There is a fuck ton of 3DS news, because Nintendo held it’s 3DS conference today at the Tokyo Game Show (Go figure). Anyways, no time for chatter, here we-a go!
First off, Monster Hunter 4 will be coming to 3DS!

Do you want this game? Because it wants you.
Last week it was announced Monster Hunter Tri would be coming to 3DS with extras, and now a whole new title! Characters will now be able to freely climb up hills, mountains, etc and that is meant to add a new level of depth to the game. Sounds interesting!
Here is some early concept footage.
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.Hit the jump to see so many new 3DS announcements that it is exhausting. And plenty of screenshots too.
Next, this November the 3DS will be updating the system to allow 3D video recording!! EFF YES.

Don't shave people while they sleep.... just don't
Now I can wake my friends up with shaving cream in 3-D!!
Next up, if anyone has played Culdcept Saga it is coming to 3DS, though no word on if it will come stateside yet.
Originally on Xbox Live it was like a combination of Monopoly and AWESOME.
The next one up is Animal Crossing for 3DS. I never played the original, but is there any fans reading this?

Can anyone explain what this means to me?
Next up is the news that the soon to be released Mario Kart 7 for 3DS will allow you to play in first person mode and use the gyroscopic controls to move. …. Neat. The new Super Mario Bros game for 3DS will also let you use gyroscopic controls to find secrets. The only problem I see with gyroscopic controls is that since the 3-d uses a precise “sweet spot” to view it, moving the system around while playing will make 3-d look like a blurry mess. We’ll see.
Did I mention you get a hangglider in this game?
Sad news next…. The new Kid Icarus Uprising for 3DS has been delayed until summer. That’s okay though.. Take your time Nintendo and make it perfect! Until then they will be releasing free 3D Kid Icarus animations. Hmmm, not quite what I wanted, but whatever.

I am hype for this game. Expect to hear more of this title in the future.
ANDDDDD LUIGI’S MANSION 2, LUIGI’S MANSION 2, LUIGI’S MANSION 2! Sorry… Anyways there is a nice amount of new screenshots for LUIGI’S MANSION 2 in the gallery below.

Despite the fact that the original was too easy and short, it still had incredible charm.
And Paper Mario is coming to 3DS…. I’m running out of excitement juice. How many things did they announce today?!

Dynasty Warriors is coming to 3DS now too. Nintendo, you have outdone yourself. I know some people who will eat this shit right up.

In this game you will be probably doing the same thing as the past 3, 427 games.... but IN 3-D
There’s also a new IP that looks really pretty called…. Bravely Default Flying Fairy…. okay ignore the name because SquareEnix made it and they suck with names, but make incredible games. Seriously, have you heard all the Kingdom Hearts spin-off titles? Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 365/2 Day Super Clown Showdown. You get the picture. But watch the trailer.
You can find the videos here
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater for 3DS has some new screenshots out too….

He is gonna sneak up on you and kill you. Sorry, forgot to say spoilers.
And if you own a 3DS, Zelda 4 Swords will be free to download on September 28th until February 20th

It's not a dress, it's a tunic
If you are a fan of watching the Sonic series try and crawl out of the grave it has dug for itself, then why not check out Sonic Generations for the 3DS. Call me cautiously pessimistic as Sonic games have been pretty bad in recent years.

Maybe if there is two of us, people will like us better?
There’s also news that Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS will be using the newly announced analog nub for better controls. Yay. The new nub will be 20$ and will only work on certain games. Looks cool to me.
Kotaku took some pictures of the new 3DS nub and it looks a lot like an xbox 360 controller in my opinion. I’m quite happy with how the design turned out.

Looks like it will be a comfy grip
And seriously…. too much 3DS news for me in one day. I’m in shock. Look below for a mountain of screenshots from all these games.
I am okay with this as I need more friends with 3DS’s to play with =) And that new Monster Hunter looks really fun!