Remember last ship when I was basking in how easy it was to find community swag to support Catwoman/Batman? Well apparently I crave the pain, so this week we’re back to an out of left field ship that holds a special place in my heart. Something even sillier? One of the pair has been dead since he was dreamed up by a probably deranged children’s book author in 1939. It wasn’t until 1995 however, that Casper met Kat Harvey and forgot all about that no-account bitch, Wendy, and captured my young heart.
For those of you unfamiliar with this classic nineties film of my childhood, here’s the skinny: Kat and her ghost whispering father move in to a mansion infested with spirits, one of which is the friendly but lonely dead boy Casper (Creepiest Ship Yet?).Kat’s dad is hired to help the spirits sort out their “unfinished business” and move on to the after life which is also known as “get the fuck out of this rich lady’s mansion.” Luckily Kat is a dark and alternative type of gal who ensnares all of Casper’s non-functioning organs.
Their relationship starts off rocky, with Casper possessing all of the awkwardness of an eternal 13-year old and Kat’s perfectly natural fear of talking to dead things. However, they eventually work past their problems and strike up a wonderful friendship despite Dr. Harvey’s attempt to exorcise young Kat’s only friend.
The pair seem to be fated to remain firmly in the friend zone due to Casper’s unfortunate non-corporeal affliction. Oh, did I forget to mention that Casper’s father was an mad scientist and built a Lazarus Pit type-machine to resurrect his dead son? I did? Sorry. But hey, maybe that means they’re not so doomed! Just kidding. Kat develops a crush on the coolest kid in town and forbids Casper from attending the party she plans to throw in his house. How does Casper react? Why, by continuing to do sweet things for her like taking her flying and giving her his mother’s dress to wear to her costume ball. What a standup ghost.
Casper still has hopes that Kat will want his bod once, you know, he has one, and plans to use his father’s one-shot life machine on himself so that the two can live in pre-teen bliss. That is, until Kat’s father is out being a drunk asshole and dies(what a fucked up movie). Casper decides that Dr. Harvey “needs it” more than he does and gives him use of the machine. The machine that can only work once. THAT MACHINE. Casper then urges Kat to go up and enjoy the party she’s missing. Yeah, that’s right. Casper gives her father his only chance at living and then tells the girl of his dreams to go have fun with her other date who only asked her out to be a dick. The most perfect guy in the world is not only 12, but very much dead. There’s no hope for us, ladies and so-inclined gentlemen.
Because film gods are sometimes benevolent, Casper is granted a boon from Kat’s dead mother (who is apparently in charge of such things) for being so fucking awesome. In a Cinderella-type deal, Casper is given a body to attend the party with until ten (since he’s only 12, he doesn’t get the ’til midnight deal) and then I suppose he gets to die again. He uses these precious few minutes alive to dance with Kat so she doesn’t look like such a lame at her own party. End movie.
You may ask what exactly we get out of this depressing pre-teen ship? Well I’ll sum it up with one picture and four words:

“Can I Keep You?”
-Yeah, sorry Dad. You’ll just have to stay dead. I’m going with Casper.
And thus a million 12 year-olds were in love.
Like any good ship, you know you want MORE and I’ll do my best to give it to you. Check out the swag and other goodies below.
Can I Keep You Shirt can be found here for $23.95
Can I Keep You Necklace can be found here for $12.00
On Deviant
Unfinished Business by xx.I’mAHotMess.xx- Let go.” she commanded, a warning in her voice. “Then don’t go.” he whispered softly in her ear. She shivered a little and suddenly tensed up as she tried unsuccessfully to pry his fingers from her wrist.
Can I Keep You? by Under the Blackened Sky-This story is a continuation of where the 1995 Casper movie left off. He had his dream come true that night. It was everything he could ask for…and yet…it was not enough. His lips still tingled from his kiss with Kat.
Won’t lie. I love the Casper movie.
esta re bueno el actor de casper XD
Wow, writing the Plot that way was not only horrifying, but total crack XD loved it!
I also grew up with this movie; First time I saw it I had just entered elementary. It was funny and kinda scarry… as a young teen I too fell in love with human Casper ♡♡ But now as an adult (with a sondern of my own) I think of it more of a tragedy than a fun movie. Still love it, but imagening all the grieve and psychological Trauma… A true masterpiece!