Now that the DC52 have all been released and I’ve had a chance to read all of the #1s, I’ve come to the conclusion that not all of these have staying power. I am in no way an expert on comics; I just happen to work in a comic shop and read them regularly. These are in no particular order and by all means, leave your opinions in the comments :) These are also purely based off of my first impression after reading them through once.
Hawk and Dove – I reviewed this in one of my comic review YouTube videos while helping out Crabby in September, and it was pretty lackluster. The art and story were both pretty disappointing and I didn’t even spare the second issue a glance when it was released today.
I, Vampire – This is another that I covered in a YouTube video and this one was very angsty. Definitely seemed geared to either someone much more girly than I am or perhaps someone in their teens. I am unsure if I’ll read the second issue. Art was great but the story just wasn’t pulling me in.
Batwing – Every time I touch this comic I think of the scene in Waiting when the cook demonstrates how to stretch ball skin out so it looks like a bat wing. That certainly doesn’t help a boring story line. Perhaps my opinion would be different had I liked the Batman, Inc series.
Static Shock – I was never a fan of Static Shock and I’m not a fan now. DC just can’t make Virgil interesting enough for me.

Mister Terrific – Bland all around. The story TRIED to be interesting by throwing in a little twist at the end but hell, even seeing Powergirl in a fuck buddy cameo wasn’t enough.
Captain Atom – If I want my comic drawn in color pencil, I’d create my own. This story I actually enjoyed a little bit but the horrendous art took away from it. I say horrendous in the nicest way possible. I’m sure Williams is a great artist but I’d rather see something beautiful than something I could have created.
Legion Lost – There’s no need for TWO Legion titles so I think this is the one that’ll kick the bucket. This is the least picked up title at my shop.
Red Lanterns – I enjoy Atrocitus as much as the next girl and while right this second I think the story line is okay, I don’t know if it has staying power. I hope it sticks around but I’m not sure if a different colored lantern is pulling in enough readers to continue for long.
Batman: The Dark Knight – This is the least exciting of the Bat Family titles (Batwing aside) and you know, when you follow on the heels of Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing, and Batwoman….yeah, I don’t think there’s room for you. It is drawn beautifully but with a less than stellar first issue, it doesn’t look good.
Need visual. Forgot titles. Too early in morning, brain no function without peektures.
i’ll add pictures for you, sweet girl!
I agree with pretty much all of these, but I liked I, Vampire, and I’m a 27-year-old male, so I don’t really fit into the groups that you felt like would like it. I’m interested about what you thought was so angsty and teen-focused about it, because I felt like it wasn’t those things specifically. In a review I wrote of it, I talked about how happy I was that it wasn’t “Twilight meets Superheroes”, which sounds kind of like what you felt it was.
Also, I see Red Hood and the Outlaws getting cancelled pretty early on.
i was totally excited for i, vampire because from the sound of it, it seemed like justice was gonna be done to vampires for once and the art certainly proved that but i dunno…there seems to be so much revenge and vindictiveness from mary and i guess i was expected something a little LESS love focused :/ that’s probably my own damn fault :) i’m glad YOU like it and i in no way meant to offend ya cause i said i thought it was for teenage girls.
Oh, I wasn’t offended. I just find it interesting when two people read the same thing and have completely different feelings toward it. I agree that the art was probably the best part of the book, but I felt like the writing was good, too. I think the love focus was more to hit home the constant conflict Andrew is going through. It might have been a little heavy handed and overdone, but I liked it.
I think Hawk and Dove was the worst title I read. It’s like Rob Liefeld corrupted Sterling Gates, who is an otherwise fine writer, at least in my experience.
Also, I was going to ask, since you talk about the title you think aren’t going to make it here, what are the titles you think have been the best so far? Maybe you answered this somewhere else on the blog and I just didn’t find it (though I did look). Sorry if I missed it, and you can just point me in that direction.
I will post THAT article up along with Crabby in a couple of days so keep an eye peeled for it :D
Batwing is soooo dope though! Also, I surprisingly liked I, Vampire. Static I could see getting canned, same for Red Lanterns…even though I love it.
I actually really like Batwing and Batman: The Dark Knight. Both really good stories. And Milligan on Red Lanterns means it’s going to stay around awhile. I like it a lot too. But everything else is trash. LoL. I didn’t see Grifter or Blackhawks there either. Is anyone reading that?
i didn’t put them on my list just because they have a decent story line as of issue #2. will i personally be buying it and collecting it? fuck no, but that doesn’t mean no one will. i suppose that can go for everything on my list and as much as i love the ever cuddly atrocitus, i don’t think the masses do so my hopes aren’t high.