No, seriously. I do not understand any reaction to the Muppets besides overwhelming glee and excitement. In fact, it confuses me when, occasionally, someone will tell me that they’re indifferent towards, or “never got into” the Muppets. Especially when that person claims the reasoning behind their indifference is age–you are never too young or old for the Muppets, but I’ve heard arguments for both cases.
I don’t know who the “target” audience was for the newest Muppet movie, besides perhaps people who enjoy smiling. I’m 23 and I loved the film. My 13 and 16 year old sisters also loved it so much they texted me making sure I had seen it. Apparently, my parents even enjoyed themselves. I don’t think love for the Muppets is an age thing.
So if someone could explain how “Are you a Man or a Muppet” could possibly be described as disturbing, or how Fox News could decide that the Muppets have some kind of brainwashing agenda… I would really appreciate it.
This is actually part of a bigger concern of mine, which is a general loss of positive opinions, especially on the internet. When did we stop being allowed to like things? I’m all for critical thinking and inspection of our entertainment, but does that always have to conclude with a big fat “THIS IS HORRIBLE FOR EVERYONE BECAUSE OF REASONS”?
I can understand and empathize with cynicism. I don’t, however, understand the frequency with which it gets doled out, especially by some of us geeks. If there’s anything in the world that should be able to make even the most devout cynic smile, it’s the Muppets. And who cares if “Are You a Man or a Muppet” isn’t realistic–I don’t think the Muppets have ever really gone for realism.
I whole heartingly agree
i like all muppets. except fozzy. i hate fozzy.
I love the muppets and therefore love other fellow muppet fans. :)
I am indifferent when it comes to muppets…. :)
I never liked talking toys..
I don’t hate the Muppets. I just hate Muppet fans.
I have been a life long Muppet fan and am a puppeteer myself. Some people just have it in their mind that puppets are for little kids…which is exactly what Jim Henson didn’t want. That’s why he was hesitant to work on Sesame Street. His work on that show is brilliant, and is in no way just for kids. But “The Muppet Show” was not done with kids in mind. Kids enjoy it, but the humor was always aimed at adults. I thought the new movie was fantastic and I can’t wait for what is next for The Muppets!
Have you read the “Parent’s Guide” for the new Muppet movie on IMDB? It’s pretty funny.