike when they released Beauty and the Beast last year, the Lion King wasn’t a sing-along (also known as the most fun you will EVER have at a movie that isn’t Rocky Horror).
All in all, I had a great time and I’m wishing all over a star for Disney to keep up these rereleases.
I agree. I happily went to revisit Lion King in theaters with my now 19 year old baby. We even, nerdily, dug out her old cherished stuffed lions and brought em too. (they still smelled like sour milk and kid.) ahhhh memories!
I admit, too, I grumbled at forking over the extra cash for the unwanted and no choice of a 3d remake. My usual experience being it’s a gyp (sp??) and just another way to foul up what was already perfect and make me pay more for the privilege (didn’t they ten years ago recolor and add previously cut crappy song??)
But we went and the 3D was lovely. Honest. So if you are thinking about going, go. Tres fun.
Disney, next time do 3D if you must but also do “sing along” I agree with DeadRabbit, THAT was fun on a bun with a packed movie audience totally into it.
Caution parents of little ones. If your tyke can’t sit through an entire movie at home, they won’t suddenly develop the attention span to do it in a theater. Anticipate that. Know too that if your kiddie won’t wear the 3D glasses, even the special-cool-lion king-kid-kind, for the entire movie and pulls them off and keeps dropping them on the sticky dark floor, all they will see on screen is a blurry mess! Then they lose interest and More Whinning. Save yourself some big bucks and just make it a movie night with the DVD at home.
Oh one more thing.. Hearing a new generation of preschoolers crack up with you at the Pumba Fart jokes… Priceless!!
I really like the movie lion king, i always watched it when i was younger. ..
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